Anti-Islam Cartoon Prompts France to Close Embassies

I've seem Imam Rauf on some of the talk shows. He's a moderate. YOU however advocated violence earlier. You brushed it off as "no big deal". How does that fit with what you just posted.
I am a moderate also; and not once have I ever advocated violence on any posts. :cool:

Quote: Originally Posted by Sunni Man
Quote: Originally Posted by Claudette
In this day and age the Muslims are the only religious group out there killing people.

Not that tens of thousands haven't died in religious wars. But thats in the past. No other religion right now is killing folks.

Just Muslims.

So she says Muslims are killing folks and you flippantly reply "And?" as if it's no big deal to you.
And you altered what I wrote you little sand monkey.

If he altered your quote without acknowledging the change report his ass.

All that ever accomplished around here is to get the post moved to the Flame Zone. "We're" supposed to be different but he calls himself "A Patriotic Muslim American" and then supports the violence of Islam. I thought in the "we" ...he is included. So "we'll" just show him how much better "we" are than him by ignoring what he says. That's standing up to him.

"We" really showed him as he laughs in your face and jokes about the violence. And he's still doing it. He just flips off the violence of his religion as if it's just another day.

Sometimes I wonder why I bother. The Conservatives here are just as big a group of chicken shits and appeasers as those they criticize. I have news for some of you...he showed YOU that he can say what he wants and you just turn the other cheek and brush it off. Pick up your prizes at the door. You can't even stand up to a Muslim on a message board. I hope you never have to in the real world.


P.S. Save the lectures on it's just a message board. It isn't the point. Some of the trolls have more balls than those that consider them serious posters.

I don't think that's it at all Beretta.. I just don't see that holding a national insult Islam day is the right thing to do.. I'm sorry if you or anyone else has a problem with that. I wouldn't attend any kind of national insult a religion day..
If he altered your quote without acknowledging the change report his ass.

All that ever accomplished around here is to get the post moved to the Flame Zone. "We're" supposed to be different but he calls himself "A Patriotic Muslim American" and then supports the violence of Islam. I thought in the "we" ...he is included. So "we'll" just show him how much better "we" are than him by ignoring what he says. That's standing up to him.

"We" really showed him as he laughs in your face and jokes about the violence. And he's still doing it. He just flips off the violence of his religion as if it's just another day.

Sometimes I wonder why I bother. The Conservatives here are just as big a group of chicken shits and appeasers as those they criticize. I have news for some of you...he showed YOU that he can say what he wants and you just turn the other cheek and brush it off. Pick up your prizes at the door. You can't even stand up to a Muslim on a message board. I hope you never have to in the real world.


P.S. Save the lectures on it's just a message board. It isn't the point. Some of the trolls have more balls than those that consider them serious posters.

I don't think that's it at all Beretta.. I just don't see that holding a national insult Islam day is the right thing to do.. I'm sorry if you or anyone else has a problem with that. I wouldn't attend any kind of national insult a religion day..

I didn't call for a national insult day. If I want to insult I am perfectly capable of doing it by I myself!
And I'll make my last points as well.

You armchair "Conservatives" bitch about Obama all day long. "He's an appeaser, he's weak, he's this, he's that." "His policies favor the Muslims". "Islam is evil"

Your ambassador is murdered. Al Qaeda raises it's flag over your Consulate and you all blow smoke through your asses criticizing Obama.

Then some little punk ass Muslim, real or not is uncertain condones the violence... and what's your reaction? The very same reaction that you mock Obama over. "I'm gonna show him I'm better" "I'm not going to pick on his religion".

I fully understand that this is cyber-world. But some of you Conservatives don't even have enough courage of your very own convictions to speak up when someone spits on your so called principles.

Part of debating is sticking up for yourselves. You can't do it here so who can believe you have any convictions outside of here.

The Libs are right....some of you are nothing more than chicken hawks afraid to speak up on a cyber-world message board where there are no repercussions. I certainly wouldn't want to share a foxhole with you. win Sunni Man, a real Muslim or not...Americans, some of the ones here anyway...are cowardly infidels. You exposed some of the phony ones for what they are. You did what the Libs here couldn't. Showed that the very people that they call appeasers are merely mirror images of themselves.

