Anti-Trumpers: What Do You Have Against Trump ?

No one ‘hates’ Trump; opposition to Trump is perfectly appropriate and warranted given the fact Trump is comprehensively wrong on the issues.

Linked below is a compilation of Trump’s misdeeds, failures, and wrongheaded policy positions:

“Early in President Trump’s term, McSweeney’s editors began to catalog the head-spinning number of misdeeds coming from his administration. We called this list a collection of Trump’s cruelties, collusions, and crimes, and it felt urgent then to track them, to ensure these horrors — happening almost daily — would not be forgotten. This election year, amid a harrowing global health, civil rights, humanitarian, and economic crisis, we know it’s never been more critical to note these horrors, to remember them, and to do all in our power to reverse them.”

And thankfully they were reversed when the American people voted Trump out of office.
Refer to each sentence in the OP, and STATE how Trump was "wrong on the issues" >highest median wage, highest stock market, lowest unemployments, First Step Act, Operation Warp Speed, Opportunity Zones, a$$is$tnace to black colleges , etc
Sorry, you don't get away with dumping a link in here, and then just running off. I'm challenging YOU to say in YOUR own words, how you justify your comments.

And the American people did NOT vote Trump out of office, he got 80% of the vote - 80 Million to Biden's 20 Million (mostly from illegal aliens), and the determination of the election is still in process.
Four years in, and they have made zero (0) effort to gain an accurate understanding of the perspectives of others.

It's not exactly hard to find, but they hide from it, so then they say "so you have nothing". This is the thought process of children.

Willful, arrogant ignorance. Worthless.
Understanding of WHAT "perspective"? Suppose you tell us. I'm listening.
just look at the difference in attitude between this president and the last one

there is nothing Biden takes more seriously than his job as president

Trump played golf and phoned it in
Yeah, look at the VAST difference. Trump cares about the nation, and has improved it, immensely, as cited in the OP.
Biden conspired with China AGAINST the US, and succeeded in helping China saturate our stores with "Made in China" trash, and was paid handsomely for it.

Trump helps America. Biden commits treason.

Trump is a nationalist who cares about and helps American workers, by fighting against illegal immigration. Biden welcomes it, throwing US workers under the bus.
Four years in, and they have made zero (0) effort to gain an accurate understanding of the perspectives of others.

It's not exactly hard to find, but they hide from it, so then they say "so you have nothing". This is the thought process of children.

Willful, arrogant ignorance. Worthless.
Understanding of WHAT "perspective"? Suppose you tell us. I'm listening.
You just illustrated my point. You've made no effort to understand the perspectives of others. That's on you, not me.

You must think that everyone else is supposed to have exactly the same life experiences, opinions and priorities as you.

As I said, willful ignorance. What a small world that must be.
just look at the difference in attitude between this president and the last one

there is nothing Biden takes more seriously than his job as president

Trump played golf and phoned it in
Yeah, look at the VAST difference. Trump cares about the nation, and has improved it, immensely, as cited in the OP.
Biden conspired with China AGAINST the US, and succeeded in helping China saturate our stores with "Made in China" trash, and was paid handsomely for it.

Trump helps America. Biden commits treason.

Trump is a nationalist who cares about and helps American workers, by fighting against illegal immigration. Biden welcomes it, throwing US workers under the bus.
Biden is responsible for the Violence Against Women Act, and the Biden crime bill, and he's not even President yet

Donald Trump took a hike
They really do not have any legit reasons so hate Trump.
It is a cultural loathing of GOP voters aka mainstream society aka the wagon pullers.
There are scores of legitimate reasons to oppose Trump; as again, Trump is comprehensively wrong on the issues.

Trump is wrong about climate change, the environment, and deregulation.

Trump is wrong about immigration.

Trump is wrong about trade, tariffs, and taxes.

Trump is wrong to coddle dictators and attack our allies.

Trump is wrong about the election being ‘stolen.’

Trump is wrong to claim millions of votes were ‘illegal.’

And Trump is wrong to seek to overturn the election contrary to the Constitution, our democratic institutions, and the will of the people.

All are perfectly legitimate reasons to oppose Trump.
Leftists were protesting Trump before he was sworn in. They were calling for Trumps impeachment before his inauguration.

Which proves it's nothing Trump has's just sore loser-ism!

They really do not have any legit reasons so hate Trump.
It is a cultural loathing of GOP voters aka mainstream society aka the wagon pullers.
There are scores of legitimate reasons to oppose Trump; as again, Trump is comprehensively wrong on the issues.

Trump is wrong about climate change, the environment, and deregulation.

Trump is wrong about immigration.

Trump is wrong about trade, tariffs, and taxes.

Trump is wrong to coddle dictators and attack our allies.

Trump is wrong about the election being ‘stolen.’

Trump is wrong to claim millions of votes were ‘illegal.’

And Trump is wrong to seek to overturn the election contrary to the Constitution, our democratic institutions, and the will of the people.

All are perfectly legitimate reasons to oppose Trump.
NO, it is YOU who are wrong on those issues.

1. If Trump was so wrong on climate change, would Obama have just purchased an $11.75 million WATERFRONT home, just a few feet from the shore of the Atlantic Ocean ? But he did just that.
Green dreamers want to use our precious water to manufacture hydrogen in a round-robin electrolytic process that consumes far more energy than it can ever produce.
Electrolysis consumes nine tons of water plus heaps of electricity to make one ton of hydrogen. This processed water is not recovered until the hydrogen is burned (unlike water in steam turbines, where most water is reused).
Wanna talk about wind turbines and the "environment" ? They kill millions of birds and offshore ones steal rain from inland areas, contributing to wildfire disaster, destroying millions of acres of land, trees, and killing millions of animals.

