Anti Porn plank added to GOP platform

It's easy to say, "Weeee!!! Sex is fun!" because, well, it is. And the overly prudish make easy targets like some 'uncool' kid in Jr High or something. But is it not a question worth considering that there may be a line somewhere that ought not be crossed? Is the dignity of the person not as valuable as self-gratification? And you have to admit that some porn is pretty messed up - some is intended to be. Some porn is based on the idea of sexually degrading and/or humiliating others as a form of 'pleasure.' Doesn't that diminish everyone involved to a certain degree? It's easy to laugh it off and joke about rubbing one out, but it seems that there are some legitimate questions to at least consider.

Those questions are legitimate and have been considered. And the verdict is in. People like the option to have sexual experiences.

Here are the questions that really matter:

Are those involved in the physical act adults?
Is what they are doing consensual?

And no other questions matter?
Keep your hands off my porn!

The widespread support of this plague on our nation explains much about the attitutde of people here.

Okay, you know, you are emphasizing exactly why I don't want a member of your cult anywhere near the White House.

It's not just that you live this silliness yourself, but you'd like to inflict it on the rest of us.

Frankly, I find porn kind of boring. I mean, you've seen one naked person, you've seen them all, really.

But I sure as hell don't want the government telling me what I can watch.

If anything, I wonder about these action movies where people are getting killed in horrible ways, but, man, we'd better not see any naked boobies...
They are not "values" if you think they are for you alone. Those are called personal preferences.
It doesn't mean you discredit others.

I absolutely agree with what you are saying, until such time as you degrade others for theirs. Look at my sig... It's been that way since I've started posting here... Arbitrary rules.

Decades of secularist orthodoxy has cowed people into believing no one can ever judge anyone or anything. Viable, successful cultures are not built on such nothing.


I'm always amazed that the Wingnuts and Teabaggers who scream about how the Jihadists "Hate our Freedoms" would act the same way if given the oppurtunity.
It's easy to say, "Weeee!!! Sex is fun!" because, well, it is. And the overly prudish make easy targets like some 'uncool' kid in Jr High or something. But is it not a question worth considering that there may be a line somewhere that ought not be crossed? Is the dignity of the person not as valuable as self-gratification? And you have to admit that some porn is pretty messed up - some is intended to be. Some porn is based on the idea of sexually degrading and/or humiliating others as a form of 'pleasure.' Doesn't that diminish everyone involved to a certain degree? It's easy to laugh it off and joke about rubbing one out, but it seems that there are some legitimate questions to at least consider.

Those questions are legitimate and have been considered. And the verdict is in. People like the option to have sexual experiences.

Here are the questions that really matter:

Are those involved in the physical act adults?
Is what they are doing consensual?

And no other questions matter?

Not when it comes to my concern for what you do with your cock.
It doesn't mean you discredit others.

I absolutely agree with what you are saying, until such time as you degrade others for theirs. Look at my sig... It's been that way since I've started posting here... Arbitrary rules.

Decades of secularist orthodoxy has cowed people into believing no one can ever judge anyone or anything. Viable, successful cultures are not built on such nothing.


Again we see why you have always been and will always be nothing more than a mindless, faceless drone; a space-filler and a follower. You are a whole lot of nothing.
Decades of secularist orthodoxy has cowed people into believing no one can ever judge anyone or anything. Viable, successful cultures are not built on such nothing.


Again we see why you have always been and will always be nothing more than a mindless, faceless drone; a space-filler and a follower. You are a whole lot of nothing.

Religion and false morals have been a plague on humanity.

Why don't you move to Iran, you'd be a lot happier there.
Those questions are legitimate and have been considered. And the verdict is in. People like the option to have sexual experiences.

Here are the questions that really matter:

Are those involved in the physical act adults?
Is what they are doing consensual?

And no other questions matter?

Not when it comes to my concern for what you do with your cock.

The history, culture, and society that over thousands of years has resulted in this context where you can say that in this way was not fundamentally built on the attitude you express above.

Again we see why you have always been and will always be nothing more than a mindless, faceless drone; a space-filler and a follower. You are a whole lot of nothing.

Religion and false morals have been a plague on humanity.

Why don't you move to Iran, you'd be a lot happier there.

You've got it all wrong. It is the likes of you that would be most comfortable there.

On Star Trek you would be wearing a bright red shirt, mr. nobody.
So...basically what we are seeing from some of our Conservative Brethren is that censorship is OK when it comes to stuff they don't agree with....but try to make sure the news is telling the truth so that people aren't basing their opinions on false information? Then it's a terrible thing....
Again we see why you have always been and will always be nothing more than a mindless, faceless drone; a space-filler and a follower. You are a whole lot of nothing.