Door prizes and marbles for hypocrisy can be picked up at the exits on the way out.

WTF???!! I still think islam is a violent backward religion but I'm not going to join in for a call to insult Islam and make it a national day.. SORRY.. That's fucked up. If you and others want to get together and meet in DC and stand outside with signs that insult Mohamed and Islam, that's your right to do so.. but don't throw a damn hissy fit and sling fucking arrows in the direction of us who exercise our freedom NOT to do that.
All that ever accomplished around here is to get the post moved to the Flame Zone. "We're" supposed to be different but he calls himself "A Patriotic Muslim American" and then supports the violence of Islam. I thought in the "we" ...he is included. So "we'll" just show him how much better "we" are than him by ignoring what he says. That's standing up to him.

"We" really showed him as he laughs in your face and jokes about the violence. And he's still doing it. He just flips off the violence of his religion as if it's just another day.

Sometimes I wonder why I bother. The Conservatives here are just as big a group of chicken shits and appeasers as those they criticize. I have news for some of you...he showed YOU that he can say what he wants and you just turn the other cheek and brush it off. Pick up your prizes at the door. You can't even stand up to a Muslim on a message board. I hope you never have to in the real world.


P.S. Save the lectures on it's just a message board. It isn't the point. Some of the trolls have more balls than those that consider them serious posters.

I don't think that's it at all Beretta.. I just don't see that holding a national insult Islam day is the right thing to do.. I'm sorry if you or anyone else has a problem with that. I wouldn't attend any kind of national insult a religion day..

I didn't call for a national insult day. If I want to insult I am perfectly capable of doing it by I myself!
You need to back off.. The post I replied to was about a NATIONAL INSULT ISLAM DAY.. I stated I wouldn't be a part of that it would make us NO FUCKING DIFFERENT than them burning our flag and shit.. I stand by that.
And I'll make my last points as well.

You armchair "Conservatives" bitch about Obama all day long. "He's an appeaser, he's weak, he's this, he's that." "His policies favor the Muslims". "Islam is evil"

Your ambassador is murdered. Al Qaeda raises it's flag over your Consulate and you all blow smoke through your asses criticizing Obama.

Then some little punk ass Muslim, real or not is uncertain condones the violence... and what's your reaction? The very same reaction that you mock Obama over. "I'm gonna show him I'm better" "I'm not going to pick on his religion".

I fully understand that this is cyber-world. But some of you Conservatives don't even have enough courage of your very own convictions to speak up when someone spits on your so called principles.

Part of debating is sticking up for yourselves. You can't do it here so who can believe you have any convictions outside of here.

The Libs are right....some of you are nothing more than chicken hawks afraid to speak up on a cyber-world message board where there are no repercussions. I certainly wouldn't want to share a foxhole with you. win Sunni Man, a real Muslim or not...Americans, some of the ones here anyway...are cowardly infidels. You exposed some of the phony ones for what they are. You did what the Libs here couldn't. Showed that the very people that they call appeasers are merely mirror images of themselves.

Door prizes and marbles for hypocrisy can be picked up at the exits on the way out.

WTF???!! I still think islam is a violent backward religion but I'm not going to join in for a call to insult Islam and make it a national day.. SORRY.. That's fucked up. If you and others want to get together and meet in DC and stand outside with signs that insult Mohamed and Islam, that's your right to do so.. but don't throw a damn hissy fit and sling fucking arrows in the direction of us who exercise our freedom NOT to do that.

Please don't put words in my mouth. I had my battle with Sunni Man right here. Nor did I call for any march or protest in DC or anywhere else. I have no idea what you are referring to.
Here is the entire context..for those who can't fucking read and jump my shit for no fucking reason:

Quote: Originally Posted by Katzndogz
What's necessary is a world wide everybody insult mohammed day. Every country that has a modicum of respect for free speech should have entire populations insulting mohammed, in picture, word even songs.i dont see why that is necessary at all. Im not going to say something just to be controversial and say it. Im not going to stop others from doing it, but I dont believe in saying trashy things.
Great post. I'm with you.. I'm not going to go out of my way just to insult people and their religion. This is getting out of hand. Not a sound idea and it's meaningless except to show hatred.. Aren't we suppose to be different?
Emphasis mine.
And I'll make my last points as well.

