Anti-PC people making a mistake on the Duck Dynasty story

If you don't say or do anything no one knows you're gay.

Your disclosure at inappropriate venues causes your grief.

Should I be able to fire someone for being Christian?

You can if that person projects their thing on others in the workplace inappropriately.


In 29 states I can be fired if my boss sees me holding hands with my partner on the weekend. Should I be able to fire you if I see you go to church?
Should I be able to fire someone for being Christian?

You can if that person projects their thing on others in the workplace inappropriately.


In 29 states I can be fired if my boss sees me holding hands with my partner on the weekend. Should I be able to fire you if I see you go to church?

I'd fire you for that if you were straight..who want's to see that at someones work or place of business

yet you all have no problem with Phil being fired for giving an Opinion

always PLAYING a victim with homosexuals
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Two standard straw man arguments here, perfect:

In my original post, I clearly point out this is not a First Amendment issue.

"Right to remain silent"? And I said that, where?


So if you don't 'say it' in exact terms, it is not a fair argument? You have depicted people who have pushed back at what Robertson said as being in the wrong.

So if they had remained SILENT, they would pass your first amendment criteria.

So I take it you're not going to Google "Political Correctness Examples", huh? That's okay, I wasn't expecting you to back up your words, I never expect that here. Chalk another one up.

I know I don't have to actually say this, because you're clearly being obtuse, but what the heck: Any person has the right, the obligation if they choose, to speak out against things with which they disagree. Where some people draw the line is when they try to punish others for saying what they're thinking and/or intimidate others from saying what they're thinking.

This hairy duck guy? Pretty much a non-issue for me. I'm talking about the larger tactic of PC.

Now, you may want to claim that no one is ever punished or intimidated, and I just don't care enough to list the myriad examples. When partisan ideologues start playing the denial game, everything that follows is a waste of time.


I did Google "Political Correctness Examples", and found exactly what I expected. I offered you some enlightenment into WHY the results are so skewed when you Google any political word or phrase. But you can mindlessly continue to parrot what you are told.

Even one of the leading right wing rhetors admits the left has none.

The 11 Words for 2011
by Frank Luntz

Words matter. The most powerful words have helped launch social movements and cultural revolutions. The most effective words have instigated great change in public policy. The right words at the right time can literally change history.

Most of you know me as a wordsmith. From time to time my memos and language guides have appeared on these pages -- sometimes with my blessings and sometimes against my will. I realize that my work is often controversial, and often you like to attack the messenger, but it's the message that matters.

For those who care about words, I'm going to make it easy for you. No need to dig through my trash or shuffle through my papers. I will voluntarily open up my computer files to give you the "11 for 11"... the 11 most powerful words and phrases for 2011.

These are 11 phrases that will be shaping the public discourse over the coming year. You won't find a similar list from a liberal wordsmith -- there aren't any -- so you might as well use these. And if you want the other 89 words and phrases that really matter, you'll just have to buy the book.
You can if that person projects their thing on others in the workplace inappropriately.


In 29 states I can be fired if my boss sees me holding hands with my partner on the weekend. Should I be able to fire you if I see you go to church?

In a free country, yes.

Only the government, and anyone who works for someone who does work for the government should be under hiring and firing regulations. If your business has nothing to do with the government you should be able to hire and fire as you see fit, and serve who you see fit.
And how would you do it?

Here you go:

Someone makes a statement found offensive to a group of people. What do YOU think that offended group of people should do so as not to be considered "too PC"?

I've said it many times: When someone says something with which we disagree, we can use that as an opportunity to open communication with them. It's our chance to have a civil, honest, mature debate on any given important issue.

Shine a light on it, nice and bright. If one side is wrong or lying, it will be abundantly clear. If both sides are honest and have good points, perhaps we can find some common ground and create some momentum towards fixing the problem.

Pretty basic stuff. The problem is that people on both ends are so quick to give up and deteriorate to the name-calling, insults, hyperbole threats and lies. We're so narcissistic that we just don't have the ability to do the hard work.

