Anti-Semitism As Democrat Politics


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
This was last week....

1. "CNN’s Bizarre Blackout On Democrats’ Farrakhan Scandal

    • CNN has refused to inform their audience of a growing scandal tying prominent Democrats to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan
    • Farrakhan is a notorious anti-Semite and racist
    • At least eight Democrats are known to have met with Farrakhan and four have refused to denounce him
The leaders of Women’s March, a top progressive organization, have declared their support for Farrakhan and have refused to denounce him even as they alienate other progressives by supporting a rabid anti-Semite. The group’s co-president, Tamika Mallory, suggested that Farrakhan is right to call Jews his enemies and compared him to Jesus."
CNN’s Bizarre Blackout On Democrats’ Farrakhan Scandal

2. Now this...

"D.C. lawmaker says recent snowfall caused by ‘Rothschilds controlling the climate’
A D.C. lawmaker responded to a brief snowfall Friday by publishing a video in which he espoused a conspiracy theory that Jewish financiers control the weather.

D.C. Council member Trayon White Sr. (D-Ward 8):
“Man, it just started snowing out of nowhere this morning, man. Y’all better pay attention to this climate control, man, this climate manipulation,” he says. “And D.C. keep talking about, ‘We a resilient city.’ And that’s a model based off the Rothschilds controlling the climate to create natural disasters they can pay for to own the cities, man. Be careful.”
D.C. lawmaker says recent snowfall caused by ‘Rothschilds controlling the climate’

3. Quite a coincidence that the recent occupant of the Oval Office, Hussein Obama, evinced a never-before seen hatred of the Jewish state of Israel.

Now....about folks who claim to be of the Jewish persuasion, yet vote Democrat........
4. "Is it correct Obama invited Sharpton to the White House upwards of 85 times? And does that make Sharpton a “close adviser” of the president?" asked Kessler in laying out the basis for his re-examination of the former mayor's assertion.

He confirms that Sharpton has visited the White House on 72 occasions, including 5 one-on-one meetings, 20 meetings with staff members or senior advisers."
WaPo Fact Checker: Giuliani Right on Sharpton Visits to WH |

5. "Al Sharpton’s Group And Black Lives Matter Team Up For Pro-Farrakhan Protest
  • Black Lives Matter, the New Black Panther Party, and Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network are organizing a protest in defense of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan
  • Farrakhan is a notorious racist and anti-Semite with close ties to Democratic politicians and activists
  • The black activist groups are lobbying against a GOP resolution formally condemning Farrakhan for his anti-Semitism" Al Sharpton’s Group And Black Lives Matter Team Up For Pro-Farrakhan Protest

Now....about folks who claim to be of the Jewish persuasion, yet vote Democrat........
This was last week....

1. "CNN’s Bizarre Blackout On Democrats’ Farrakhan Scandal

    • CNN has refused to inform their audience of a growing scandal tying prominent Democrats to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan
    • Farrakhan is a notorious anti-Semite and racist
    • At least eight Democrats are known to have met with Farrakhan and four have refused to denounce him
The leaders of Women’s March, a top progressive organization, have declared their support for Farrakhan and have refused to denounce him even as they alienate other progressives by supporting a rabid anti-Semite. The group’s co-president, Tamika Mallory, suggested that Farrakhan is right to call Jews his enemies and compared him to Jesus."
CNN’s Bizarre Blackout On Democrats’ Farrakhan Scandal

2. Now this...

"D.C. lawmaker says recent snowfall caused by ‘Rothschilds controlling the climate’
A D.C. lawmaker responded to a brief snowfall Friday by publishing a video in which he espoused a conspiracy theory that Jewish financiers control the weather.

