ANTIFA or Anti-Fa Is Just An Abbreviation of Anti Fascists

Funny how the name a group gives itself absolves it of all sins from its end of the spectrum.

There is so little intellectual honesty in political discourse today.
Nary a negative word about the ACTUAL fascists.

Remember that folks.

Fascists are bad.
Whether they're fascists who live in their Mom's basement and wave Nazi flags, or they're fascists who live in their Mom's basement and wave Antifa flags
Always remember that folks.

Whenever you see people bashing them, they are supporting the KNOWN fascists.

You know this is true, because they never, ever, ever, not even once, not even remotely have nary a negative word to say about the ACTUAL fascists that ANTIFA goes up against. Neither before the term sprung up out of nowhere last week nor since.

This has been a public service announcement.
Dupe. Here's a more useful PSA:

A “free speech” rally planned to take place in Boston Common on Saturday was shut down by chanting hordes demanding an end to “white supremacy” and “hate.”

Mind you, none of the rally’s promotional literature and none of the planned speakers uttered a peep about “white supremacy” and “hate.” This story is only included to suggest that in the future, anyone who supports free speech will be labeled a “white supremacist.” Don’t say we didn’t warn you.
Always remember that folks.

Whenever you see people bashing them, they are supporting the KNOWN fascists.

You know this is true, because they never, ever, ever, not even once, not even remotely have nary a negative word to say about the ACTUAL fascists that ANTIFA goes up against. Neither before the term sprung up out of nowhere last week nor since.

This has been a public service announcement.

We reject socialism of all types dipstick......white national socialists are assholes, as are the antifa just embrace the ones who wear the hoodies and black masks...

antifa is not Anti-fascist....they are actually fascists.....they beat innocent people, they shut down the rallies of their political opponents, they shut down speakers they don't like on college campuses...they are exactly what the national socialists were back in the 1930s.....they are also racists and anti-semites just like the national socialists were.....

Whoever tells you antifa are anti fascist, is lying to you......these people are the ones who allowed the national socialists in Germany to come to power.
Why were the counter protesting the freedom of speech the other day? Sounds like something a fascist would do
Your Honor, I present to you Exhibit A aka my FIRST example of Hit-Dog Syndrome:

You will note the subject's tacit, or not-so-tacit defense of the evil perpetrator.

This is because the subject experienced at least some discomfort and/or mental abuse from the truthful words of the OP and instinctively lashed out in rabid defense.

It is possible for the subject to recover, however, it is more likely that the subject is suffering from a severe case of Hit-Dog Syndrome and probably won't make it.

We can, however, hope for the best for the poor fellow.

49afea7a5c5d002c0b016f167b49a187--dog-stories-pigs.jpg are are protecting actual, violent, hateful racists who happen to be marxist is already "in evidence" that white racist, national socialists are evil.....everyone understands that and no one supports them or likes, on the other hand, support, protect and lie in order to hide what antifa actually is....
Always remember that folks.

Whenever you see people bashing them, they are supporting the KNOWN fascists.

You know this is true, because they never, ever, ever, not even once, not even remotely have nary a negative word to say about the ACTUAL fascists that ANTIFA goes up against. Neither before the term sprung up out of nowhere last week nor since.

This has been a public service announcement.
Dupe. Here's a more useful PSA:

A “free speech” rally planned to take place in Boston Common on Saturday was shut down by chanting hordes demanding an end to “white supremacy” and “hate.”

Mind you, none of the rally’s promotional literature and none of the planned speakers uttered a peep about “white supremacy” and “hate.” This story is only included to suggest that in the future, anyone who supports free speech will be labeled a “white supremacist.” Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

Which is the goal....antifa has already stated they are against the U.S. Constitution, including the Bill of Rights.....and black lives matter have already attacked the 1st Amendment as empowering only the rich.....these movements are socialist to their core, and are using national socialist tactics to push their hate.
Actually since they are violent and offensive they are just as bad as anyone you claim they oppose. Or are you admitting you support violence as long as it is against people you oppose?
Your Honor, witness, Exhibit B, my SECOND example of Hit-Dog Syndrome. See Exhibit A, or post #6 for more detail.
So you DO support violence so long as they believe what you do, thanks for clearing that up for us.
Always remember that folks.

Whenever you see people bashing them, they are supporting the KNOWN fascists.

You know this is true, because they never, ever, ever, not even once, not even remotely have nary a negative word to say about the ACTUAL fascists that ANTIFA goes up against. Neither before the term sprung up out of nowhere last week nor since.

This has been a public service announcement.
Dupe. Here's a more useful PSA:

A “free speech” rally planned to take place in Boston Common on Saturday was shut down by chanting hordes demanding an end to “white supremacy” and “hate.”

Mind you, none of the rally’s promotional literature and none of the planned speakers uttered a peep about “white supremacy” and “hate.” This story is only included to suggest that in the future, anyone who supports free speech will be labeled a “white supremacist.” Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

Which is the goal....antifa has already stated they are against the U.S. Constitution, including the Bill of Rights.....and black lives matter have already attacked the 1st Amendment as empowering only the rich.....these movements are socialist to their core, and are using national socialist tactics to push their hate.
And funded by the indescribably evil George Soros. Many of the Germans executed for losing WWII were charged in Nuremberg with "crimes against the peace". Seems to me, Jeff Sessions should be at 1060 Fifth Ave with an arrest warrant on the grounds of crimes against the peace and a pair of cuffs right now.
Always remember that folks.

Whenever you see people bashing them, they are supporting the KNOWN fascists.

