Anti LGBTQ Politicians Who Are Closeted Gays

I have been pretty open to having gay friends. Only a homophobic bigot like yourself would consider that openness to be an 'admission'

Of course you have no idea what my friends say to me- or in private.

Just like I don't really know that your friends call blacks n*ggers and women c*nts- I was just presuming that their personalities would be complimentary to yours.

And when have you heard ME call blacks or women YOUR opinion of them? Go ahead. I'll wait. Look.

Why do you accept perversion into your own social circle? Are you like them in some way? In which ways are you similar?
She's probably a degenerate pervert like they are.

Stop projecting- we are not degenerate perverts like yourself.
Having sex with my wife and only my wife is nowhere near the definition of degeneracy, you backwards thinking numbskull.
How very odd- since I only have sex with my wife- and only my only wife- and you called me a degenerate pervert.

But of course i wasn't actually speaking about sex- because I don't have your kind of degenerate filthy mind.
The problem is - is that you want to control what other people think that disagree with you, that makes you a shit stain.
I have been pretty open to having gay friends. Only a homophobic bigot like yourself would consider that openness to be an 'admission'

Of course you have no idea what my friends say to me- or in private.

Just like I don't really know that your friends call blacks n*ggers and women c*nts- I was just presuming that their personalities would be complimentary to yours.

And when have you heard ME call blacks or women YOUR opinion of them? Go ahead. I'll wait. Look.

Why do you accept perversion into your own social circle? Are you like them in some way? In which ways are you similar?
She's probably a degenerate pervert like they are.

Stop projecting- we are not degenerate perverts like yourself.
Having sex with my wife and only my wife is nowhere near the definition of degeneracy, you backwards thinking numbskull.
How very odd- since I only have sex with my wife- and only my only wife- and you called me a degenerate pervert.

But of course i wasn't actually speaking about sex- because I don't have your kind of degenerate filthy mind.
You're a dyke? Now it all makes sense.... Well, for your information you don't have a wife, you are playing house.
Nobody has proven to me Homosexuality is equitable to heterosexuality, any more than pedophilia or bestiality. Sorry kids, Homosexuals make a lot of money and they might be creative and artistic as hell. They are wealthy and think their form of sexuality is rational, well we don't rationalize sexual dysfunctions of Harvey Weinstein or Kevin Spacey. Or even the likes or Charlie Rose.
True, Progressives want to force their political correctness on everybody.
Conservatives want to force their hateful, reactionary bigotry on everyone.
A real conservative/libertarian wants to be left alone and not forced into some fucked up incestuous collective like socialism...
Why don’t you guys keep your political Correctness to yourselves, the rest of us want nothing to do with the cancer

Shame then that none of you are 'real conservatives'- since you snowflakes are always whining about what you don't approve of others.
Nobody has proven to me Homosexuality is equitable to heterosexuality, any more than pedophilia or bestiality. Sorry kids, Homosexuals make a lot of money and they might be creative and artistic as hell. They are wealthy and think their form of sexuality is rational, well we don't rationalize sexual dysfunctions of Harvey Weinstein or Kevin Spacey. Or even the likes or Charlie Rose.
True, Progressives want to force their political correctness on everybody.
Conservatives want to force their hateful, reactionary bigotry on everyone.
No they don't. Leftists are always the aggressor in the culture wars. Nobody can prove that wrong.

Conservatives have always wanted to force their bigotry on everyone.

Which is why Conservatives for decades passed laws to put homosexuals in prison.

Because Conservatives are the aggressors in the culture war- opposing anything different from their interpretation of the 'norm'.
By definition, "progressives" are the aggressors against norms of society. You are too stupid to understand that, but it's true.
And when have you heard ME call blacks or women YOUR opinion of them? Go ahead. I'll wait. Look.

Why do you accept perversion into your own social circle? Are you like them in some way? In which ways are you similar?
She's probably a degenerate pervert like they are.

Stop projecting- we are not degenerate perverts like yourself.
Having sex with my wife and only my wife is nowhere near the definition of degeneracy, you backwards thinking numbskull.
How very odd- since I only have sex with my wife- and only my only wife- and you called me a degenerate pervert.