You armchair "Conservatives" bitch about Obama all day long. "He's an appeaser, he's weak, he's this, he's that." "His policies favor the Muslims". "Islam is evil"

Your ambassador is murdered. Al Qaeda raises it's flag over your Consulate and you all blow smoke through your asses criticizing Obama.

Then some little punk ass Muslim, real or not is uncertain condones the violence... and what's your reaction? The very same reaction that you mock Obama over. "I'm gonna show him I'm better" "I'm not going to pick on his religion".

I fully understand that this is cyber-world. But some of you Conservatives don't even have enough courage of your very own convictions to speak up when someone spits on your so called principles.

Part of debating is sticking up for yourselves. You can't do it here so who can believe you have any convictions outside of here.

The Libs are right....some of you are nothing more than chicken hawks afraid to speak up on a cyber-world message board where there are no repercussions. I certainly wouldn't want to share a foxhole with you. win Sunni Man, a real Muslim or not...Americans, some of the ones here anyway...are cowardly infidels. You exposed some of the phony ones for what they are. You did what the Libs here couldn't. Showed that the very people that they call appeasers are merely mirror images of themselves.

Door prizes and marbles for hypocrisy can be picked up at the exits on the way out.

WTF???!! I still think islam is a violent backward religion but I'm not going to join in for a call to insult Islam and make it a national day.. SORRY.. That's fucked up. If you and others want to get together and meet in DC and stand outside with signs that insult Mohamed and Islam, that's your right to do so.. but don't throw a damn hissy fit and sling fucking arrows in the direction of us who exercise our freedom NOT to do that.

Please don't put words in my mouth. I had my battle with Sunni Man right here. Nor did I call for any march or protest in DC or anywhere else. I have no idea what you are referring to.

Just who you were talking about "CONSERVATIVES" on this board who are no different than liberals???? COWARDS??????????
I don't think that's it at all Beretta.. I just don't see that holding a national insult Islam day is the right thing to do.. I'm sorry if you or anyone else has a problem with that. I wouldn't attend any kind of national insult a religion day..

I didn't call for a national insult day. If I want to insult I am perfectly capable of doing it by I myself!
You need to back off.. The post I replied to was about a NATIONAL INSULT ISLAM DAY.. I stated I wouldn't be a part of that it would make us NO FUCKING DIFFERENT than them burning our flag and shit.. I stand by that.

Don't tell me to back off. I'll say what I want, when I want, how I want and where I want.

I'm not really interested in what YOU want. I'm arguing with Sunni Man. If you want to interject yourself that's fine but don't tell me what I can read with my own eyes.

If you're responding to a National Insult Islam Day comment you won't find it in my post so no need to quote them and make a point that I didn't refer to.
Please don't put words in my mouth. I had my battle with Sunni Man right here. Nor did I call for any march or protest in DC or anywhere else. I have no idea what you are referring to.
I think that you are having a battle here with yourself and not me.

I am an American citizen and a veteren.

So I have just as much skin in this game as you do. :cool:
WTF???!! I still think islam is a violent backward religion but I'm not going to join in for a call to insult Islam and make it a national day.. SORRY.. That's fucked up. If you and others want to get together and meet in DC and stand outside with signs that insult Mohamed and Islam, that's your right to do so.. but don't throw a damn hissy fit and sling fucking arrows in the direction of us who exercise our freedom NOT to do that.

Please don't put words in my mouth. I had my battle with Sunni Man right here. Nor did I call for any march or protest in DC or anywhere else. I have no idea what you are referring to.

Just who you were talking about "CONSERVATIVES" on this board who are no different than liberals???? COWARDS??????????

Go apologize to someone. I'm trying to talk to Sunni man remember? If the shoe fits wear it!
I didn't call for a national insult day. If I want to insult I am perfectly capable of doing it by I myself!
You need to back off.. The post I replied to was about a NATIONAL INSULT ISLAM DAY.. I stated I wouldn't be a part of that it would make us NO FUCKING DIFFERENT than them burning our flag and shit.. I stand by that.

Don't tell me to back off. I'll say what I want, when I want, how I want and where I want.