2. Deregulation is one of the prime reasons why our economy's GDP WENT UP when Trump took over, and it had SUNK during Obama's last 2 years.

3. Trump was RIGHT about immigration, and his tough policies on it are one of the big reasons why unemployment for blacks, Hispanics, Asians, the disabled, and the poor reached lowest levels in US history. The deportations and reduced influx of people also reduced pollution, crime, and disease, and helped the economy by reducing remittance loss ($40 Billion/year under Obama).

3. Trump is totally RIGHT abut trade and tariffs. In 30 stupid years before Trump, US presidents gave China unrestricted access to our market, thereby filling up our stores with Made in China junk stuff. Trump reversed this giving American small businesses a chance to grow, and create US jobs. Trump's cut of the corporate tax also helped in this regard. One of the prime reasons for Trump's economic success.

4. Those who you call our allies have NOT BEEN our allies. Certainly not China and Mexico, both if whom have been robbing us blind with Billions$$/year in remittance theft. European so-called allies have been receiving protection from our military and not contributing to NATO, until Trump came along.

5. Trump is right that the election was stolen. Everybody knows it, despite some people trying to deny it. The "will of the people was 80-100 million votes for Trump; 20 Million for Biden.
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Red herring fallacy.

The thread is about Trump, not Clinton.

And this is yet another reason to oppose Trump: like his supporters, Trump is dishonest, corrupt, and a liar.
I have asked 100 times in this forum, for somebody to show me ONE LIE that Trump has ever told. None have ever been presented. A few were attempted, but they were leftist media distortions.
Red herring fallacy.

The thread is about Trump, not Clinton.

And this is yet another reason to oppose Trump: like his supporters, Trump is dishonest, corrupt, and a liar.
I have asked 100 times in this forum, for somebody to show me ONE LIE that Trump has ever told. None have ever been presented. A few were attempted, but they were leftist media distortions.

Where is the Bronx?

How to keep a moron busy....
Red herring fallacy.

The thread is about Trump, not Clinton.

And this is yet another reason to oppose Trump: like his supporters, Trump is dishonest, corrupt, and a liar.
I have asked 100 times in this forum, for somebody to show me ONE LIE that Trump has ever told. None have ever been presented. A few were attempted, but they were leftist media distortions.
You are full of crap. You make lame excuses for his lies. You still believe he had a huge inauguration, is responsible for veterans' choice, had many close friends killed in the Trade Towers. won the 2020 election, and had the greatest economy in American history.
1) 320K people dead. That's how.
2) An unpopular opposition candidate, a whole bloc of voters staying home, and a last minute assist from the former FBI director. Once in a lifetime.
3) Incompetent..and corrupt. You can't run government like a business. That being said, most of his businesses fell flat on their face. 7 bankruptcies.
4) See #3.
5) Obama's economic growth quarter to quarter was better than Trump's. Period.
1. There is no 320,000 people dead, you foolish DUPE. Have you still not heard how that number is a ridiculous inflation of the real number ? (probably around 10,000). And whatever the number is, it is the Democrats who brought it about, when Obama granted $3.7 Million to the Wuhan lab.

2. Can't figure out what that's talking about.

3. So that why he's a multibillionaire with a private 757 jet, properties all over the world, and a mansion in Florida. Maybe he's on food stamps too. Wanna tell us that ? I suspect if CNN told you that, you'd believe it.
You are full of crap. You make lame excuses for his lies. You still believe he had a huge inauguration, responsible for veterans' choice, had many close friends killed in the Trade Towers. won the 2020 election, and had the greatest economy in American history.
WHAT lie ? NAME one. his inauguration was in a city loaded with black Democrats, and his it took place on a Friday, when his people were AT WORK - in contrast to Obama's crown of welfare recipients.

You reveal your ignorance, or it may be CNN/MSNBC brainwashing, In any case, being a veteran myself receiving medical from the VA, I know that Obama's Choice Act was an ineffective FAILURE, which was replaced by Trump's very effective MISSION Act, which I received surgery outside the VA hospital in 2018 from. Under Obama's crappy choice act I was denied that surgery.

In many ways, Trump's economy WAS the greatest in US history, as some facets of that I covered in the OP. Read it. And he not only won the 2020 election , but he won it by a landslide.
First, I took away your bold print, because nothing you said, has a shred of evidence to support it. Your whole post is nothing but hot air, mindless babbling.

The OP has a ton of concrete FACTS. Present something concrete, or go play checkers
You want FACTS.
HERE is some.
Now, please Confirm or Deny these next points as Facts or Not.
Trump is a con man. Always has been. Always will be. The evidence is
1). Trump University. He conned students out of their money and gave them a promise that wasn’t kept.
I’ll start with just 1.
Deny this or accept this as FACT or Not.
Red herring fallacy.

The thread is about Trump, not Clinton.

And this is yet another reason to oppose Trump: like his supporters, Trump is dishonest, corrupt, and a liar.
I have asked 100 times in this forum, for somebody to show me ONE LIE that Trump has ever told. None have ever been presented. A few were attempted, but they were leftist media distortions.
Good fucking God ! are you serious??!!
I could explain it to you for the 286736th time but you'd just go :lalala: as you did the first 286735 times so what's the point. Clearly you can't handle it. Which is typical of a Cult.

As is post 5.
You could explain it to me, except for one slight problem, You have no explanation. Try reading the OP a couple of times. Pictures too.

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