That's all I'm saying.


And that is EXACTLY what happened here. 1. Offensive statement made 2. Offensive statement called out

Where is the PC?

In my original post, my main point was (and is) that those who don't like what the hairy duck guy said are controlling the argument by continually bringing up Freedom of Speech or contracts or religion, and that those who are defending keep letting them do it.

I also pointed out that these are essentially the same people who push PC and that they are bigots as well. If you look through the posts on this thread, I'm confident you'll see some pretty nasty things said about other groups. Bigotry exists on both "ends".

Now, as far as PC in this case goes: I haven't seen anyone calling for the hairy duck guy's head, although I'd be surprised if that were not the case. But what I am seeing in many places is plenty of people supporting him being punished, or not minding it. What I'd love to see is someone who disagrees with him standing up for his right to say what he said and calling for some calm, mature, civil national discussion.

As usual, I tried to answer your question directly and clearly. It sure would be nice a few folks to whom I've asked direct questions would return the favor now and then.

You can if that person projects their thing on others in the workplace inappropriately.


In 29 states I can be fired if my boss sees me holding hands with my partner on the weekend. Should I be able to fire you if I see you go to church?

I'd fire you for that if you were straight..who want's to see that at someones work or place of business

yet you all have no problem with Phil being fired for giving an Opinion

always a victim with homosexuals

I should have typed more slowly for you Steph so you could read it. I said ON THE WEEKEND. If my boss saw me holding hands with my partner ON THE WEEKEND, they could fire me Monday for being gay.
Should I be able to fire someone for being Christian?

You can if that person projects their thing on others in the workplace inappropriately.


In 29 states I can be fired if my boss sees me holding hands with my partner on the weekend. Should I be able to fire you if I see you go to church?

Religious discrimination in securing and keeping employment is Federally protected ?

If you work someplace and for such a person who would fire you for practicing homosexuality in public you can:

- Curb your Public Displays of Affection
- Find new work.
Except there was no boycott, there was a threat of a boycott. There was no overall public outrage. Phil offended a miniscule part of the population. If you offend most of the population, then OK, you should be in trouble, but when offending a fraction of a percentage of the population, like say, some butthurt interest group, then the proper to response to said interest group should be, "GO FUCK YOURSELF WITH A TIRE IRON"

I find it sad that you just can't accept people disagreeing with your lifestyle. It must be a sad hateful existance.

Isn't it ironic that you folks on the right jump on the 'majority rule' band wagon when it fits your beliefs?

All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression.
Thomas Jefferson

Majority rule within the limits of the consitution. I don't see the right to not be offended, or the right of a small group of assholes to dictate policy anywhere in the constitution.

Your issue is people of your ilk are so weak willed that any opposition to how you live your lives cannot be tolerated and must be crushed.

The ONLY people who have ever been 'crushed' over sexual orientation are the ones who have been beaten and murdered because they are gay.

But in your retarded little mind that is just hearsay.
In 29 states I can be fired if my boss sees me holding hands with my partner on the weekend. Should I be able to fire you if I see you go to church?

I'd fire you for that if you were straight..who want's to see that at someones work or place of business

yet you all have no problem with Phil being fired for giving an Opinion

always a victim with homosexuals

I should have typed more slowly for you Steph so you could read it. I said ON THE WEEKEND. If my boss saw me holding hands with my partner ON THE WEEKEND, they could fire me Monday for being gay.

wouldn't matter, it's still BS
how many bosses see their workers on their days off or A WEEKEND...and if the BOSS did fire you have a PROBLEM with THEM...
good gawd
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So if you don't 'say it' in exact terms, it is not a fair argument? You have depicted people who have pushed back at what Robertson said as being in the wrong.

So if they had remained SILENT, they would pass your first amendment criteria.

So I take it you're not going to Google "Political Correctness Examples", huh? That's okay, I wasn't expecting you to back up your words, I never expect that here. Chalk another one up.

