Anti-Semitic Harvard president uses neo-Nazi tiki torch to light Hanukkah menorah

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
They're so blatant about it now.

The DemoKKKrat party is going down in history alongside Hitler's Third Reich.

Well, if the MAGA hat and tiki torch fit.........

We see you... carrying your tiki torch and chanting "Jews will not replace us!"

It was – the unite the right Tiki Torch march.

And do you REALLY think the sentiment went away because they haven’t organized any more tiki-torch parades?

Right wing tiki-torch paraders yelling "jews will not replace us" isn't going to draw much support.

Jewish voters will continue to support the Democratic party as a result.
Who gives two shits, none of us here are attending Harvard.

True. However, a Harvard degree is a ticket to supposedly prestigious employment. I already figured the hoi polloi got their kids into the school since inception. Many others are locked out due to the equity now.
Did she borrow it from one of these Trump supporters?

True. However, a Harvard degree is a ticket to supposedly prestigious employment. I already figured the hoi polloi got their kids into the school since inception. Many others are locked out due to the equity now.

Harvard College is highly overrated. Now Harvard University - the grad schools are where it's at. Many people who have made great careers after attending the grad schools, have attended 4 year colleges far away, and most times outside of the Ivy League system(?).
Did she borrow it from one of these Trump supporters?

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Near all the violence I have seen over the years is from Progs. You can take all the Deplorables images and videos you want. It still does not change the fact. Jan. 6 was a clown show turned into a making citizens inti an example for the glorious state. We know the election was stolen. No matter how you sell it. Race, culture, anything gender, religion. It does not matter. If Trump was a dictator, he was a lousy one who leaned towards freedom at home and kept us out of wars or tried to reduce our presence.
They're so blatant about it now.

The DemoKKKrat party is going down in history alongside Hitler's Third Reich.


That is stupid.
Tiki torches simply are the only ones sold.
There is no other torch sold on the market.

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