
KK, you really need to stop taking your issues out on other people. I'm sorry your mom was punished with a kid like you, really, I feel for her, but you need to stop your lying, projecting,and general bitchiness you ever want to have life you can live for any reason other than because you're afraid you'll go to hell.

Did I not tell you to answer the question or STFU?

I asked a serious question about a serious topic, I am trying to stay on topic, if you cannot do more than project then you are being dishonest. Now, to repeat it:

Would you be okay with an abortion in these two scenarios?

1. The mother and offspring will die if carried to term.

2. The mother will die if carried to term, but the offspring could survive.
I am trying to stay on topic,

Bullshit. You've done nothing but call women a punishment for pregnancy and try to attack JB every time this subject has come up. Wait, you did say that those who don't make enough money should have their kids taken away, as well.

Trying to deflect again, it's a simple yes and no question, you can answer different for both scenarios and still only have to type in six letters. Why is it so hard for you to face a black and white answer, since you seem to think it's a black and white world this should be easy for you.

Would you be okay with an abortion in these two scenarios?

1. The mother and offspring will die if carried to term.

2. The mother will die if carried to term, but the offspring could survive.
I've answered your moronic question countless times, and my views are well known.

No you have not, I just asked it in this thread, and it's not moronic, there are no stupid questions, only stupid answers. Your views are not clear because you have not addressed these specific instances, not once. If you had then why don't you at the least, post a link to that. Since you do not even do this, you admit that you are avoiding the question.

Would you be okay with an abortion in these two scenarios?

1. The mother and offspring will die if carried to term.

2. The mother will die if carried to term, but the offspring could survive.
There you go projecting again.

I said:

Sounds like.

You responded with:

Where do you come up with this stuff? Yes, I'm pro-life. However, I never said or implied that I was free from sin nor did I say I would be welcomed into paradise on Judgement Day. --> Projection.

Now this:

I think it's hilarious that you don't see killing the unborn as a sin and you want me to pray for you. You obviously don't see the irony here. Anyway, it made me :lol:.

Believe me, I pray for myself, my family, our leaders, the country, all sinners. All fall short of the glory of God. That includes me.

If you had really been reading my posts as you say you have, you would know that I believe life begins at the first heartbeat.

After that point I do not believe abortion should be legal.

Before that point I don't believe life has begun.

As such, I don't believe my position is a sinful one. You clearly disagree (or maybe you don't - I could be unintentionally projecting again). There's no irony here, merely a different view.

Why don't you drop the whole "killing the unborn" thing since it accomplishes nothing, and simply take issue with my view on where life begins. Who knows, you might convince me that I'm wrong and get me to change my view. Of course, I'm presupposing that you view this board as a place to debate and not just to fire off glib one liners and put downs.

This is my last attempt to engage with you on this matter. Either (a) make it worthwhile, (b) post some more snappy comebacks, or (c) ignore it. If you go for b or c I promise you'll hear no more from me on this particular exchange of views.

If you want to make this exchange worthwhile, you need to stop projecting and assuming you know my position. You obviously did not. You also stated that you were pro choice 'up to a point'. Now you've explained that to me. I'm only reading your posts as they pertain to our exchange. There are far too many posts in this thread for me to read each and every one of them.

You started this exchange off with "In nearly 2 years that's the most upsetting thing I've read." I obviously struck a nerve with you to the point that you posted "You, on the other hand are clearly pro-life, view yourself as free from sin, and will be welcomed into paradise on Judgement Day." Wow.

Since you believe life begins when the heart starts beating, I would guess that you are against almost all abortions. However, I'm sure a form of the morning after pill would be acceptable. True? I don't know when life begins. Perhaps when the heart starts beating, perhaps before. Since you're a Christian, you know that the Bible is not clear on this issue. Some quote the verse that God 'knew him before he was born' to mean that all abortions are wrong. I don't read it that way, but stopping a beating heart does indicate to me that murder has been committed.

Look, I'm just responding to your posts. You're the one who began this exchange and you're the one who started making assumptions and making snide comments. I simply followed your lead. What is sad is that we may have the same views on this subject, yet you say idiotic things like "you view yourself as free from sin." All I've said is "I would not like to be in (pro-choicer's) shoes come Judgement Day."

If you want to put me down, fine. Just don't expect me to sit here and take it. I realize that is not the Christian way, but I will promise you this: I will pray for you.

