antifa... attack NBC reporters...left wing is always violent and dangerous often deadly.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep..... the morons in the democrat press blamed Trump for future violence against reporters.....meanwhile, we think reporters are fucking asshats, but violence is not what we do, we believe in the rule of law and individual rights.

That is why it was left wing, fascist, Antifa that attacked NBC reporters and others..... the stupid antifa fascists can't even recognize that NBC is their ally...

Video of the violent antifa goons is in the link...

WATCH: ANTIFA Protesters Attack NBC News Reporter In Charlottesville

A group of Antifa protesters went after NBC News reporter Cal Perry as he tried to cover the march, leading to a harrowing scene.

NBC's cameraman on the scene became Antifa's prime target.

Antifa members chanted, "All cops are racist," "cops and the Klan go hand-in-hand," and "last year they came with torches, this year they come with badges."

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