Anti-Trump Protesters Taunt Jews at AIPAC With Nazi Imagery

Left-wing scum, islamofascist supportors:mad:

The AIPAC Policy Conference is the pro-Israel community’s preeminent annual gathering. The event attracts more than 16,000 community and student activists from all 50 states.

Donald Trump is speaking at the conference on Monday night.

Already, hundreds of angry anti-Trump protesters have gathered outside the convention center.

Andrew Marcus, producer of Hating Breitbart, and Jeremy Segal, of Rebel Pundit are covering the protests.

The anti-Trump protesters are taunting the Jewish audience with Nazi imagery


DISGUSTING! HUNDREDS of Anti-Trump Protesters Taunt Jews at AIPAC With Nazi Imagery - The Gateway Pundit

Yo, it`s past time the Police start cracking heads!!! I mean split heads, so the liquid in their empty heads oozes out!!!

View attachment 68438

If their heads are empty as you claim, you wouldn't have anything ooze out when they were cracked open. Empty doesn't mean having something ooze out, it means there is nothing there in the first place.

Yeah.................I know you hate it when someone uses logic on you.

Yo, you need blood to live?

View attachment 68443

Yes, you DO need blood to live. Ever heard of the term "bleed out"? Lose more than 1/3 of your blood and you WILL die.

You must be trolling, because I don't think anyone else could be that stupid.

Yo, ""SPLIT THERE HEADS? BLEED OUT!!!!"" Stupid? The Mirror is close by I`m sure?

Left-wing scum, islamofascist supportors:mad:

The AIPAC Policy Conference is the pro-Israel community’s preeminent annual gathering. The event attracts more than 16,000 community and student activists from all 50 states.

Donald Trump is speaking at the conference on Monday night.

Already, hundreds of angry anti-Trump protesters have gathered outside the convention center.

Andrew Marcus, producer of Hating Breitbart, and Jeremy Segal, of Rebel Pundit are covering the protests.

The anti-Trump protesters are taunting the Jewish audience with Nazi imagery


DISGUSTING! HUNDREDS of Anti-Trump Protesters Taunt Jews at AIPAC With Nazi Imagery - The Gateway Pundit

Another leftist Jew hater:slap:

If I hated Jews - I'd say so. I just detest Nutanyahoo and his Israeli hardliners. I get tired of all their fucking whining.
Go ahead. Explain.

This should be fun.

I post pictures for you simple minded leftist and still you don't get it:uhh:
Go ahead. Explain how "TRUMP = NAZI" is a taunt of the Jews.

Ok You're extra ordinarily stupid....Even though equating Trump to the Nazis who killed 6 million Jews in an of itself is extremely stupid. The "stop funding Israel Apartide" sign behind it, reaffirms the Jew hate:slap:
there you go again, equating the criticism of the political nation of israel with hatred of jews.


got that link for my supposed "quote" yet?
Left-wing scum, islamofascist supportors:mad:

The AIPAC Policy Conference is the pro-Israel community’s preeminent annual gathering. The event attracts more than 16,000 community and student activists from all 50 states.

Donald Trump is speaking at the conference on Monday night.

Already, hundreds of angry anti-Trump protesters have gathered outside the convention center.

Andrew Marcus, producer of Hating Breitbart, and Jeremy Segal, of Rebel Pundit are covering the protests.

The anti-Trump protesters are taunting the Jewish audience with Nazi imagery


DISGUSTING! HUNDREDS of Anti-Trump Protesters Taunt Jews at AIPAC With Nazi Imagery - The Gateway Pundit

They're just following the path of their left-wing socialist hero - Adolf Hitler.
You're incredibly stupid.
Go ahead. Explain.

This should be fun.

I post pictures for you simple minded leftist and still you don't get it:uhh:
Go ahead. Explain how "TRUMP = NAZI" is a taunt of the Jews.

Ok You're extra ordinarily stupid....Even though equating Trump to the Nazis who killed 6 million Jews in an of itself is extremely stupid. The "stop funding Israel Apartide" sign behind it, reaffirms the Jew hate:slap:
there you go again, equating the criticism of the political nation of israel with hatred of jews.
The two things are virtually indistinguishable.
Both of you want the destruction of Israel. there's not much difference between you two
lol. you think anyone that disagrees with the nation of israel wants its destruction. you're an irrational zealot seeing boogeymen in every shadow.

in other words, no, i don't want the destruction of israel.
ill quote you ..."don't you think Jews would be better off shipped to the U.S. or other countries"....Yeah let the islamofascist scum have it :slap:
interesting quote. where did you get it?
From you boy
then link it.

You got a memory problem boy? it'll take minute, if I bother with it.... You know what you "think"
Some of the protesters at the AIPAC conference were from the ANSWER Coalition. This is a front for the Stalinist Workers World Party.

There is a very wide pro-Palestinian streak in the ANSWER ranks, which means there is a wide anti-Israel streak.

ANSWER is the same organization responsible for the largest anti-war rallies during the Bush Administration.