But of course i wasn't actually speaking about sex- because I don't have your kind of degenerate filthy mind.
The problem is - is that you want to control what other people think that disagree with you, that makes you a shit stain.

The problem is- is that you want to control what other poeple think that disagree with you.

That makes you- as always- a shit stain.

What you object to - as always- is that I confront your bigoted opinions- not to control what you 'think'- but to counter the vomit you spew online.

You can think what you want- but your freedom of thought- and freedom of expression- does not mean freedom from criticism- which is of course what you demand.
Nobody has proven to me Homosexuality is equitable to heterosexuality, any more than pedophilia or bestiality. Sorry kids, Homosexuals make a lot of money and they might be creative and artistic as hell. They are wealthy and think their form of sexuality is rational, well we don't rationalize sexual dysfunctions of Harvey Weinstein or Kevin Spacey. Or even the likes or Charlie Rose.
True, Progressives want to force their political correctness on everybody.
Conservatives want to force their hateful, reactionary bigotry on everyone.
No they don't. Leftists are always the aggressor in the culture wars. Nobody can prove that wrong.

Conservatives have always wanted to force their bigotry on everyone.

Which is why Conservatives for decades passed laws to put homosexuals in prison.

Because Conservatives are the aggressors in the culture war- opposing anything different from their interpretation of the 'norm'.
By definition, "progressives" are the aggressors against norms of society. You are too stupid to understand that, but it's true.

By definition, "Conservatives are the aggressors against the minorities(of thought, expression, race, religion) of society. You are just too stupid to understand that , but its true.
Nobody has proven to me Homosexuality is equitable to heterosexuality, any more than pedophilia or bestiality. Sorry kids, Homosexuals make a lot of money and they might be creative and artistic as hell. They are wealthy and think their form of sexuality is rational, well we don't rationalize sexual dysfunctions of Harvey Weinstein or Kevin Spacey. Or even the likes or Charlie Rose.
True, Progressives want to force their political correctness on everybody.
Conservatives want to force their hateful, reactionary bigotry on everyone.
A real conservative/libertarian wants to be left alone and not forced into some fucked up incestuous collective like socialism...
Why don’t you guys keep your political Correctness to yourselves, the rest of us want nothing to do with the cancer

Shame then that none of you are 'real conservatives'- since you snowflakes are always whining about what you don't approve of others.
I don’t give two shits on what progressives do with their lives, never have. I want nothing to do with progressives in any way, I don’t want to control them I don’t want to force them into my circles. The same cannot be said about progressives though. Socialism does not require people that disagree with it to join. But yet they insist on everyone participating… Fuck that
And when have you heard ME call blacks or women YOUR opinion of them? Go ahead. I'll wait. Look.

Why do you accept perversion into your own social circle? Are you like them in some way? In which ways are you similar?
She's probably a degenerate pervert like they are.

Stop projecting- we are not degenerate perverts like yourself.
Having sex with my wife and only my wife is nowhere near the definition of degeneracy, you backwards thinking numbskull.
How very odd- since I only have sex with my wife- and only my only wife- and you called me a degenerate pervert.

But of course i wasn't actually speaking about sex- because I don't have your kind of degenerate filthy mind.
The problem is - is that you want to control what other people think that disagree with you, that makes you a shit stain.
Back when the fags were saying they just wanted to be able to be who they are and what they do in their own homes with consenting adults is their own business, I was somewhat sympathetic to that, even though I disagree with their lifestyle choices. But they were lying then, like they are lying now. They won't stop....once the floodgates were opened, their filth flooded into normal society. Should have kept homosexuality(sodomy)criminal is what I think now.
She's probably a degenerate pervert like they are.

Stop projecting- we are not degenerate perverts like yourself.
Having sex with my wife and only my wife is nowhere near the definition of degeneracy, you backwards thinking numbskull.
How very odd- since I only have sex with my wife- and only my only wife- and you called me a degenerate pervert.

But of course i wasn't actually speaking about sex- because I don't have your kind of degenerate filthy mind.
The problem is - is that you want to control what other people think that disagree with you, that makes you a shit stain.

The problem is- is that you want to control what other poeple think that disagree with you.

That makes you- as always- a shit stain.