I know I don't have to actually say this, because you're clearly being obtuse, but what the heck: Any person has the right, the obligation if they choose, to speak out against things with which they disagree. Where some people draw the line is when they try to punish others for saying what they're thinking and/or intimidate others from saying what they're thinking.

This hairy duck guy? Pretty much a non-issue for me. I'm talking about the larger tactic of PC.

Now, you may want to claim that no one is ever punished or intimidated, and I just don't care enough to list the myriad examples. When partisan ideologues start playing the denial game, everything that follows is a waste of time.


I did Google "Political Correctness Examples", and found exactly what I expected. I offered you some enlightenment into WHY the results are so skewed when you Google any political word or phrase. But you can mindlessly continue to parrot what you are told.

Even one of the leading right wing rhetors admits the left has none.

The 11 Words for 2011
by Frank Luntz

Words matter. The most powerful words have helped launch social movements and cultural revolutions. The most effective words have instigated great change in public policy. The right words at the right time can literally change history.

Most of you know me as a wordsmith. From time to time my memos and language guides have appeared on these pages -- sometimes with my blessings and sometimes against my will. I realize that my work is often controversial, and often you like to attack the messenger, but it's the message that matters.

For those who care about words, I'm going to make it easy for you. No need to dig through my trash or shuffle through my papers. I will voluntarily open up my computer files to give you the "11 for 11"... the 11 most powerful words and phrases for 2011.

These are 11 phrases that will be shaping the public discourse over the coming year. You won't find a similar list from a liberal wordsmith -- there aren't any -- so you might as well use these. And if you want the other 89 words and phrases that really matter, you'll just have to buy the book.

Um, does all that mean you're saying PC doesn't exist?

I wonder what you think of what this lefty said:

Every society has Political Correctness

Isn't it ironic that you folks on the right jump on the 'majority rule' band wagon when it fits your beliefs?

All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression.
Thomas Jefferson

Majority rule within the limits of the consitution. I don't see the right to not be offended, or the right of a small group of assholes to dictate policy anywhere in the constitution.

Your issue is people of your ilk are so weak willed that any opposition to how you live your lives cannot be tolerated and must be crushed.

The ONLY people who have ever been 'crushed' over sexual orientation are the ones who have been beaten and murdered because they are gay.

But in your retarded little mind that is just hearsay.

Say hello to your little strawman argument. This has been about punishment for speaking your mind, and you have to bring up assault and murder as a counter....

Thats means I win.
I've said it many times: When someone says something with which we disagree, we can use that as an opportunity to open communication with them. It's our chance to have a civil, honest, mature debate on any given important issue.

Shine a light on it, nice and bright. If one side is wrong or lying, it will be abundantly clear. If both sides are honest and have good points, perhaps we can find some common ground and create some momentum towards fixing the problem.

Pretty basic stuff. The problem is that people on both ends are so quick to give up and deteriorate to the name-calling, insults, hyperbole threats and lies. We're so narcissistic that we just don't have the ability to do the hard work.

That's all I'm saying.


And that is EXACTLY what happened here. 1. Offensive statement made 2. Offensive statement called out

Where is the PC?

In my original post, my main point was (and is) that those who don't like what the hairy duck guy said are controlling the argument by continually bringing up Freedom of Speech or contracts or religion, and that those who are defending keep letting them do it.

I also pointed out that these are essentially the same people who push PC and that they are bigots as well. If you look through the posts on this thread, I'm confident you'll see some pretty nasty things said about other groups. Bigotry exists on both "ends".

Now, as far as PC in this case goes: I haven't seen anyone calling for the hairy duck guy's head, although I'd be surprised if that were not the case. But what I am seeing in many places is plenty of people supporting him being punished, or not minding it. What I'd love to see is someone who disagrees with him standing up for his right to say what he said and calling for some calm, mature, civil national discussion.

As usual, I tried to answer your question directly and clearly. It sure would be nice a few folks to whom I've asked direct questions would return the favor now and then.


Sorry, but the only ones bringing up free speech and the exercise of religion are the people who DO like what Duckfuck said. How many threads have popped up about how Phil's rights were violated? You could probably find half a dozen on the first fucking page.

