Anti-Trump Protesters Taunt Jews at AIPAC With Nazi Imagery

Go ahead. Explain how "TRUMP = NAZI" is a taunt of the Jews.

Ok You're extra ordinarily stupid....Even though equating Trump to the Nazis who killed 6 million Jews in an of itself is extremely stupid. The "stop funding Israel Apartide" sign behind it, reaffirms the Jew hate:slap:
there you go again, equating the criticism of the political nation of israel with hatred of jews.
The two things are virtually indistinguishable.
only if you want them to be and the people that want them to be are those that are desperate for cover from criticism of some of israel's more questionable actions.
It's not a matter of what I want. It's a matter of truth, reality.
reality is israel is a political state like any other. what it chooses to do or not do only reflects on israel, not israel and jews. it's therefore more than possible to disagree with israel and feel no malice or ill-will or give any consideration at all towards any religion or ethnicity
try using the search function. I'd encourage others to do the same.

i never said what you claim. you are a worthless, lying, libelous pice of shit.

i await your admission of that and an apology
Trump, of the candidates left in the GOP, is the LEAST sympathetic to Israel. That is an irrefutable fact.

Trump got as much or more applause at the AIPAC speech than Hillary. That is an irrefutable fact.
Cruz got substantially more.

Hillary has weaseled too often. They know what she says can be taken to the Secret Service... They know it is counterfeit

Hillary is a selfish, corrupt, phony.
try using the search function. I'd encourage others to do the same.

i never said what you claim. you are a worthless, lying, libelous pice of shit.

i await your admission of that and an apology
As i said before. Do you support the destruction of Israel? Dismantling of it? removal of all the Jews, and turning the entire area over to the islamofacist? The only way for that to happen is dead Jews, you got that boy? Yes, you like Jews, those that stay were they belong, under the so-called protection (mercy)of others. Oh and to my face? you'd be a lot more respectful. I guarantee you that..Boy:slap:
Trump, of the candidates left in the GOP, is the LEAST sympathetic to Israel. That is an irrefutable fact.
Thank you for telling us about our candidates. Because we need lying, progressive anti-American douchebags to explain it to us.
aipac should know who they're getting into bed with.
if they don't like the imagery maybe they should rethink whom they support
AIPAC is comprised of Neo-Conservatives and Limousine Liberals.

Simple formula...
Trump wants Fair Trade.
AIPAC doesn't want Trump.
They might now. Trumps speech was pretty good and he made it clear he will stand by Israel.
try using the search function. I'd encourage others to do the same.

i never said what you claim. you are a worthless, lying, libelous pice of shit.

i await your admission of that and an apology
As i said before. Do you support the destruction of Israel? Dismantling of it? removal of all the Jews, and turning the entire area over to the islamofacist? The only way for that to happen is dead Jews, you got that boy? Yes, you like Jews, those that stay were they belong, under the so-called protection (mercy)of others. Oh and to my face? you'd be a lot more respectful. I guarantee you that..Boy:slap:
You are a libelous liar unworthy of anyone's respect.

Why do you choose to be such a worthless piece of garbage?
try using the search function. I'd encourage others to do the same.

i never said what you claim. you are a worthless, lying, libelous pice of shit.

i await your admission of that and an apology
As i said before. Do you support the destruction of Israel? Dismantling of it? removal of all the Jews, and turning the entire area over to the islamofacist? The only way for that to happen is dead Jews, you got that boy? Yes, you like Jews, those that stay were they belong, under the so-called protection (mercy)of others. Oh and to my face? you'd be a lot more respectful. I guarantee you that..Boy:slap:
You are a libelous liar unworthy of anyone's respect.

Why do you choose to be such a worthless piece of garbage?

Truth hurts doesn't it Jew hater.
try using the search function. I'd encourage others to do the same.

i never said what you claim. you are a worthless, lying, libelous pice of shit.

i await your admission of that and an apology
As i said before. Do you support the destruction of Israel? Dismantling of it? removal of all the Jews, and turning the entire area over to the islamofacist? The only way for that to happen is dead Jews, you got that boy? Yes, you like Jews, those that stay were they belong, under the so-called protection (mercy)of others. Oh and to my face? you'd be a lot more respectful. I guarantee you that..Boy:slap:
You are a libelous liar unworthy of anyone's respect.

Why do you choose to be such a worthless piece of garbage?

Truth hurts doesn't it Jew hater.
Did you or did you not make up a quote, falsely attribute it to me, and then use it to paint me as antisemitic?
Ok You're extra ordinarily stupid....Even though equating Trump to the Nazis who killed 6 million Jews in an of itself is extremely stupid. The "stop funding Israel Apartide" sign behind it, reaffirms the Jew hate:slap:
there you go again, equating the criticism of the political nation of israel with hatred of jews.
The two things are virtually indistinguishable.
only if you want them to be and the people that want them to be are those that are desperate for cover from criticism of some of israel's more questionable actions.
It's not a matter of what I want. It's a matter of truth, reality.
reality is israel is a political state like any other. what it chooses to do or not do only reflects on israel, not israel and jews. it's therefore more than possible to disagree with israel and feel no malice or ill-will or give any consideration at all towards any religion or ethnicity
Yeah, I suppose that's possible, in theory. In reality almost everyone who claims to be an "anti-Zionist" is really just an antisemite. The later is the reason for the former. The former is just a cover of respectability for the later.
Trump, of the candidates left in the GOP, is the LEAST sympathetic to Israel. That is an irrefutable fact.
Thank you for telling us about our candidates. Because we need lying, progressive anti-American douchebags to explain it to us.