These are hardcore commies.
Ok You're extra ordinarily stupid....Even though equating Trump to the Nazis who killed 6 million Jews in an of itself is extremely stupid. The "stop funding Israel Apartheid" sign behind it, reaffirms the Jew hate:slap:
Those are ANSWER Coalition signs. Yellow and black is their typical color scheme.

That is the organization of which I just spoke in my last post.
Left-wing scum, islamofascist supportors:mad:

The AIPAC Policy Conference is the pro-Israel community’s preeminent annual gathering. The event attracts more than 16,000 community and student activists from all 50 states.

Donald Trump is speaking at the conference on Monday night.

Already, hundreds of angry anti-Trump protesters have gathered outside the convention center.

Andrew Marcus, producer of Hating Breitbart, and Jeremy Segal, of Rebel Pundit are covering the protests.

The anti-Trump protesters are taunting the Jewish audience with Nazi imagery


DISGUSTING! HUNDREDS of Anti-Trump Protesters Taunt Jews at AIPAC With Nazi Imagery - The Gateway Pundit

Another leftist Jew hater:slap:

If I hated Jews - I'd say so. I just detest Nutanyahoo and his Israeli hardliners. I get tired of all their fucking whining.

You've said so many times Pocahontas
lol. you think anyone that disagrees with the nation of israel wants its destruction. you're an irrational zealot seeing boogeymen in every shadow.

in other words, no, i don't want the destruction of israel.
ill quote you ..."don't you think Jews would be better off shipped to the U.S. or other countries"....Yeah let the islamofascist scum have it :slap:
interesting quote. where did you get it?
From you boy
then link it.

You got a memory problem boy? it'll take minute, if I bother with it.... You know what you "think"
you've claimed that i've said something i say i haven't. so you can either back up your claim or admit to being a dishonest piece of trash.

clock's ticking.
Ok You're extra ordinarily stupid....Even though equating Trump to the Nazis who killed 6 million Jews in an of itself is extremely stupid. The "stop funding Israel Apartheid" sign behind it, reaffirms the Jew hate:slap:
Those are ANSWER Coalition signs. Yellow and black is their typical color scheme.

That is the organization of which I just spoke in my last post.

Thank you...leftist Jew haters all of them
ANSWER has protested Israel and AIPAC for many years. Trump is just extra sauce.

It is interesting none of the rubes ever noticed ANSWER before.
Go ahead. Explain.

This should be fun.

I post pictures for you simple minded leftist and still you don't get it:uhh:
Go ahead. Explain how "TRUMP = NAZI" is a taunt of the Jews.

Ok You're extra ordinarily stupid....Even though equating Trump to the Nazis who killed 6 million Jews in an of itself is extremely stupid. The "stop funding Israel Apartide" sign behind it, reaffirms the Jew hate:slap:
there you go again, equating the criticism of the political nation of israel with hatred of jews.
The two things are virtually indistinguishable.
only if you want them to be and the people that want them to be are those that are desperate for cover from criticism of some of israel's more questionable actions.
ANSWER has protested Israel and AIPAC for many years. Trump is just extra sauce.

It is interesting none of the rubes ever noticed ANSWER before.

I've notice them at "BLM" pro illegal rallies, all leftist nuts apposed to Trump. they are the same people
Left-wing scum, islamofascist supportors:mad:

The AIPAC Policy Conference is the pro-Israel community’s preeminent annual gathering. The event attracts more than 16,000 community and student activists from all 50 states.

Donald Trump is speaking at the conference on Monday night.

Already, hundreds of angry anti-Trump protesters have gathered outside the convention center.

Andrew Marcus, producer of Hating Breitbart, and Jeremy Segal, of Rebel Pundit are covering the protests.

The anti-Trump protesters are taunting the Jewish audience with Nazi imagery


DISGUSTING! HUNDREDS of Anti-Trump Protesters Taunt Jews at AIPAC With Nazi Imagery - The Gateway Pundit

They're just following the path of their left-wing socialist hero - Adolf Hitler.
So they love Trump then? Since they are calling him a Nazi, right?

You are seriously confused.

And Hitler was right wing,retard.
where's the link, asshole?
Il'l post it when I look through some threads. I don't keep a record of all the Jew haters here, just some....You can play stupid if you'd like ..You're good at it
where's the link, asshole?
Il'l post it when I look through some threads. I don't keep a record of all the Jew haters here, just some....You can play stupid if you'd like ..You're good at it
so i'm supposed to believe that you were able to copy and paste my words but you aren't able to locate them now?
you made a claim. i dispute it. back it up or prove to everyone what kind of scum you are
I post pictures for you simple minded leftist and still you don't get it:uhh:
Go ahead. Explain how "TRUMP = NAZI" is a taunt of the Jews.

Ok You're extra ordinarily stupid....Even though equating Trump to the Nazis who killed 6 million Jews in an of itself is extremely stupid. The "stop funding Israel Apartide" sign behind it, reaffirms the Jew hate:slap:
there you go again, equating the criticism of the political nation of israel with hatred of jews.
The two things are virtually indistinguishable.
only if you want them to be and the people that want them to be are those that are desperate for cover from criticism of some of israel's more questionable actions.
It's not a matter of what I want. It's a matter of truth, reality.

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