Antifa gunman shoots Georgia State Trooper - Ends up being deaded, riot ensues

How so? Because, ANTIFA doesn't exist, that's how. ANTIFA is an idea not an organization. Who is the leader, office, phone numbers? You come up with the most retarded arguments.

It's a cellular cover organization of various leftist socialist/communist/anarchist groups, the children of the OWS sect, and the grandchildren of the WTO protest idiots.

They are intentionally cellular to avoid HAVING a leader, or set organization, but you know that, you are just trying to be slick.

‘Night of Rage’: Atlanta Antifa prepares campaign of revenge against ‘police and their allies’ after deadly shootout​

Fascism. You`re either for it or against it. I`m against it so that makes me antifa and it matters not one damn bit what the Trump humping insurrectionists want to call it.

Why can`t it be true? You believe that George Santos has 2 college diplomas and he dated Cher.

Say "Hi" to GHP who I damn sure wouldn't be messin' with. They let crackers like me off with a minor flesh wound, your ilk will not be that lucky.
LoL the greatest generation would grab Anifta by their man buns
Nope, by their throats and throttle and try to shake some sense into them.

I actually got grabbed up by the throat by an old man WW2 vet late at night. He was having a flashback. He apologized when he came to.

Then we sat down and he gave me a beer! Talk about life flashing before your eyes..that was it!

He told me about where he thought he was and what he did when he was there. I coulda died that night.

Luckily I broke through to him and he realized who I was. I could not get his hand from my throat at all. Not unless he voluntarily did it.

I uh..was already familiar with situations like that and thank God I knew what to do.
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He's exaactly right. Are you anti-fascist?
Are you a Russian Communist sympathizer in Nazi Germany? Because that's how ANTIFA started, bitch. STFU. No, he is NOT right, and you are a commie fucktard. :rolleyes-41:

I am pro-American ideals which by default is anti-whatever-the-fuck-you-think-you-are.
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My father never would`ve voted for Trump. Palin was the Gateway ignoramus that led to Trump.
That's nice, honey. So your dad was a Bolshevik immigrant, right? 1930s?

Tomorrow's the day Antifa takes on Georgia Highway Patrol. My money's on Georgia Highway Patrol.

They probably use .357 Magnum pistols, too. There's some big ol' black boys on that force, too.

While they're not quite as well trained as my home state's Highway Patrol; They are no joke.

They are the law.
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You will when they call in ANTIFA / BLM / Black Bloc / SEIU / SJW Socialist Street Rabble & Ouuta State Shock troops to push back against the LEOs clearing out the Area in question
So is the riot in high gear today? I wanna see some GA LEOs put some scum down! :D

They'll change their tune once a few noggins pop.
You will when they call in ANTIFA / BLM / Black Bloc / SEIU / SJW Socialist Street Rabble & Ouuta State Shock troops to push back against the LEOs clearing out the Area in question

Are you in Atlanta? I'm not impressed with the hood in the video.
So is the riot in high gear today? I wanna see some GA LEOs put some scum down! :D

They'll change their tune once a few noggins pop.
LEOs are too skeerd of civil suits or job & pension loss due to higher ups turning on them like pitbulls ( but due to the LEO being shot by the now room temp Rabid ANTIFA trespasser they have more leeway to force the rest of the trespassers outta the property in question ...
LEOs are too skeerd of civil suits or job & pension loss due to higher ups turning on them like pitbulls ( but due to the LEO being shot by the now room temp Rabid ANTIFA trespasser they have more leeway to force the rest of the trespassers outta the property in question ...
Not in GA, and they shot one of them, too? They don't play that bullshit in GA. :nono:

I'm a skeert of GA Highway patrol. Moreso than of any other state.

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