ANTIFA bomb maker arrested.

Yet every one is going on about TRUMP! Had a story broke about an ISIS guy who was busted in the past for bomb making it would have sent us back to the color coded terriorist alert. But since he is a rich white kid (avrage democrat) he gets no mention. This guy was hard core. Definite bomb maker wannabe. He is typical of ANTIFA and where they would like to head. Must be a big case to, no one is talking about it. Just odd.
I am very glad this guy was caught.....seems he's got a thing for explosives having been arrested before......did he even have a political side or just a crazy who likes to make things go boom?

ANTIFA, but who knows. They claim his actions in their mission statement. It's a weird, weird thing ANTIFA is, but the Feds are hush hush. They are always like that when they are building a case. The speculation is that they may get him to snitch, but no one has come out and said.

ANTIFA, but who knows.

Apparently you do.

ANTIFA bomb maker arrested

By your logic, Islamic terriotist bond shit just because.

This kid should be in jail. He is dangerous.

Now, why do you lie about a connection that is not in evidence?
Every group seems to have its crazies, this is what extremism brings.

I understand the intent of antifa, however it is turning into another violent group. We need real peacemakers, not a bunch on nuts that claim they are and then act differently.

To say " all groups have crazy people" is the same as supportive those people actions. Take Mr. White Power who killed the woman and hurt all those people in Charlottesville. Was he just a crazy drawn by action? Likely. But the media and libtards here made it as if Trump was sipping an beer in the passenger seat while they took turns running over black people. There is no middle ground when you are killing people . Read how ANTIFA works. As the Feds investigate in two states more will come out. You can't be a in he middle here . You can kill people to make a point or you can't. It's okay or it isn't. Period.
Yet every one is going on about TRUMP! Had a story broke about an ISIS guy who was busted in the past for bomb making it would have sent us back to the color coded terriorist alert. But since he is a rich white kid (avrage democrat) he gets no mention. This guy was hard core. Definite bomb maker wannabe. He is typical of ANTIFA and where they would like to head. Must be a big case to, no one is talking about it. Just odd.
I am very glad this guy was caught.....seems he's got a thing for explosives having been arrested before......did he even have a political side or just a crazy who likes to make things go boom?

ANTIFA, but who knows. They claim his actions in their mission statement. It's a weird, weird thing ANTIFA is, but the Feds are hush hush. They are always like that when they are building a case. The speculation is that they may get him to snitch, but no one has come out and said.

ANTIFA, but who knows.

Apparently you do.

ANTIFA bomb maker arrested

By your logic, Islamic terriotist bond shit just because.

This kid should be in jail. He is dangerous.

Now, why do you lie about a connection that is not in evidence?

No lie . Your just pissed because you support Jew hating child murderers.
So we are well into second page.... Can you show us that Schneck is connected to ANTIFA?

Have you any real numbers ANTIFA?

Can you explain there leadership?

Could also tell us the major democratic leader who said they have 'Good People'?

This is the alt-right trying to create some huge enemy which doesn't exist
So we are well into second page.... Can you show us that Schneck is connected to ANTIFA?

Have you any real numbers ANTIFA?

Can you explain there leadership?

Could also tell us the major democratic leader who said they have 'Good People'?

This is the alt-right trying to create some huge enemy which doesn't exist

Tried. Much of the press has been scrubbed. The FBI and ATF are even tight lipped about it. So why is everyone sticking up for Antifa?
Yet every one is going on about TRUMP! Had a story broke about an ISIS guy who was busted in the past for bomb making it would have sent us back to the color coded terriorist alert. But since he is a rich white kid (avrage democrat) he gets no mention. This guy was hard core. Definite bomb maker wannabe. He is typical of ANTIFA and where they would like to head. Must be a big case to, no one is talking about it. Just odd.
I am very glad this guy was caught.....seems he's got a thing for explosives having been arrested before......did he even have a political side or just a crazy who likes to make things go boom?
Just because you like to make things go boom, that doesn't mean you're crazy.

I like blowing up an old lawnmower with tannerite as much as the next guy,but I draw the line at statues.

Especially where little kids are.
I am very glad this guy was caught.....seems he's got a thing for explosives having been arrested before......did he even have a political side or just a crazy who likes to make things go boom?

ANTIFA, but who knows. They claim his actions in their mission statement. It's a weird, weird thing ANTIFA is, but the Feds are hush hush. They are always like that when they are building a case. The speculation is that they may get him to snitch, but no one has come out and said.

ANTIFA, but who knows.

Apparently you do.