I'm not really interested in what YOU want. I'm arguing with Sunni Man. If you want to interject yourself that's fine but don't tell me what I can read with my own eyes.

If you're responding to a National Insult Islam Day comment you won't find it in my post so no need to quote them and make a point that I didn't refer to.

Your melt down is here for everyone to see where you turned on your own calling names and hurling insults because you misread something. Instead of having the decency and humitlity to apologize, you come out of the fucking gate swinging.. I'm done.
Please don't put words in my mouth. I had my battle with Sunni Man right here. Nor did I call for any march or protest in DC or anywhere else. I have no idea what you are referring to.
I think that you are having a battle here with yourself and not me.

I am an American citizen and a veteren.

So I have just as much skin in this game as you do. :cool:

Okay, so when will you explain what "And? meant. BTW, so am I. No points for that.
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You need to back off.. The post I replied to was about a NATIONAL INSULT ISLAM DAY.. I stated I wouldn't be a part of that it would make us NO FUCKING DIFFERENT than them burning our flag and shit.. I stand by that.

Don't tell me to back off. I'll say what I want, when I want, how I want and where I want.

I'm not really interested in what YOU want. I'm arguing with Sunni Man. If you want to interject yourself that's fine but don't tell me what I can read with my own eyes.

If you're responding to a National Insult Islam Day comment you won't find it in my post so no need to quote them and make a point that I didn't refer to.

Your melt down is here for everyone to see where you turned on your own calling names and hurling insults because you misread something. Instead of having the decency and humitlity to apologize, you come out of the fucking gate swinging.. I'm done.

And you came here and started with me tonight. If you see yourself as one of those "conservatives" that I referred to then that's your problem not mine. I didn't mention anyone's name. Paranoid much?

I decide.

You're as nasty as I am and suddenly you're above it all. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Good for you!

Now if you don't mind I'd like to hear Sunni Man's reply to what I asked HIM, not you!
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I cant believe im saying this, but it looks like the French government is being much wiser than our government is.

Ya cause cowardice is always the way to go.

Not really seeing how closing the embassies, cutting off ties, and warning the citizens to be vigilant abroad is cowardice.

It's not cowardice. It's telling Muslims that they have freedom of speech and they will protect people when they exercise it.

Apologizing and ordering people to keep their mouths shut is what is cowardice. The terrorists believe Islam should be the only religion in the entire world and their stated goal is to rid the planet of infidels. When leaders cowtow to them and force people to respect Islam, and only Islam, by refraining from any criticism, it emboldens the radicals. They need to be taught a lesson, namely that there are other religions that are just as valid as theirs and if all those others can tolerate insults, so can they. Maybe Sharia law in their country allows them to strike out at non-believers, but Sharia law is non-existent in other countries. They must respect that.

The radicals believe they can eventually take over the world by immigrating to all countries and multiplying until they are the majority and can elect radical leaders who will declare Sharia law and anyone not obeying will meet a horrible fate. They don't care if it takes the next 200 years, they will continue to spread out and complain about how the people, other religions and laws of other countries are offensive.

While the majority of Muslims are not radical, they fear the radicals even more than we do because they understand the punishment for speaking out. They only know their religion and women only know how to be subserviant to the men. They will follow the most outspoken and strongest leaders, which are currently radical. While they may not feel the same, the fact that they will follow makes them just as dangerous. They don't speak out and condemn terrorists or openly show support for other non-Muslim countries. They just aren't wired that way and it makes it impossible for the rest of the world to distinguish the terrorists from the average person. Until such time as we can determine who is who, none should be trusted.

Hitlers followers were not violent by nature, but they silently went along. This has happened many times in history and will always happen again if we let it. We should all continue to practice freedom of speech and freedom of religion. We cannot allow them to dictate how we do things in our own country by threat of violence.

An American Muslim came to speak at the local college last week. He clarified that the koran does not state to kill infidels, but specifically to kill infidels who attempt to convert a Muslim to another religion. That is still radical because death is not an appropriate sentence for that. I would guess a Jehovah Witness wouldn't last long over there. The guy explained that terrorists, namely Osama, changed that passage to they will kill all infidels. Considering the radical Osama followers are the leaders (Muslim Brotherhood, for example), this new rule is what is being adopted.
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