Anti-Islam Cartoon Prompts France to Close Embassies

Oh come on.... we need to produce a nice porn parody about muhammad

Get some nice of age woman who looks like she is about 7.... and they can have at it. .

Sorry. I'm just sick of shit like him. If he's really a Muslim American, he comes here and shits on everything this country offers and still sides with his prehistoric countrymen back home. He's shooting his mouth off on a message board while advocating the violence back home. Then he subtly whines that he's persecuted.

He probably danced on his roof on 9/11.
A French magazine's decision to publish cartoons depicting a naked Prophet Mohammad triggered a new wave of fears at embassies in Europe, even as anger at the west continued to sweep through the Muslim world.

France announced Wednesday it will close 20 embassies in Arab and Muslim nations after the weekly Charlie Hebdo published the controversial cartoons. The images threaten to further inflame Muslim protesters and terror groups, who have demonstrated against the U.S. at embassies around the world since an anti-Islam film went viral last week.

The French Foreign Ministry issued a travel warning Wednesday urging French citizens in the Muslim world to exercise "the greatest vigilance," avoiding public gatherings and "sensitive buildings" such as those representing the West or religious sites. At the same time, the country -- which has western Europe's largest Muslim population -- plunged into new debate over the limits to free speech in a modern democracy

Read more: France shutters embassies as anti-Islam cartoon spurs fears of new backlash | Fox News
What?! Muslims are "upset" again? It's our fault, you know! We must apologize, and then...head for the hills! Here come all the "peaceful" Muslims!









Why would they close embassies?? The Left keep regularly regurgitating the notion that Islam is a Religion of Peace and after all, it's only a small minority that are whacko.......If it's such a small MINORITY , why can't the big MAJORITY stop them and shut them up??? Mmmm...makes ya think don't it?

It also shoes that there ARE others out there that have a spine....Unlike the governments..

Moron who knows nothing. The few have always been in power over the many, especially in these Islamic nations where government and military is in disarray. Take Libya, whose army is less than two years old. You have an unarmed populace, and a small number of badly trained specialists. Countries like this are a perfect example of how a minority of militant individuals can operate without consequence.
Sounds like a smart move by the French government. :cool:


Because you KNOW what animals the Muslims are...

Everyone was nice and respectful to him until I got here. But did you see his reply prior to my arrival. He advocated the violence as if what. Yet he pretends to be a "Patriotic Muslim American"

That's what coddling Muslims gets you. Where would you guess his loyalty lies?
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Sounds like a smart move by the French government. :cool:


Because you KNOW what animals the Muslims are...

Everyone was nice and respectful to him until I got here. But did you see his reply prior to my arrival. He advocated the violence as if what. Yet he pretends to be a "Patriotic Muslim American"

That's what coddling Muslims gets you.

Well he can pretend all he wants. We know better.
I'm sure your boy friend does that every night. :lol: :lol:

No but I bet your camel enjoys yours.
Sorry fudge packer, but I don't own a camel.

Although, I once saw one at a zoo. :eusa_angel:

For someone opposed to homosexuality you sure are obsessed with anal goings on and balls. :D You may not own one but I'd bet you slept with one.

Let's've insulted gays and African Americans so far. But you're a man of peace...persecuted by big bad Satan.
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You mean tent! Or is it the Mosque we foolishly allow you to build. That way you can plan jihad under the pretense of praying.
Nope, the gated suburban community where I live has a covenant restriction against tents and other non permanent structures. :cool:
I'm not sure if linking to the cartoons is allowed here since they are pretty graphic. They are certainly intended to be as offensive as possible. Quite bigoted. If Jesus Christ were substituted in those cartoons, especially the one where he is on all fours, there'd be a billion pissed off Christians right now. But hey, it's Islam so it is okay, amiright?


I'm not sure if having Mo's name on here should be allowed? After all, he is pretty offensive.
You mean the followers of Mo and what they say and do isn't offensive or bigoted?
Somehow I don't think the Christian population would react so rabidly animalistic and childish...Maybe that's where we go wrong? Perhaps we should get out there and burn a few mosques....kill a few muslims? You know keep the balance......BUT, we won't because we are better than they are and don't rely on some pathetic cult to absolve us from the responsibility of our actions.....
It's Islam so it's ok?? Well, the way these morons conduct themselves I'd have to say YES...Fair game :badgrin:
You mean tent! Or is it the Mosque we foolishly allow you to build. That way you can plan jihad under the pretense of praying.
Nope, the gated suburban community where I live has a covenant restriction against tents and other non permanent structures. :cool:

But you're persecuted right? I'm done with you. Big bad Satan has been bad to you. Time to flush and move on. The rest can deal with you. I hope you meet your 72 virgins very soon. :razz::D

By the way, when did they start putting gates around outhouses/Johnny On The Spot?
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I know some of you will say I was harsh and nasty but remember this:

Quote: Originally Posted by Claudette
In this day and age the Muslims are the only religious group out there killing people.

Not that tens of thousands haven't died in religious wars. But thats in the past. No other religion right now is killing folks.

Just Muslims.

And? --Sunni Man

Even though he lives here and thrives here...killing means nothing to him. Yet he considers himself a "Persecuted Muslim American" That's what you get when you appease. You will never win them over no matter how nice you treat them or welcome them. Their loyalty is to Islam and they'll slit your throat over it. You witnessed it on a harmless message board. And remember too that he made that remark BEFORE I went on the attack. No denial from him..just a casual...And? if killing is nothing. And he and those like him live among you...maybe next door to you.
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I'm not sure if linking to the cartoons is allowed here since they are pretty graphic. They are certainly intended to be as offensive as possible. Quite bigoted. If Jesus Christ were substituted in those cartoons, especially the one where he is on all fours, there'd be a billion pissed off Christians right now. But hey, it's Islam so it is okay, amiright?


I'm not sure if having Mo's name on here should be allowed? After all, he is pretty offensive.
You mean the followers of Mo and what they say and do isn't offensive or bigoted?
Somehow I don't think the Christian population would react so rabidly animalistic and childish...Maybe that's where we go wrong? Perhaps we should get out there and burn a few mosques....kill a few muslims? You know keep the balance......BUT, we won't because we are better than they are and don't rely on some pathetic cult to absolve us from the responsibility of our actions.....
It's Islam so it's ok?? Well, the way these morons conduct themselves I'd have to say YES...Fair game :badgrin:

Why would they close embassies?? The Left keep regularly regurgitating the notion that Islam is a Religion of Peace and after all, it's only a small minority that are whacko.......If it's such a small MINORITY , why can't the big MAJORITY stop them and shut them up??? Mmmm...makes ya think don't it?

Moron who knows nothing. The few have always been in power over the many, especially in these Islamic nations where government and military is in disarray. Take Libya, whose army is less than two years old. You have an unarmed populace, and a small number of badly trained specialists. Countries like this are a perfect example of how a minority of militant individuals can operate without consequence.

Oh moron who knows everything :badgrin: So tell us all....How do you explain Pakistan, Indonesia, Sudan, Iran, Lebanon etc. etc?
Stop trying to convince your selective brain cell that these Jihadi murderers don't operate freely in most countrys...The facts tell a different story....Hell, they cause trouble in every country they set foot in including the US, UK, Netherlands, Sweden and France especially...

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