Antifa plans to wear MAGA hats and stage violence...


The destruction of the truth in America has been underway for decades, but until recent years the truth has had the upper hand. This can be attributed in large parts to conservatives, but the shift in media sentiment and the rise of Trump Derangement Syndrome has made it more challenging than ever in our history to break through the media jamming of lies and expose more Americans to the truth.

Under normal circumstances, uncorroborated rumors arenā€™t enough to spark a report. But these are strange times and the circumstances are far from normal, especially as they pertain to the radical progressives in the Antifa movement. Reports on what they may have planned later this month are slim, but itā€™s worth reporting in case itā€™s true.

Antifa in Portland is rumored to be planning an event for August 17th in which they wear MAGA hats and other pro-Trump attire while perpetrating violence in an effort to frame patriots. They even called for the use of convincing law enforcement attire to play what I assume would be a different role in the event. Patriot Intel Report YouTube channel seems to be the only source on this plot, but comments in a thread regarding the video posted on Raging Redā€˜s Twitter account included a flier that is purported being distributed digitally to Antifa members:


Antifa is calling for members to wear MAGA hats and other pro-Trump articles, and asking members to get their hands on police uniforms so they can stage ā€œMAGA Patriotsā€ committing violence on Antifa members, and bonus ā€“ police brutality against ā€œinnocentā€ antifa pricks. FYIā€¦ ā€” Raging Red Ā© (@Raging_Red) August 8, 2019

Probably referring to thisā€¦ whether itā€™s true or not, I canā€™t say for sure, but people should keep eyes and ears open....this certainly sounds like a DemonRAT operation!

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

I'm not going to "noqreport".. Sounds dangerous.. But this ain't real.. It's more likely foreign agiprop...

1st of all, to LOOK like Trump supporters means they would have to unmask.. And you can't blindside a Trump supporter with a baseball bat or lead pipe while you're dressed as a Trump supporter..

Even if they're red-flagging the attacks on THEIR OWN Anti-AntiFa members --- which of them is stupid enough to volunteer to get beat up???

"Uh bro, sorry to inform you that you drew the number for us to attack you today"...

"OK -- anything to defeat facists bro""

Don't believe it..

Oh, I can never resist checking out those sites some people here post links from. It's EXACTLY what you would expect it to be. The headline at the top of "news" is some story about Democrats revising history about Michael Brown's death. And get this. They also have an "OPINIONS" section. :lol:

I'm not a chicken about checking links generally, but the math here says this story ain't work getting a genital disease by surfing over there.....
August 17th: It's hotter than shit out.
NOT up here! Up here, it is the loveliest time of the year!!! the town where I live goes from 700 homes being occupied here in the winter to 1250 homes being occupied here in the summer and those extra 550 homes are near all owned by Floridians, living up here in Maine, in their 2nd homes for the summer!

Why would I NOT want to sweat buckets working outside on my Hillbilly Hollywood place in the middle of the summer?? People pay good money to sweat.. I get it for free..

The destruction of the truth in America has been underway for decades, but until recent years the truth has had the upper hand. This can be attributed in large parts to conservatives, but the shift in media sentiment and the rise of Trump Derangement Syndrome has made it more challenging than ever in our history to break through the media jamming of lies and expose more Americans to the truth.

Under normal circumstances, uncorroborated rumors arenā€™t enough to spark a report. But these are strange times and the circumstances are far from normal, especially as they pertain to the radical progressives in the Antifa movement. Reports on what they may have planned later this month are slim, but itā€™s worth reporting in case itā€™s true.

Antifa in Portland is rumored to be planning an event for August 17th in which they wear MAGA hats and other pro-Trump attire while perpetrating violence in an effort to frame patriots. They even called for the use of convincing law enforcement attire to play what I assume would be a different role in the event. Patriot Intel Report YouTube channel seems to be the only source on this plot, but comments in a thread regarding the video posted on Raging Redā€˜s Twitter account included a flier that is purported being distributed digitally to Antifa members:


Antifa is calling for members to wear MAGA hats and other pro-Trump articles, and asking members to get their hands on police uniforms so they can stage ā€œMAGA Patriotsā€ committing violence on Antifa members, and bonus ā€“ police brutality against ā€œinnocentā€ antifa pricks. FYIā€¦ ā€” Raging Red Ā© (@Raging_Red) August 8, 2019

Probably referring to thisā€¦ whether itā€™s true or not, I canā€™t say for sure, but people should keep eyes and ears open....this certainly sounds like a DemonRAT operation!