You haven't seen it because nobody is doing it. Nobody has called for the man to be suspended or fired...AND HE WASN'T. I haven't seen a single "PC liberal" saying that he DIDN'T have the right to say what he said...they follow up with the right to call him out. Isn't that EXACTLY what you want?
Majority rule within the limits of the consitution. I don't see the right to not be offended, or the right of a small group of assholes to dictate policy anywhere in the constitution.

Your issue is people of your ilk are so weak willed that any opposition to how you live your lives cannot be tolerated and must be crushed.

The ONLY people who have ever been 'crushed' over sexual orientation are the ones who have been beaten and murdered because they are gay.

But in your retarded little mind that is just hearsay.

Say hello to your little strawman argument. This has been about punishment for speaking your mind, and you have to bring up assault and murder as a counter....

Thats means I win.

You claimed that more people are hurt by political correctness than by anti gay bigotry and you're calling MY comment the strawman? :lol: yeah, okay...
And that is EXACTLY what happened here. 1. Offensive statement made 2. Offensive statement called out

Where is the PC?

In my original post, my main point was (and is) that those who don't like what the hairy duck guy said are controlling the argument by continually bringing up Freedom of Speech or contracts or religion, and that those who are defending keep letting them do it.

I also pointed out that these are essentially the same people who push PC and that they are bigots as well. If you look through the posts on this thread, I'm confident you'll see some pretty nasty things said about other groups. Bigotry exists on both "ends".

Now, as far as PC in this case goes: I haven't seen anyone calling for the hairy duck guy's head, although I'd be surprised if that were not the case. But what I am seeing in many places is plenty of people supporting him being punished, or not minding it. What I'd love to see is someone who disagrees with him standing up for his right to say what he said and calling for some calm, mature, civil national discussion.

As usual, I tried to answer your question directly and clearly. It sure would be nice a few folks to whom I've asked direct questions would return the favor now and then.


Sorry, but the only ones bringing up free speech and the exercise of religion are the people who DO like what Duckfuck said. How many threads have popped up about how Phil's rights were violated? You could probably find half a dozen on the first fucking page.

You haven't seen it because nobody is doing it. Nobody has called for the man to be suspended or fired...AND HE WASN'T. I haven't seen a single "PC liberal" saying that he DIDN'T have the right to say what he said...they follow up with the right to call him out. Isn't that EXACTLY what you want?

No, you all just sat here and cheered the as you call him, (DUCKFUCK) being suspended
doesn't matter, the people spoke up and the militant homosexual mafia lost again
lets all celebrate folks
The ONLY people who have ever been 'crushed' over sexual orientation are the ones who have been beaten and murdered because they are gay.

But in your retarded little mind that is just hearsay.

Say hello to your little strawman argument. This has been about punishment for speaking your mind, and you have to bring up assault and murder as a counter....

Thats means I win.

You claimed that more people are hurt by political correctness than by anti gay bigotry and you're calling MY comment the strawman? :lol: yeah, okay...

Its actually Bfgrn's comment....

My point is that we are talking about being crushed in a political/media sense, and Bfgrn brings up assault/murder as a counter....
I'd fire you for that if you were straight..who want's to see that at someones work or place of business

yet you all have no problem with Phil being fired for giving an Opinion

always a victim with homosexuals

I should have typed more slowly for you Steph so you could read it. I said ON THE WEEKEND. If my boss saw me holding hands with my partner ON THE WEEKEND, they could fire me Monday for being gay.

wouldn't matter, it's still BS
how many bosses see their workers on their days off or A WEEKEND...and if the BOSS did fire you have a PROBLEM with THEM...
good gawd

Good gawd is right. Phil wasn't fired or even suspended. Had he been, it would have been for his actions, not his being. He wouldn't have been fired for being a Christian, but for the words he used that did not reflect well on his employer.

I can be fired, not for my actions...not for anything I did, but for my being. I should have the same right to fire a Christian for their beliefs, not actions right?

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