Religion and false morals have been a plague on humanity.

Why don't you move to Iran, you'd be a lot happier there.

You've got it all wrong. It is the likes of you that would be most comfortable there.

On Star Trek you would be wearing a bright red shirt, mr. nobody.

You mean like Scotty?

Scotty was the hero for the rest of us, he was the guy who got things done.

But to the point, you idiots are the ones who want to impose your religious views on the rest of us.

I'm perfectly happy with you guys doing your religious things in your homes and churches.

If you think Porn is bad, don't look at it.
If you think abortion is wrong, don't have one.
If you think gay sex is evil, don't do it.

But that only applies to you, not anyone else.
Religion and false morals have been a plague on humanity.

Why don't you move to Iran, you'd be a lot happier there.

You've got it all wrong. It is the likes of you that would be most comfortable there.

On Star Trek you would be wearing a bright red shirt, mr. nobody.

You mean like Scotty?

Scotty was the hero for the rest of us, he was the guy who got things done.

But to the point, you idiots are the ones who want to impose your religious views on the rest of us.

I'm perfectly happy with you guys doing your religious things in your homes and churches.

If you think Porn is bad, don't look at it.
If you think abortion is wrong, don't have one.
If you think gay sex is evil, don't do it.

But that only applies to you, not anyone else. applies to anyone that feels the same way....not just him....but your point is spot on. You can't cry freedom all the time like Conservatives do, then turn around and try to restrict other people's freedoms.

Great point about Scotty....he had his shit together.
They are not "values" if you think they are for you alone. Those are called personal preferences.
It doesn't mean you discredit others.

I absolutely agree with what you are saying, until such time as you degrade others for theirs. Look at my sig... It's been that way since I've started posting here... Arbitrary rules.

Decades of secularist orthodoxy have cowed people into believing no one can ever judge anyone or anything. Viable, successful cultures are not built on such nothing.
I didn't say you couldn't judge... By all means have an opinion on it. But for you to think you should have the ability to force others to your line of thinking based of force of legality... Not only is that not freedom... It's you promoting the exact opposite of what this country is supposed to be about.
It doesn't mean you discredit others.

I absolutely agree with what you are saying, until such time as you degrade others for theirs. Look at my sig... It's been that way since I've started posting here... Arbitrary rules.

Decades of secularist orthodoxy have cowed people into believing no one can ever judge anyone or anything. Viable, successful cultures are not built on such nothing.
I didn't say you couldn't judge... By all means have an opinion on it. But for you to think you should have the ability to force others to your line of thinking based of force of legality... Not only is that not freedom... It's you promoting the exact opposite of what this country is supposed to be about.

thank you.

What us Christians (especially Conservative ones apparently)seem to have trouble understanding is that sometimes we have to put aside our religion in deference to Freedom. We need to lead by example instead of dictating morals to other free Americans who don't feel the same way....especially when it comes to our personal lives.

As a Christian, I look at it this way....and I've mentioned it before...God created us with free will, and our Constitution gives us the right to make those choices.
This is REALLY a problem...for the right...LOL


Porn in the USA: Conservatives Are Biggest Consumers

Americans may paint themselves in increasingly bright shades of red and blue, but new research finds one thing that varies little across the nation: the liking for online pornography.

A new nationwide study (pdf) of anonymised credit-card receipts from a major online adult entertainment provider finds little variation in consumption between states.

Those states that do consume the most porn tend to be more conservative and religious than states with lower levels of consumption, the study finds.

"Some of the people who are most outraged turn out to be consumers of the very things they claimed to be outraged by"

Porn in the USA: Conservatives Are Biggest Consumers - ABC News
This is REALLY a problem...for the right...LOL


Porn in the USA: Conservatives Are Biggest Consumers

Americans may paint themselves in increasingly bright shades of red and blue, but new research finds one thing that varies little across the nation: the liking for online pornography.

A new nationwide study (pdf) of anonymised credit-card receipts from a major online adult entertainment provider finds little variation in consumption between states.

Those states that do consume the most porn tend to be more conservative and religious than states with lower levels of consumption, the study finds.

"Some of the people who are most outraged turn out to be consumers of the very things they claimed to be outraged by"

Porn in the USA: Conservatives Are Biggest Consumers - ABC News

Ah, the Sage of Bulls**t has spoken again.

This is supposed to correlate to the conclusion of the thread title ?

No wonder liberals suck at math and reasoning.

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