ANTIFA bomb maker arrested

By your logic, Islamic terriotist bond shit just because.

This kid should be in jail. He is dangerous.

Now, why do you lie about a connection that is not in evidence?

No lie . Your just pissed because you support Jew hating child murderers.

Every group seems to have its crazies, this is what extremism brings.

I understand the intent of antifa, however it is turning into another violent group. We need real peacemakers, not a bunch on nuts that claim they are and then act differently.

To say " all groups have crazy people" is the same as supportive those people actions. Take Mr. White Power who killed the woman and hurt all those people in Charlottesville. Was he just a crazy drawn by action? Likely. But the media and libtards here made it as if Trump was sipping an beer in the passenger seat while they took turns running over black people. There is no middle ground when you are killing people . Read how ANTIFA works. As the Feds investigate in two states more will come out. You can't be a in he middle here . You can kill people to make a point or you can't. It's okay or it isn't. Period.



There's no denying who that dope belonged to.
Every group seems to have its crazies, this is what extremism brings.

I understand the intent of antifa, however it is turning into another violent group. We need real peacemakers, not a bunch on nuts that claim they are and then act differently.

To say " all groups have crazy people" is the same as supportive those people actions. Take Mr. White Power who killed the woman and hurt all those people in Charlottesville. Was he just a crazy drawn by action? Likely. But the media and libtards here made it as if Trump was sipping an beer in the passenger seat while they took turns running over black people. There is no middle ground when you are killing people . Read how ANTIFA works. As the Feds investigate in two states more will come out. You can't be a in he middle here . You can kill people to make a point or you can't. It's okay or it isn't. Period.

If this ANTIFA is so scary, have you any confirmed kills by them....

Sorry but this seems like a weak scare tactics used by the Alt-right...

Lets be clear, the monument was of a guy who sent 100,000s of Americans to there death, the white supremacists have a long list of murders and hate crimes...

There is no ANTIFA street gang....

This is hyped up bullshit...
So we are well into second page.... Can you show us that Schneck is connected to ANTIFA?

Have you any real numbers ANTIFA?

Can you explain there leadership?

Could also tell us the major democratic leader who said they have 'Good People'?

This is the alt-right trying to create some huge enemy which doesn't exist

Maybe it would be a good idea to look at the servers antifa uses so the FBI can make the connection...oh thats right,you're against that.

Anything to protect the militant arm of the dems.....
Every group seems to have its crazies, this is what extremism brings.

I understand the intent of antifa, however it is turning into another violent group. We need real peacemakers, not a bunch on nuts that claim they are and then act differently.

To say " all groups have crazy people" is the same as supportive those people actions. Take Mr. White Power who killed the woman and hurt all those people in Charlottesville. Was he just a crazy drawn by action? Likely. But the media and libtards here made it as if Trump was sipping an beer in the passenger seat while they took turns running over black people. There is no middle ground when you are killing people . Read how ANTIFA works. As the Feds investigate in two states more will come out. You can't be a in he middle here . You can kill people to make a point or you can't. It's okay or it isn't. Period.

View attachment 145376

View attachment 145377

There's no denying who that dope belonged to.

So who's defending this guy?
So we are well into second page.... Can you show us that Schneck is connected to ANTIFA?

Have you any real numbers ANTIFA?

Can you explain there leadership?

Could also tell us the major democratic leader who said they have 'Good People'?

This is the alt-right trying to create some huge enemy which doesn't exist

Maybe it would be a good idea to look at the servers antifa uses so the FBI can make the connection...oh thats right,you're against that.

Anything to protect the militant arm of the dems.....

Maybe it would be better just to show the connection you claim.
So we are well into second page.... Can you show us that Schneck is connected to ANTIFA?

Have you any real numbers ANTIFA?

Can you explain there leadership?

Could also tell us the major democratic leader who said they have 'Good People'?

This is the alt-right trying to create some huge enemy which doesn't exist

Maybe it would be a good idea to look at the servers antifa uses so the FBI can make the connection...oh thats right,you're against that.

Anything to protect the militant arm of the dems.....

Maybe it would be better just to show the connection you claim.

How do you expect to make a case against these violent fruitcakes if you refuse to allow the FBI to investigate?
Every group seems to have its crazies, this is what extremism brings.

I understand the intent of antifa, however it is turning into another violent group. We need real peacemakers, not a bunch on nuts that claim they are and then act differently.