What you object to - as always- is that I confront your bigoted opinions- not to control what you 'think'- but to counter the vomit you spew online.

You can think what you want- but your freedom of thought- and freedom of expression- does not mean freedom from criticism- which is of course what you demand.
Keep your political correctness to yourselves, leave the rest of us out of it. Socialism only works for the progressive it’s a cancer to everybody else
Liberals love questioning stuff, accept the stuff they question. Liberals say gays are the same as hetros. Because why? Sex is about xy/ xx chromosomes not political science, Biology is simple and doesn't lend it self to subtleties. You are a heterosexual that has babies, or you are rich liberal liberal pervert splitting hairs and can buy a rich lawyer and make abstractions become real. Even though gays are like 5% of the populace.
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Liberals love questioning stuff, accept the stuff they question. Liberals say gays are the same as hetros. Because why? Sex is about xy/ xx chromosomes not political science, Biology is simple and doesn't lend it self to subtitles. You are a heterosexual that has babies, or you are rich liberal liberal pervert splitting hairs and can buy a rich lawyer.
Progressives are science deniers, they failed to realize DNA does not lie… LOL
Thanks to socialism we have no real freedom in this country, the collective is Like a incestuous mob family. It’s only happy if the individual is destroyed… Fact
Thanks to socialism we have no real freedom in this country, the collective is Like incestuous mob family. It’s only happy if the individual is destroyed… You know
And now that you know this, how do you propose we fix the problem? I say take over the government and oppress them the way they want to oppress the american right wing population. They wanted big government, and they got it....let's see how they like it when the shoe is on the other foot and we have the reigns of power.
Okay- my next question to you- do you think that children are being abused if they are not being raised in a household with both the mother and father present the majority of time- and involved in raising the children?
Yes. Every time that I see D.J., Stephanie, and Michelle miss their mom on the show Full House, I want to kick their dad where it hurts for not finding them another mom sooner.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I cry every time that I hear Stephanie tell D.J., "You don't know how I feel because when you were my age, you got to go to the honey bee slumber party with mom!"
Thanks to socialism we have no real freedom in this country, the collective is Like incestuous mob family. It’s only happy if the individual is destroyed… You know
And now that you know this, how do you propose we fix the problem? I say take over the government and oppress them the way they want to oppress the american right wing population. They wanted big government, and they got it....let's see how they like it when the shoe is on the other foot and we have the reigns of power.
We are past the point of no return, the cancer has spread that is socialism
I am here to provide counseling for those still pussy-aching about fag marriage. I've dusted off my shoulder so ya'll can cry on.
I am here to provide counseling for those still pussy-aching about fag marriage. I've dusted off my shoulder so ya'll can cry on.
Marriage in this country has become meaningless, I say leave the federal government out of everything that matters. If people want to marry a fence post or 20 cats or whatever when it comes to the federal government they should be able to do whatever they want.
Thanks to socialism we have no real freedom in this country, the collective is Like incestuous mob family. It’s only happy if the individual is destroyed… You know
And now that you know this, how do you propose we fix the problem? I say take over the government and oppress them the way they want to oppress the american right wing population. They wanted big government, and they got it....let's see how they like it when the shoe is on the other foot and we have the reigns of power.
We are past the point of no return, the cancer has spread that is socialism
Not necessarily. If we can get the right people in, who don't care about these whiny leftist fucks and their bullshit...we can turn it around. It won't be easy, but it can be done. See Pinochet and what he did in Chile.
I am here to provide counseling for those still pussy-aching about fag marriage. I've dusted off my shoulder so ya'll can cry on.
Marriage in this country has become meaningless, I say leave the federal government out of everything that matters. If people want to marry a fence post or 20 cats or whatever when it comes to the federal government they should be able to do whatever they want.

Marriage is only meaningless to people that treat as such.
Religion is used to justify taking away peoples human rights. Well, why should something that hates freedom and human rights be protected? Priest are caught all the time raping young boys and do everything they accuse LBGT people of doing.

I could start making my case that Religious people are just as bad for society.
You're an atheist, dipshit. Where do you even get the idea that humans even have "rights"?

He only cares about the “rights” of perverts and drug abusers.

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