D.C. Council member Trayon White Sr. (D-Ward 8):
“Man, it just started snowing out of nowhere this morning, man. Y’all better pay attention to this climate control, man, this climate manipulation,” he says. “And D.C. keep talking about, ‘We a resilient city.’ And that’s a model based off the Rothschilds controlling the climate to create natural disasters they can pay for to own the cities, man. Be careful.”
D.C. lawmaker says recent snowfall caused by ‘Rothschilds controlling the climate’

3. Quite a coincidence that the recent occupant of the Oval Office, Hussein Obama, evinced a never-before seen hatred of the Jewish state of Israel.

Now....about folks who claim to be of the Jewish persuasion, yet vote Democrat........
Hilarious, is there a minority where the Republicans aren't "anti"? Besides Nazi's and Alt White?
This was last week....

1. "CNN’s Bizarre Blackout On Democrats’ Farrakhan Scandal

    • CNN has refused to inform their audience of a growing scandal tying prominent Democrats to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan
    • Farrakhan is a notorious anti-Semite and racist
    • At least eight Democrats are known to have met with Farrakhan and four have refused to denounce him
The leaders of Women’s March, a top progressive organization, have declared their support for Farrakhan and have refused to denounce him even as they alienate other progressives by supporting a rabid anti-Semite. The group’s co-president, Tamika Mallory, suggested that Farrakhan is right to call Jews his enemies and compared him to Jesus."
CNN’s Bizarre Blackout On Democrats’ Farrakhan Scandal

2. Now this...

"D.C. lawmaker says recent snowfall caused by ‘Rothschilds controlling the climate’
A D.C. lawmaker responded to a brief snowfall Friday by publishing a video in which he espoused a conspiracy theory that Jewish financiers control the weather.

D.C. Council member Trayon White Sr. (D-Ward 8):
“Man, it just started snowing out of nowhere this morning, man. Y’all better pay attention to this climate control, man, this climate manipulation,” he says. “And D.C. keep talking about, ‘We a resilient city.’ And that’s a model based off the Rothschilds controlling the climate to create natural disasters they can pay for to own the cities, man. Be careful.”
D.C. lawmaker says recent snowfall caused by ‘Rothschilds controlling the climate’

3. Quite a coincidence that the recent occupant of the Oval Office, Hussein Obama, evinced a never-before seen hatred of the Jewish state of Israel.

Now....about folks who claim to be of the Jewish persuasion, yet vote Democrat........
Hilarious, is there a minority where the Republicans aren't "anti"? Besides Nazi's and Alt White?

"is there a minority where the Republicans aren't "anti"?"

Let me get this straight.....

...this is your embarrassed response to proof that anti-Semitism is deeply embedded in the Democrat Party????

"One Third of Democrats Blame the Financial Crisis on the Jews
You wouldn’t think that theories like that would receive wide-spread acceptance in the United States. Unfortunately it has. Over 18% of all non Jewish Republicans blame the Jews for the financial crisis and almost one-third of Democrats blame the Jews:

Anti-Semitism and the economic crisis Neil Malhotra and Yotam Margalit

The media coverage of the Bernard Madoff scandal made extensive reference to Madoff’s ethnic and religious background and his prominent role in the Jewish community. Because the scandal broke at a time of great public outcry against financial institutions, some, including Brad Greenberg in The Christian Science Monitor and Mark Seal in Vanity Fair, have reported on its potential to generate a wave of anti-Semitism."
One Third of Democrats Blame the Financial Crisis on the Jews


Now....about folks who claim to be of the Jewish persuasion, yet vote Democrat........
"D.C. [Democrat] lawmaker who said Rothschilds control the climate also said they control the federal government"
White also contended that the Rothschilds — a European business dynasty and frequent subject of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories — control the World Bank and the federal government, making those remarks during a Feb. 27 gathering of top city officials, including Mayor Muriel E. Bowser (D) and other council members.

...snowfall in the District was “climate control” by the Rothschilds, who “create natural disasters they can pay for to own the cities.”

No one in the room challenged his remarks. "
D.C. lawmaker who said Rothschilds control the climate also said they control the federal government

Urgent request to my Democrat pals....