You know this is true, because they never, ever, ever, not even once, not even remotely have nary a negative word to say about the ACTUAL fascists that ANTIFA goes up against. Neither before the term sprung up out of nowhere last week nor since.

This has been a public service announcement.

but the right loves fascists now that Donald has given his heart to putin.
Always remember that folks.

Whenever you see people bashing them, they are supporting the KNOWN fascists.

You know this is true, because they never, ever, ever, not even once, not even remotely have nary a negative word to say about the ACTUAL fascists that ANTIFA goes up against. Neither before the term sprung up out of nowhere last week nor since.

This has been a public service announcement.
Dupe. Here's a more useful PSA:

A “free speech” rally planned to take place in Boston Common on Saturday was shut down by chanting hordes demanding an end to “white supremacy” and “hate.”

Mind you, none of the rally’s promotional literature and none of the planned speakers uttered a peep about “white supremacy” and “hate.” This story is only included to suggest that in the future, anyone who supports free speech will be labeled a “white supremacist.” Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

Which is the goal....antifa has already stated they are against the U.S. Constitution, including the Bill of Rights.....and black lives matter have already attacked the 1st Amendment as empowering only the rich.....these movements are socialist to their core, and are using national socialist tactics to push their hate.
And funded by the indescribably evil George Soros. Many of the Germans executed for losing WWII were charged in Nuremberg with "crimes against the peace". Seems to me, Jeff Sessions should be at 1060 Fifth Ave with an arrest warrant on the grounds of crimes against the peace and a pair of cuffs right now.

no doubt you have some proof of that other than the voices in your head.
They should be honest and just admit they're Commies.
Exhibit C,

Your Honor, you will note that the subject can or will never be found attacking ACTUAL fascists, however, you can always, ALWAYS count on them to attack or find some disparaging word for those who oppose them.

Your Honor, the Jury finds the accuser's charge that he never finds the subject attacking "actual fascists" to be confusing. We beg the court to compel the accuser to explain what he means by these "actual fascists" he apparently believes it is incumbent upon the accused to attack.

Whom does he insist be attacked in order to prove the moral goodness of the subject?

Does he mean the president many of us voted for? A google search of "Donald Trump" and "fascist" yields over 1.4 million hits. "Adolf Hitler" and "fascist" yields fewer than a half million hits. If three times as many people have called Donald Trump "fascist" as have called Adolf Hitler "fascist", does this mean an organization describing itself as "anti-fascist" would be only one-third as opposed to a President Hitler as they are to a President Trump?

Your Honor, we the jury find the accuser to be acting in bad faith.
Always remember that folks.

Whenever you see people bashing them, they are supporting the KNOWN fascists.

You know this is true, because they never, ever, ever, not even once, not even remotely have nary a negative word to say about the ACTUAL fascists that ANTIFA goes up against. Neither before the term sprung up out of nowhere last week nor since.

This has been a public service announcement.
Dupe. Here's a more useful PSA:

A “free speech” rally planned to take place in Boston Common on Saturday was shut down by chanting hordes demanding an end to “white supremacy” and “hate.”

Mind you, none of the rally’s promotional literature and none of the planned speakers uttered a peep about “white supremacy” and “hate.” This story is only included to suggest that in the future, anyone who supports free speech will be labeled a “white supremacist.” Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

Which is the goal....antifa has already stated they are against the U.S. Constitution, including the Bill of Rights.....and black lives matter have already attacked the 1st Amendment as empowering only the rich.....these movements are socialist to their core, and are using national socialist tactics to push their hate.
And funded by the indescribably evil George Soros. Many of the Germans executed for losing WWII were charged in Nuremberg with "crimes against the peace". Seems to me, Jeff Sessions should be at 1060 Fifth Ave with an arrest warrant on the grounds of crimes against the peace and a pair of cuffs right now.

no doubt you have some proof of that other than the voices in your head.
Engaging with you is such an exercise in pointlessness, I can't even be bothered to go back and see what it is you are referring to.
Nary a negative word about the ACTUAL fascists.

Remember that folks.
Who are the "actual "fascists"? The ones that used the IRS to go after conservatives? Or perhaps those that meet in the back of a plane with the attorney general, to bribe her into a position in a future possible administration by getting Hillary off? Or those that want to shut down conservative programs from the airwaves, and use violence to ban conservative speakers from speaking at universities? I didn't see Antifa eating their soiled underwear over these and other fascistic behaviors during the Obama administration.
Always remember that folks.

Whenever you see people bashing them, they are supporting the KNOWN fascists.

You know this is true, because they never, ever, ever, not even once, not even remotely have nary a negative word to say about the ACTUAL fascists that ANTIFA goes up against. Neither before the term sprung up out of nowhere last week nor since.

This has been a public service announcement.
They can call themselves anything they want, but they ARE what they claim to despise. The left has a history of playing wordgames with their causes.
No one speaks up against the horrid kkk/nazis/white supremacists? Really? I call bullshit. I have. I heard Trump call them out on their bullshit going back to the early 90's. They are disgusting people whose time is running out. They have no power, they have no numbers, they will hopefully be a thing of the past within the next generation or two.

Having said all that, calling out the bullshit of this antifa group doesn't mean someone agrees with the racist groups on the right. Only a moron would think that. Standing up for free speech for all, even for the haters on both sides, does not mean someone agrees with those haters. Only a moron would think that. I've been call a racist and nazi sympathizer for stating these two things bye someone on the left who thinks banning hate speech is needed, who agrees with the violent tactics of the left.

Do you support anitfa, Marc? They're made up of radicals, anarchists, communists using violent tactics to shut up anyone they disagree with. You think communists hold the moral high ground over nazis?

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