Anti-Russian Propaganda Getting Real... For Effect.

Meanwhile, Obama stood around with his dick in his hand, as the Russians invaded Ukraine. He did send them some blankets and shit, but nothing useful for stopping the invasion of their country.

Of course Biden being the old racist white man he is, he just had to outdo his former boss Obama, so he threw a shitload of weapons and money at Ukraine, just to show Obama "This is how we white people do it, boy."

Like Joe said, "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man." But once old white Joe got in the White House, he had to prove to his former boss just how much better he could do things.

Damn, Joe. You is gonna give Obama an inferiority complex or something.
US gov’t knew NATO expansion to Ukraine would force Russia to intervene
What grinds my gears is when an article headline says one thing and the article itself says another thing.

The actual assessment is that it would “force Russia to decide whether to intervene”, not force Russia to intervene.

This is logical, since there is no rational reason for Russia to invade Ukraine other than arrogance and paranoia. Russia is not threatened by NATO. Eastern Europe is threatened by Russia, which pushes those countries into the arms of NATO to defend themselves. Ask yourself why Ukraine wouldn’t want to join NATO? It’s perfectly logical given Russia proved they’re a threat to regional security again and again.

By invading Ukraine, Russia gains nothing. It is less secure, not more secure. NATO is stronger, not weaker.
What grinds my gears is when an article headline says one thing and the article itself says another thing.

The actual assessment is that it would “force Russia to decide whether to intervene”, not force Russia to intervene.

This is logical, since there is no rational reason for Russia to invade Ukraine other than arrogance and paranoia. Russia is not threatened by NATO. Eastern Europe is threatened by Russia, which pushes those countries into the arms of NATO to defend themselves. Ask yourself why Ukraine wouldn’t want to join NATO? It’s perfectly logical given Russia proved they’re a threat to regional security again and again.

By invading Ukraine, Russia gains nothing. It is less secure, not more secure. NATO is stronger, not weaker.

Why not find out the facts before giving us your imaginary version of what actually happened and the reasons for it .
And start from the 90s for the full and honest picture .

Don't leave out the US regime change in Kyiv in 2014-- put the Nazis in power
2014 Minsk agreements .
Or, US supported and trained Ukeys shelling Donbas every day for 8 years --- 15000 killed , plus rapes , looting , arson , and general evil in small isolated villages .
Up to 200 000 ready to invade Donbas at end February .

Strange you missed those small details . Others also available
This thread certainly brought out the Russian trolls and fellow travelers.

Meanwhile 100,000 Russians have died in the unprovoked attack on Ukraine and 300,000 young men have fled the country to avoid the draft
Tell that to Serbia.

Tell that to Syria.

Tell that to Afghanistan.

Tell that to Iraq.

Tell that to Libya.
Does Russia consider itself a contemporary to these nations?

Every one of your examples is a country that was waging war on its own citizenry (except Afghanistan which harbored terrorists that killed thousands of Americans).

Russia is not under any threat of NATO invasion. Even if it were, admitting Ukraine to NATO changed nothing. If keeping NATO away from its borders was the main goal, they failed spectacularly given they drove Finland into NATOs arms.

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