ANTIFA Idiots Show Up At Sturgis

LoL..... Talk about some weird crazy stuff. Was this their big message for their Facebook warrior page, otherwise where they would put on there that they survived Sturgis, and now they are Facebook super HEROES to their fans ?????? Rotflmbo.

A snake loves to toy with his prey a little bit before devouring it. The cops may have figured that the snakes were hungry that day, and therefore let them wonder about helplessly like a mouse in with a rattler... I guess they weren't hungry enough though, so the cops had to rescue the prey before it got to ugly....

It would have been a shame though, because no one needs to get locked up for life over these kinds of idiots in life. It turned out good in that regard.
LoL..... Talk about some weird crazy stuff. Was this their big message for their Facebook warrior page, otherwise where they would put on there that they survived Sturgis, and now they are Facebook super HEROES to their fans ?????? Rotflmbo.

A snake loves to toy with his prey a little bit before devouring it. The cops may have figured that the snakes were hungry that day, and therefore let them wonder about helplessly like a mouse in with a rattler... I guess they weren't hungry enough though, so the cops had to rescue the prey before it got to ugly....

It would have been a shame though, because no one needs to get locked up for life over these kinds of idiots in life. It turned out good in that regard.
Note the irony.
The only thing that saved their butts was the very thing they were protesting against.
I wonder why the FBI doesn't want to go after the organizers and financiers of BLM and ANTIFA?
Could it be because they're running the DNC?
Why would they need police protection, its a free country??
At least it used to be........

it still is.
Half the population is afraid to express any opinion for fear of shame, losing their job, having their house disclosed, family hurt.
If that is your definition of a free country, what would not being free look like??

Watch this folks.........................
Correction.........................62% of the population fears disclosing beliefs.
I don't know..kind of shows they were not afraid of those knuckle draggers.
Bull shit. It shows a level of stupidity not able to be described.

And It's also pretty obvious you have no fucking clue who a lot of bikers are. Not all bikers are 1%'ers. Many bikers are very successful people, like doctors and lawyers, business owners, professional people, college educated, etc, many of whom are veterans, such as myself. They're self made, hard working, patriotic and fucking proud of it, and they're not in the habit of taking SHIT off some little America hating PUNK.
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I don't know..kind of shows they were not afraid of those knuckle draggers.
Bull shit. It shows a level of stupidity not able to be described.

And It's also pretty obvious you have no fucking clue who a lot of bikers are. Not all bikers are 1%'ers. Many bikers are very successful people, like doctors and lawyers, business owners, etc, many of whom are veterans. They're self made, hard working, patriotic and fucking proud of it, and they're no in the habit of taking SHIT off some little America hating PUNK.
I would trust the 1%er Bikers a hell of a lot more than the Communist scum Antifa and BLM :smoke:
I don't know..kind of shows they were not afraid of those knuckle draggers.
Bull shit. It shows a level of stupidity not able to be described.

And It's also pretty obvious you have no fucking clue who a lot of bikers are. Not all bikers are 1%'ers. Many bikers are very successful people, like doctors and lawyers, business owners, etc, many of whom are veterans. They're self made, hard working, patriotic and fucking proud of it, and they're no in the habit of taking SHIT off some little America hating PUNK.
I would trust the 1%er Bikers a hell of a lot more than the Communist scum Antifa and BLM :smoke:
ANY... DAY... :thup:
Well, imo that is an example of how cops can be the enemy. Meaning, when this country becomes a full POLICE STATE, the POLICE (I can assure you) will be enforcing the unjust laws like the POLICE in every POLICE STATE do. All through out history. The gestapo were the POLICE for instance. The khmer rouge, enforced the cultural marxism that led to genocide in Cambodia, all to the loud cheers of the loud and proud rich white marxists in America.

The cops, SHOULD NOT BE PROTECTING THEM. That is what that means. They show up as enemies of the country with FULL INTENT on DESTROYING every aspect of it, including the COPS ENFORCING JUST LAWS.

See the DIFFERENCE? They attack the COPS enforcing JUST LAWS. This is where they claim the VIOLENCE AGAINST BLACKS, as the propaganda used to divide and conquer as every statistical fact indicates cops ARE NOT TARGETING BLACKS.

The one gigantic piece of absolute PROOF that they are all lying about INSTITUTIONAL RACISM is they NEVER FLEE THIS COUNTRY. Think about it. Every country where there is ACTUAL OPPRESSION, people attempt to flee and risk their lives and many die trying to. The damn BLACKS are FREE TO FUCKING LEAVE and NEVER DO.

Now why the hell the do you think that is? The cops should not be protecting the bolsheviks declaring war on this country. We should be obliged to give those fuckers the war they call for. Not some weak limp wristed retaliation either.
Well, imo that is an example of how cops can be the enemy. Meaning, when this country becomes a full POLICE STATE, the POLICE (I can assure you) will be enforcing the unjust laws like the POLICE in every POLICE STATE do. All through out history. The gestapo were the POLICE for instance. The khmer rouge, enforced the cultural marxism that led to genocide in Cambodia, all to the loud cheers of the loud and proud rich white marxists in America.

The cops, SHOULD NOT BE PROTECTING THEM. That is what that means. They show up as enemies of the country with FULL INTENT on DESTROYING every aspect of it, including the COPS ENFORCING JUST LAWS.

See the DIFFERENCE? They attack the COPS enforcing JUST LAWS. This is where they claim the VIOLENCE AGAINST BLACKS, as the propaganda used to divide and conquer as every statistical fact indicates cops ARE NOT TARGETING BLACKS.

The one gigantic piece of absolute PROOF that they are all lying about INSTITUTIONAL RACISM is they NEVER FLEE THIS COUNTRY. Think about it. Every country where there is ACTUAL OPPRESSION, people attempt to flee and risk their lives and many die trying to. The damn BLACKS are FREE TO FUCKING LEAVE and NEVER DO.

Now why the hell the do you think that is? The cops should not be protecting the bolsheviks declaring war on this country. We should be obliged to give those fuckers the war they call for. Not some weak limp wristed retaliation either.
Well I tell ya what, brother, if the cops ever DID just pull back and say, GO AHEAD, HAVE AT IT, WE'RE NOT DOING ANYTHING TO STOP ANYTHING, we'd see an ADJUSTMENT alright, and these America hating antifa fucks, BLM, and their DEMOCRAT supporters and enablers would be in a WORLD of HURT, and it would all be over pretty quick. So I kinda wish the cops would take a break, give us a couple weeks, let us clean this nation up...

LoL..... Talk about some weird crazy stuff. Was this their big message for their Facebook warrior page, otherwise where they would put on there that they survived Sturgis, and now they are Facebook super HEROES to their fans ?????? Rotflmbo.

A snake loves to toy with his prey a little bit before devouring it. The cops may have figured that the snakes were hungry that day, and therefore let them wonder about helplessly like a mouse in with a rattler... I guess they weren't hungry enough though, so the cops had to rescue the prey before it got to ugly....

It would have been a shame though, because no one needs to get locked up for life over these kinds of idiots in life. It turned out good in that regard.
Note the irony.
The only thing that saved their butts was the very thing they were protesting against.
I wonder why the FBI doesn't want to go after the organizers and financiers of BLM and ANTIFA?
Could it be because they're running the DNC?
I know right..

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