Anti-Vaxxers & Anti-Maskers Are Now Targeting Children & Vaccination Sites

it's been going on way too long.
They aren't happy being free to live as they choose.
They believe they have the right to take freedom from everyone else and force everyone else to live and be the same as the conservatives.
It's out of control.
All around one profoundly damaged man.

The world has seen this before, about 80 years ago.

Never did I think I would see this here. Never.
Wow the anti vaxxers have gotten out of control.

You all are free to make your own choices. You are not free to take that choice from everyone else.

Why can't you be happy to have the freedom to not vaccinate? Why do you feel you have the right to take that freedom from everyone else? Do you really expect people to respect your choices when you not only refuse to accept other people's choices, but you take action to take those choice from people.

Conservatives believe freedom and liberty, my body my choice only applies to themselves but no one else.

We are coming after YOU

Be afraid
too bad trollboy from langley ignores that the vaccinated are the ones dangerous to everyone that they breath harmful proteins out of their body and if we are around them then we are in danger as well. Thankfully there is a cure for it for us to guard against them
the two trollboy shills from langley are stupid and unaware of these facts i see. long have you had the Burgermeister avi?
I remember bringing it up when you first became a mod. I sure hope it's somewhat new or my mind is slipping.
I think I've had this avi since the beginning.
The communists don't need to be afraid of an anti vaxxer. They should be really afraid of the forcibly vaccinated. There is no forgive and forget for your own good.
Only lib loons who are more than eager to comply with freedom robbing “mandates” would feign surprise that push back for legality would be occurring.
Forcible vaccination should be regarded the same as a stabbing. Forced vaccination of children should bring the death penalty.

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