Actually, the bible is clear on this issue. God says that he knows us when were were unformed blobs, and states more than once that of all crimes the slaughter of innocents is the worst.
JB is officially a mother killer. See Allie, they do exist. ;)
In the not so far off past, when there was no modern form of birth control or early stage abortion available, if a woman became very ill from her pregnancy and it became apparent that she would most likely die if the fetus was not aborted. But if it was also of the doctor's opinion that she might last till the moment of birth, long enough to give birth to a baby likely to survive even if the effort would be enough to kill her, in many of those cases, the doctor, usually being a man, consulted the husband rather than the wife and asked him to make the decision. Shall I save your wife or your future child.

Most people just want to forget how far we have actually come and how quickly.
And still have to go.
Why is it that usually those screaming bloody murder on the topic of abortion, never say anything about how much time in jail a woman who has aborted should get?

That does not address these specific scenarios and it still would be easier to type yeses or nos. So why are you avoiding the direct questions? Are they too challenging for your wittle mind?

Would you be okay with an abortion in these two scenarios?

1. The mother and offspring will die if carried to term.

2. The mother will die if carried to term, but the offspring could survive.

... and yes, I like straight forward answers and expect them from "scientific" minds, otherwise you are admitting that you are not scientific.
Well according to you, it's a non-issue, as every woman who is denied an abortion is going to die in childbirth.

That does not address these specific scenarios and it still would be easier to type yeses or nos. So why are you avoiding the direct questions? Are they too challenging for your wittle mind?

Would you be okay with an abortion in these two scenarios?

1. The mother and offspring will die if carried to term.

2. The mother will die if carried to term, but the offspring could survive.

... and yes, I like straight forward answers and expect them from "scientific" minds, otherwise you are admitting that you are not scientific.


Nobody, ever. It's a FALSE DICHOTOMY. A lie made up by the pro-abortionists to make people afraid to take a stand against the murder of babies.
That does not address these specific scenarios
Clearly reading comprehension is not a skill you've mastered.

--as a last-ditch effort to save another life, in such a scenario where to refuse to terminate one life is to endanger another along with it**


**such as rare forms of conjoined twins or the medical termination of ectopic or other medically dangerous pregnancy that endangers the life of mother and/or child


edit:: I should say moron and liar
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That does not address these specific scenarios and it still would be easier to type yeses or nos. So why are you avoiding the direct questions? Are they too challenging for your wittle mind?

Would you be okay with an abortion in these two scenarios?

1. The mother and offspring will die if carried to term.

2. The mother will die if carried to term, but the offspring could survive.

... and yes, I like straight forward answers and expect them from "scientific" minds, otherwise you are admitting that you are not scientific.


Nobody, ever. It's a FALSE DICHOTOMY. A lie made up by the pro-abortionists to make people afraid to take a stand against the murder of babies.
. Several attempts have been made to pass draconian anti abortion laws which leave out the exception for saving the mother's life. I think S. Dakota was the last state it was attempted in.
Why is it that usually those screaming bloody murder on the topic of abortion, never say anything about how much time in jail a woman who has aborted should get?
the punishment should be they be forced to wear a Chastity belt for 2 years :D

That does not address these specific scenarios and it still would be easier to type yeses or nos. So why are you avoiding the direct questions? Are they too challenging for your wittle mind?

Would you be okay with an abortion in these two scenarios?

1. The mother and offspring will die if carried to term.

2. The mother will die if carried to term, but the offspring could survive.

... and yes, I like straight forward answers and expect them from "scientific" minds, otherwise you are admitting that you are not scientific.


Nobody, ever. It's a FALSE DICHOTOMY. A lie made up by the pro-abortionists to make people afraid to take a stand against the murder of babies.

Allie, I was not originally saying they did, I was in fact trying to find out ... more out of curiosity than anything. Perhaps you can offer your answer to these scenarios just to help ease my curiosity as well?
The scenarios are false. Nobody has ever proposed that medically necessary abortions be considered illegal.
That does not address these specific scenarios and it still would be easier to type yeses or nos. So why are you avoiding the direct questions? Are they too challenging for your wittle mind?

Would you be okay with an abortion in these two scenarios?

1. The mother and offspring will die if carried to term.

2. The mother will die if carried to term, but the offspring could survive.

... and yes, I like straight forward answers and expect them from "scientific" minds, otherwise you are admitting that you are not scientific.


Nobody, ever. It's a FALSE DICHOTOMY. A lie made up by the pro-abortionists to make people afraid to take a stand against the murder of babies.

Allie, I was not originally saying they did, I was in fact trying to find out ... more out of curiosity than anything. Perhaps you can offer your answer to these scenarios just to help ease my curiosity as well?
I think you've posed a perfectly fair question. i don't see why anyone would have a problem giving a straightforward answer to it.
I would be okay with abortion in either case.

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