Anti-Islam Cartoon Prompts France to Close Embassies


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
A French magazine's decision to publish cartoons depicting a naked Prophet Mohammad triggered a new wave of fears at embassies in Europe, even as anger at the west continued to sweep through the Muslim world.

France announced Wednesday it will close 20 embassies in Arab and Muslim nations after the weekly Charlie Hebdo published the controversial cartoons. The images threaten to further inflame Muslim protesters and terror groups, who have demonstrated against the U.S. at embassies around the world since an anti-Islam film went viral last week.

The French Foreign Ministry issued a travel warning Wednesday urging French citizens in the Muslim world to exercise "the greatest vigilance," avoiding public gatherings and "sensitive buildings" such as those representing the West or religious sites. At the same time, the country -- which has western Europe's largest Muslim population -- plunged into new debate over the limits to free speech in a modern democracy

Read more: France shutters embassies as anti-Islam cartoon spurs fears of new backlash | Fox News
You know America will be blamed for this too.

The reason is that obama's foreign policy is in tatters. There is no purpose, no reason. He's just out and out failed.
I cant believe im saying this, but it looks like the French government is being much wiser than our government is.
We are giving them the power to act as they are, so they will continue on.
These same groups mock other religions, but get upset when its done to them.
Why would they close embassies?? The Left keep regularly regurgitating the notion that Islam is a Religion of Peace and after all, it's only a small minority that are whacko.......If it's such a small MINORITY , why can't the big MAJORITY stop them and shut them up??? Mmmm...makes ya think don't it?

It also shoes that there ARE others out there that have a spine....Unlike the governments..
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I'm not sure if linking to the cartoons is allowed here since they are pretty graphic. They are certainly intended to be as offensive as possible. Quite bigoted. If Jesus Christ were substituted in those cartoons, especially the one where he is on all fours, there'd be a billion pissed off Christians right now. But hey, it's Islam so it is okay, amiright?

Why would they close embassies?? The Left keep regularly regurgitating the notion that Islam is a Religion of Peace and after all, it's only a small minority that are whacko.......If it's such a small MINORITY , why can't the big MAJORITY stop them and shut them up??? Mmmm...makes ya think don't it?

It also shoes that there ARE others out there that have a spine....Unlike the governments..

please provide proof that the left does as you claim.
Fox network and the watchers have no problem with Fox news being invested by Muslim dollars, and refuses to insult Islam.
The French socialist running their country shows more intelligence than Obamination by locking down their Embassies, when our Embassies in islamic countries weren't ready for an attack on "9-11."

I could understand if we got a surprise attack in Peru by islamic wackos that snuck to Latin America, but freaking Libya is on the Top 10 list of terror targets.
What's necessary is a world wide everybody insult mohammed day. Every country that has a modicum of respect for free speech should have entire populations insulting mohammed, in picture, word even songs.
What's necessary is a world wide everybody insult mohammed day. Every country that has a modicum of respect for free speech should have entire populations insulting mohammed, in picture, word even songs.
Sounds like a plan..........

Maybe you should help organize it. :cool:
I'm not sure if linking to the cartoons is allowed here since they are pretty graphic. They are certainly intended to be as offensive as possible. Quite bigoted. If Jesus Christ were substituted in those cartoons, especially the one where he is on all fours, there'd be a billion pissed off Christians right now. But hey, it's Islam so it is okay, amiright?


The difference is pissed off christians fire off a sternly written letter, or you end up with 10 old ladies holding home-made signs in front of said publisher calling them a big meanie.

You wouldnt have hundreds of christians trying to destroy an embassy building, or ruin a neighborhood, or kill an ambassador.
What's necessary is a world wide everybody insult mohammed day. Every country that has a modicum of respect for free speech should have entire populations insulting mohammed, in picture, word even songs.

i dont see why that is necessary at all. Im not going to say something just to be controversial and say it. Im not going to stop others from doing it, but I dont believe in saying trashy things.
At least France closed their embassies when threatend. obama served up our ambassador for his murder on a silver platter.
I'm not sure if linking to the cartoons is allowed here since they are pretty graphic. They are certainly intended to be as offensive as possible. Quite bigoted. If Jesus Christ were substituted in those cartoons, especially the one where he is on all fours, there'd be a billion pissed off Christians right now. But hey, it's Islam so it is okay, amiright?


Ya cause those Christians would riot, murder burn and destroy right? Care to name the last time Western Christians rioted over affronts to the religion?
I'm not sure if linking to the cartoons is allowed here since they are pretty graphic. They are certainly intended to be as offensive as possible. Quite bigoted. If Jesus Christ were substituted in those cartoons, especially the one where he is on all fours, there'd be a billion pissed off Christians right now. But hey, it's Islam so it is okay, amiright?


Some so called "artist" put a crucifix in a bottle filled with urine? Did anyone riot?

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