Anti-Israel billboard causing controversy in Detroit

I think they would mange just find without our aid. If not, its time they learn to.

Isn't the aid given to Egypt and Jordan greater than the aid given to Israel?

Would you also cut all aid to the Muslim countries?

Didn't think so...

you believe Irosie name calling. I'm an American born to Americans , a Caucasian female raised as a RC. Any other questions, If I were an Iranian I would say so without a bit of shame, unlike the sneaky Jews who used different names to hide their identity, to this day.

Yeah, bullshit.

You're a Muzzie Beast, a liar for Allah.

No, but I can tell a Zionist when I meet one , in person or not. Do you just worship them or are you a Hebrew from a tribe and if so which one?
This was posted a few days ago - maybe in the Israel forum.

I don't see anything anti-Israel about it. I DO put my own country first and so does Israel.

What's wrong with that?

it is a vulgar INUENDO and nothing more. Of course vulgar people see
nothing wrong with it--------I was too young to vote for John Kennedy----but
I do have a recollection of similarly vulgar people hold signs -----"USA FIRST
-----SAY NO TO THE POPE". ------or------Kennedy "THE VATICAN's CHOICE".
There were no Catholics holding signs "VATICAN FIRST --VOTE KENNEDY"
just as there are no jews campaigning ISRAEL FIRST---DEATH TO THE USA----

of course there ARE islamo Nazis farting out by the MILLIONS ---

You think were all idiots and don't realize how your Zionist buddies control our congress with the media and their money. So many of our politicians know that AIPAC can make them or ruin them.

how old were you when you knew that DA JOOOOOS have all the money?
I think they would mange just find without our aid. If not, its time they learn to.

Isn't the aid given to Egypt and Jordan greater than the aid given to Israel?

Would you also cut all aid to the Muslim countries?

Didn't think so...

you believe Irosie name calling. I'm an American born to Americans , a Caucasian female raised as a RC. Any other questions, If I were an Iranian I would say so without a bit of shame, unlike the sneaky Jews who used different names to hide their identity, to this day.

Yeah, bullshit.

You're a Muzzie Beast, a liar for Allah.

No, but I can tell a Zionist when I meet one , in person or not. Do you just worship them or are you a Hebrew from a tribe and if so which one?

name your brothel, bitch
No, but I can tell a Zionist when I meet one , in person or not. Do you just worship them or are you a Hebrew from a tribe and if so which one?

Do Jooozzzz have horns? Use the blood of Arab babies to make Matzo with?

Oh, and you failed to answer, would you support cutting all aid to all Muslim Apartheid states? Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, etc?
This was posted a few days ago - maybe in the Israel forum.

I don't see anything anti-Israel about it. I DO put my own country first and so does Israel.

What's wrong with that?

it is a vulgar INUENDO and nothing more. Of course vulgar people see
nothing wrong with it--------I was too young to vote for John Kennedy----but
I do have a recollection of similarly vulgar people hold signs -----"USA FIRST
-----SAY NO TO THE POPE". ------or------Kennedy "THE VATICAN's CHOICE".
There were no Catholics holding signs "VATICAN FIRST --VOTE KENNEDY"
just as there are no jews campaigning ISRAEL FIRST---DEATH TO THE USA----

of course there ARE islamo Nazis farting out by the MILLIONS ---

You think were all idiots and don't realize how your Zionist buddies control our congress with the media and their money. So many of our politicians know that AIPAC can make them or ruin them.

I do know that you are an idiot. It is clear that you evaluate all of those you and
the American people VOTE into office are craven cowards and very dishonest scum
just as you are. "THE MEDIA" controls them? how? by remote control.
Are all of "your" people as illiterate as are you? Anyone can publish a newspaper
or a book or make a movie in the USA. The whole bulk of white trash can manage to come up with enough literate people to write and publish. How does
money CONTROL you and your fellow scum?
You Zionist are too nasty for me. Got to go , but just to let you know, I love the billboard.

A billboard in the Michigan city of Detroit that reads “America First Not Israel” is arousing accusations anti-Semitism.

The large sign, placed on the city’s 8 Mile Road, was paid for by “Deir Yassin Remembered,” a New York-based organization that has been posting similar signs throughout the country.

Although the metro-Detroit area has one of the largest Arab populations outside the Middle East, as well as a sizable Jewish community, the sign was placed in a part of the city that is neither predominantly Jewish nor Muslim.

In an interview with Detroit’s WXYZ radio, a Fox News affiliate, the Anti-Defamation League’s Heidi Budaj said that the ad and its choice of location is trying to “drive a wedge between the American people and the State of Israel.”

“This particular sign goes a step further and raises an old anti-Semitic canard of dual loyalty, implying that Jews are not loyal to the country in which they live,” Budaj said. “Make no mistake that, while many of the Jewish people in the United States support the State of Israel as a Jewish state, we are loyal Americans.”


It's a Muslim city, no real surprise.

No its not a Muslim city.

the issue would be which of your fellow islamo Nazi pigs PUT it there
You Zionist are too nasty for me. Got to go , but just to let you know, I love the billboard.

no accounting for tastes------lots of your colleagues loved to lick the ass of your
"god" adolf and got all bent out of shape whenever anyone mentioned his
"holy" name in vain
I think they would mange just find without our aid. If not, its time they learn to.

Isn't the aid given to Egypt and Jordan greater than the aid given to Israel?

Would you also cut all aid to the Muslim countries?

Didn't think so...

you believe Irosie name calling. I'm an American born to Americans , a Caucasian female raised as a RC. Any other questions, If I were an Iranian I would say so without a bit of shame, unlike the sneaky Jews who used different names to hide their identity, to this day.

Yeah, bullshit.

You're a Muzzie Beast, a liar for Allah.

No, but I can tell a Zionist when I meet one , in person or not. Do you just worship them or are you a Hebrew from a tribe and if so which one?

in the past you claimed that you do not know any jews-----what sort of Zionist and by what criteria can you "tell a... {gentile}.... Zionist when {you} meet one"?
in the past you claimed that you do not know any jews-----what sort of Zionist and by what criteria can you "tell a... {gentile}.... Zionist when {you} meet one"?

For the record, I was raised in a hyper-religious Baptist home. I am now agnostic, but I have no Jewish background.

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