To say " all groups have crazy people" is the same as supportive those people actions. Take Mr. White Power who killed the woman and hurt all those people in Charlottesville. Was he just a crazy drawn by action? Likely. But the media and libtards here made it as if Trump was sipping an beer in the passenger seat while they took turns running over black people. There is no middle ground when you are killing people . Read how ANTIFA works. As the Feds investigate in two states more will come out. You can't be a in he middle here . You can kill people to make a point or you can't. It's okay or it isn't. Period.

View attachment 145376

View attachment 145377

There's no denying who that dope belonged to.

So who's defending this guy?

You do know that you can open the nested quote boxes and review the conversation before posting don't you?

Take Mr. White Power who killed the woman and hurt all those people in Charlottesville. Was he just a crazy drawn by action? Likely.
Yet every one is going on about TRUMP! Had a story broke about an ISIS guy who was busted in the past for bomb making it would have sent us back to the color coded terriorist alert. But since he is a rich white kid (avrage democrat) he gets no mention. This guy was hard core. Definite bomb maker wannabe. He is typical of ANTIFA and where they would like to head. Must be a big case to, no one is talking about it. Just odd.
I am very glad this guy was caught.....seems he's got a thing for explosives having been arrested before......did he even have a political side or just a crazy who likes to make things go boom?

ANTIFA, but who knows. They claim his actions in their mission statement. It's a weird, weird thing ANTIFA is, but the Feds are hush hush. They are always like that when they are building a case. The speculation is that they may get him to snitch, but no one has come out and said.

ANTIFA, but who knows.

Apparently you do.

ANTIFA bomb maker arrested

By your logic, Islamic terriotist bond shit just because.

This kid should be in jail. He is dangerous.

Now, why do you lie about a connection that is not in evidence?

Okaywe will start with ANTIFA the group you openly support, and by default support their actions due to the fact that you are defending them. Let's look at how ANTIFA works. That way you will see why it was an ANTIFA member trying to kill innocent people, which you support. I'll do that after I eat lunch/
So we are well into second page.... Can you show us that Schneck is connected to ANTIFA?

Have you any real numbers ANTIFA?

Can you explain there leadership?

Could also tell us the major democratic leader who said they have 'Good People'?

This is the alt-right trying to create some huge enemy which doesn't exist

Maybe it would be a good idea to look at the servers antifa uses so the FBI can make the connection...oh thats right,you're against that.

Anything to protect the militant arm of the dems.....

Maybe it would be better just to show the connection you claim.

How do you expect to make a case against these violent fruitcakes if you refuse to allow the FBI to investigate?

Where did I refuse to allow anything, dope?
Every group seems to have its crazies, this is what extremism brings.

I understand the intent of antifa, however it is turning into another violent group. We need real peacemakers, not a bunch on nuts that claim they are and then act differently.

To say " all groups have crazy people" is the same as supportive those people actions. Take Mr. White Power who killed the woman and hurt all those people in Charlottesville. Was he just a crazy drawn by action? Likely. But the media and libtards here made it as if Trump was sipping an beer in the passenger seat while they took turns running over black people. There is no middle ground when you are killing people . Read how ANTIFA works. As the Feds investigate in two states more will come out. You can't be a in he middle here . You can kill people to make a point or you can't. It's okay or it isn't. Period.

View attachment 145376

View attachment 145377

There's no denying who that dope belonged to.

So who's defending this guy?

You do know that you can open the nested quote boxes and review the conversation before posting don't you?

Take Mr. White Power who killed the woman and hurt all those people in Charlottesville. Was he just a crazy drawn by action? Likely.

Who cares . Take it or leave it, just stop crying.
Every group seems to have its crazies, this is what extremism brings.

I understand the intent of antifa, however it is turning into another violent group. We need real peacemakers, not a bunch on nuts that claim they are and then act differently.

To say " all groups have crazy people" is the same as supportive those people actions. Take Mr. White Power who killed the woman and hurt all those people in Charlottesville. Was he just a crazy drawn by action? Likely. But the media and libtards here made it as if Trump was sipping an beer in the passenger seat while they took turns running over black people. There is no middle ground when you are killing people . Read how ANTIFA works. As the Feds investigate in two states more will come out. You can't be a in he middle here . You can kill people to make a point or you can't. It's okay or it isn't. Period.

View attachment 145376

View attachment 145377

There's no denying who that dope belonged to.

So who's defending this guy?

You do know that you can open the nested quote boxes and review the conversation before posting don't you?

Take Mr. White Power who killed the woman and hurt all those people in Charlottesville. Was he just a crazy drawn by action? Likely.

I wouldnt exactly call that support.

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