Here we in NYC are suffering under the burden of yet another snow storm.....

...and NYC is known to have lots of Jewish folks....soooooo, couldn't they put in a word with the Rothschilds.....the ones who control the weather.....

...and cut out this snow stuff??????
This was last week....

1. "CNN’s Bizarre Blackout On Democrats’ Farrakhan Scandal

    • CNN has refused to inform their audience of a growing scandal tying prominent Democrats to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan
    • Farrakhan is a notorious anti-Semite and racist
    • At least eight Democrats are known to have met with Farrakhan and four have refused to denounce him
The leaders of Women’s March, a top progressive organization, have declared their support for Farrakhan and have refused to denounce him even as they alienate other progressives by supporting a rabid anti-Semite. The group’s co-president, Tamika Mallory, suggested that Farrakhan is right to call Jews his enemies and compared him to Jesus."
CNN’s Bizarre Blackout On Democrats’ Farrakhan Scandal

2. Now this...

"D.C. lawmaker says recent snowfall caused by ‘Rothschilds controlling the climate’
A D.C. lawmaker responded to a brief snowfall Friday by publishing a video in which he espoused a conspiracy theory that Jewish financiers control the weather.

D.C. Council member Trayon White Sr. (D-Ward 8):
“Man, it just started snowing out of nowhere this morning, man. Y’all better pay attention to this climate control, man, this climate manipulation,” he says. “And D.C. keep talking about, ‘We a resilient city.’ And that’s a model based off the Rothschilds controlling the climate to create natural disasters they can pay for to own the cities, man. Be careful.”
D.C. lawmaker says recent snowfall caused by ‘Rothschilds controlling the climate’

3. Quite a coincidence that the recent occupant of the Oval Office, Hussein Obama, evinced a never-before seen hatred of the Jewish state of Israel.

Now....about folks who claim to be of the Jewish persuasion, yet vote Democrat........
Fake News CNN is part of the Corporate Left-wing Propaganda Arm of the Democrat Party.



Neera Tanden: Rashida Tlaib’s booing of Hillary at Sanders rally just another example of ‘white male rage and misogyny.’

We joke about Bernie Bros all the time, but Sanders’ really does have a young, white, male following with some “truly radical” staffers mixed in.

As we noted in the previous post, Center for American Progress President Neera Tanden said the spectacle sadly reminded her of “Lock her up!” chants at the 2016 Democratic convention. But now she’s expanded her analysis to claim that the booing was just another example of white male rage and misogyny.

Even CNN reports that it was Tlaib who led the booing and got it started:

CNN Politics


Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib boos Hillary Clinton at Bernie Sanders campaign event in Iowa

12:47 PM - Feb 1, 2020
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And the three people we see on stage leading the boos are Reps. Tlaib, Pramila Jayapal, and Ilhan Omar … not exactly your average white males.

Neera Tanden


What I love about incidents like this - the booing of Hillary at a Sanders rally - is example after example of white male rage and misogyny. …

Neera Tanden Endorses Slavery

Replying to @boring_as_heck and 6 others
she deserves a lot worse actually but you're not allowed to say what it is! but if you'd like a hint, just remember what happened to a lot of the other rich pieces of shit who had literal slaves cleaning their colonial mansions!

8:30 PM - Jan 31, 2020

Replying to @neeratanden

yes, rashida tlaib, a perfect example of white male rage and misogyny.

8:33 PM - Jan 31, 2020

Local Goblins In Your Area@MainlyJustLeech
Replying to @neeratanden

the white male rage of multiple women of color

7:04 AM - Feb 1, 2020

Morton Downey III@cushbomb
Replying to @neeratanden

Everyone on stage was a woman.

9:53 PM - Jan 31, 2020

Replying to @neeratanden

Rashid Tlaib is not a white male and neither am I.

9:13 PM - Jan 31, 2020

Aren R. LeBrun@proustmalone
Replying to @neeratanden

Famed white male @RashidaTlaib
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