Ok, let's debate it. I say Trump is the least sympathetic to Israel of your candidates, you disagree.

Now, you tell us which candidate - there are 2 others in the race, Cruz and Kasich, is less sympathetic to Israel than Trump.

Or admit I'm right and go back to your dog bowl.
They weren't taunting the Jews, they were trying to tell the Jewish people that Trump has a lot of Fascist and Nazi views.

If it was against the Jews themselves, Trump's name and likeness wouldn't be on the sign, and it would have something derogatory pointed at the Jewish people themselves.

Warning someone that someone else is not a good person isn't taunting.

Really? Name them...
there you go again, equating the criticism of the political nation of israel with hatred of jews.
The two things are virtually indistinguishable.
only if you want them to be and the people that want them to be are those that are desperate for cover from criticism of some of israel's more questionable actions.
It's not a matter of what I want. It's a matter of truth, reality.
reality is israel is a political state like any other. what it chooses to do or not do only reflects on israel, not israel and jews. it's therefore more than possible to disagree with israel and feel no malice or ill-will or give any consideration at all towards any religion or ethnicity
Yeah, I suppose that's possible, in theory. In reality almost everyone who claims to be an "anti-Zionist" is really just an antisemite. The later is the reason for the former. The former is just a cover of respectability for the later.
that's definitely true for some. for others, like myself, israel's actions are the cause for criticism and people like Jroc use cries of antisemitism to deflect from and discredit that criticism.

it also seems odd to me - it's a horrible thing to hate a people because of religion or ethnicity. isn't it also horrible in it's own way to completely give a pass to a nation because of religion or ethnicity?
This Gentile would like to wade into that herd of animals with a 42 oz Louisville Slugger

And then come on here and cry about first hand experiencve of violence after he had his ass handed to him.

Left-wing scum, islamofascist supportors:mad:

The AIPAC Policy Conference is the pro-Israel community’s preeminent annual gathering. The event attracts more than 16,000 community and student activists from all 50 states.

Donald Trump is speaking at the conference on Monday night.

Already, hundreds of angry anti-Trump protesters have gathered outside the convention center.

Andrew Marcus, producer of Hating Breitbart, and Jeremy Segal, of Rebel Pundit are covering the protests.

The anti-Trump protesters are taunting the Jewish audience with Nazi imagery


DISGUSTING! HUNDREDS of Anti-Trump Protesters Taunt Jews at AIPAC With Nazi Imagery - The Gateway Pundit

Nazi's blamed a minority for their country's problems, so has Trump. If you're too blinded by your own hatred to recognise that then you're clearly who Drumpf is pitching at.
Left-wing scum, islamofascist supportors:mad:

The AIPAC Policy Conference is the pro-Israel community’s preeminent annual gathering. The event attracts more than 16,000 community and student activists from all 50 states.

Donald Trump is speaking at the conference on Monday night.

Already, hundreds of angry anti-Trump protesters have gathered outside the convention center.

Andrew Marcus, producer of Hating Breitbart, and Jeremy Segal, of Rebel Pundit are covering the protests.

The anti-Trump protesters are taunting the Jewish audience with Nazi imagery


DISGUSTING! HUNDREDS of Anti-Trump Protesters Taunt Jews at AIPAC With Nazi Imagery - The Gateway Pundit

Yo, it`s past time the Police start cracking heads!!! I mean split heads, so the liquid in their empty heads oozes out!!!

View attachment 68438

Screw the police. They can't be trusted to crack the right heads. They're stupider than the protesters themselves.
This Gentile would like to wade into that herd of animals with a 42 oz Louisville Slugger

And then come on here and cry about first hand experiencve of violence after he had his ass handed to him.

Left-wing scum, islamofascist supportors:mad:

The AIPAC Policy Conference is the pro-Israel community’s preeminent annual gathering. The event attracts more than 16,000 community and student activists from all 50 states.

Donald Trump is speaking at the conference on Monday night.

Already, hundreds of angry anti-Trump protesters have gathered outside the convention center.

Andrew Marcus, producer of Hating Breitbart, and Jeremy Segal, of Rebel Pundit are covering the protests.

The anti-Trump protesters are taunting the Jewish audience with Nazi imagery


DISGUSTING! HUNDREDS of Anti-Trump Protesters Taunt Jews at AIPAC With Nazi Imagery - The Gateway Pundit

Nazi's blamed a minority for their country's problems, so has Trump. If you're too blinded by your own hatred to recognise that then you're clearly who Drumpf is pitching at.
Don't worry. The Hossfly, having been in the military during the entire 60s, has operated in riot control a number of times. Never got a scratch.

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