Anti-Vaxxers & Anti-Maskers Are Now Targeting Children & Vaccination Sites

Wow the anti vaxxers have gotten out of control.

You all are free to make your own choices. You are not free to take that choice from everyone else.

Why can't you be happy to have the freedom to not vaccinate? Why do you feel you have the right to take that freedom from everyone else? Do you really expect people to respect your choices when you not only refuse to accept other people's choices, but you take action to take those choice from people.

Conservatives believe freedom and liberty, my body my choice only applies to themselves but no one else.

The vaccinated are the super spreaders.
And people wonder why people do not want to be vaccinated.
Um ... McFly... I think what bothers people is that these morons are fighting against safety measures during a pandemic. Such a subtle point, I can see why an adult would have to explain it... to ... no other rational adult that can feed himself...
"Safety measures"? Pretty much like the Nazis using their gas chambers to keep us safe from overpopulation. Sheer arrogance to think only you know the "safe" course of action for everybody else. And a mistake of epic proportions to demand that others follow your uninformed opinions. You're having delusions of competence again.
I would say threatening someone's livelihood unless they get an experimental jab is forcing. Ask Mike Rolovich, ex head coach of WSU football. He was fired when they didn't approve his religious exemption. I can't wait until he sues that place out of existence.
You all used to tell folks they can just go find another job if they didn't like working conditions. What happened?

Every anti vaxxer is suddenly discovering religion. However, when they disclose they've had other vaccinations, it doesn't ring true.
"Safety measures"? Pretty much like the Nazis using their gas chambers to keep us safe from overpopulation. Sheer arrogance to think only you know the "safe" course of action for everybody else. And a mistake of epic proportions to demand that others follow your uninformed opinions. You're having delusions of competence again.
Another pathetic attempt to equate public health recommendations with the Holocaust. Nor was the Holocaust about overpopulation. You guys get crazier with this stuff. Is YOUR opinion any better informed?
You all used to tell folks they can just go find another job if they didn't like working conditions. What happened?

Every anti vaxxer is suddenly discovering religion. However, when they disclose they've had other vaccinations, it doesn't ring true.
You use children as offerings to your satanic leaders who give them up as gifts to the devil. Even with that there is suffering as we all know.
You use children as offerings to your satanic leaders who give them up as gifts to the devil. Even with that there is suffering as we all know.
You are nuts.

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