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
I think that this is a Deep state operation. It is easy for them to recruit a kamikaze fool from off of their suicide hotline. And they can have one of their suicide prevention counselors to encourage those that calls in on their hotline services to commit crimes. These counselors could be using psychology on these mentally disturb people, like they are using on the public. A suicidal person is easy to be encourage to have them to do something like a mass shooting. Basically all you need is to give them the equipment to do these attacks, and tell them that they only has one life to live. And tell them that they may as well go out with a bang. But if those shooters that they has recruited gets cold feet. That after the shooting, that they doesn't want to die. But surrender themselves to the police. That is when they will send one of their lawyers to handle the shooter's case. And that public defender will threaten the shooter. By telling him if he decides to tell the court the truth. That they will lock him up in a cell with a sex starving Bubba with a handful of v-i-a-g-r-a. And have the guards to ignore his cries, throughout the day and night.
I think a bunch of rational people should show up dressed as Antifa kids and beat the shit out of the fake MAGA jerks. It would look like a typical Antifa event.
Media would be confused and blame it all on the Antifa fake MAGA fucks. Theyā€™d justify it by saying the fake antifas were triggered by the MAGA hats.
The article itself says a Youtube channel called Patriot Intel Report is the only source for the plot. Whoever wrote this drivel should have stopped there, closed their laptop, and beat themselves over the head with it.
The Russian trolls are targeting the OP....again.

The destruction of the truth in America has been underway for decades, but until recent years the truth has had the upper hand. This can be attributed in large parts to conservatives, but the shift in media sentiment and the rise of Trump Derangement Syndrome has made it more challenging than ever in our history to break through the media jamming of lies and expose more Americans to the truth.

Under normal circumstances, uncorroborated rumors arenā€™t enough to spark a report. But these are strange times and the circumstances are far from normal, especially as they pertain to the radical progressives in the Antifa movement. Reports on what they may have planned later this month are slim, but itā€™s worth reporting in case itā€™s true.

Antifa in Portland is rumored to be planning an event for August 17th in which they wear MAGA hats and other pro-Trump attire while perpetrating violence in an effort to frame patriots. They even called for the use of convincing law enforcement attire to play what I assume would be a different role in the event. Patriot Intel Report YouTube channel seems to be the only source on this plot, but comments in a thread regarding the video posted on Raging Redā€˜s Twitter account included a flier that is purported being distributed digitally to Antifa members:


Antifa is calling for members to wear MAGA hats and other pro-Trump articles, and asking members to get their hands on police uniforms so they can stage ā€œMAGA Patriotsā€ committing violence on Antifa members, and bonus ā€“ police brutality against ā€œinnocentā€ antifa pricks. FYIā€¦ ā€” Raging Red Ā© (@Raging_Red) August 8, 2019

Probably referring to thisā€¦ whether itā€™s true or not, I canā€™t say for sure, but people should keep eyes and ears open....this certainly sounds like a DemonRAT operation!

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Social Justice Terrorists are just like any other terrorists, they have no honor.

The destruction of the truth in America has been underway for decades, but until recent years the truth has had the upper hand. This can be attributed in large parts to conservatives, but the shift in media sentiment and the rise of Trump Derangement Syndrome has made it more challenging than ever in our history to break through the media jamming of lies and expose more Americans to the truth.

Under normal circumstances, uncorroborated rumors arenā€™t enough to spark a report. But these are strange times and the circumstances are far from normal, especially as they pertain to the radical progressives in the Antifa movement. Reports on what they may have planned later this month are slim, but itā€™s worth reporting in case itā€™s true.

Antifa in Portland is rumored to be planning an event for August 17th in which they wear MAGA hats and other pro-Trump attire while perpetrating violence in an effort to frame patriots. They even called for the use of convincing law enforcement attire to play what I assume would be a different role in the event. Patriot Intel Report YouTube channel seems to be the only source on this plot, but comments in a thread regarding the video posted on Raging Redā€˜s Twitter account included a flier that is purported being distributed digitally to Antifa members:


Antifa is calling for members to wear MAGA hats and other pro-Trump articles, and asking members to get their hands on police uniforms so they can stage ā€œMAGA Patriotsā€ committing violence on Antifa members, and bonus ā€“ police brutality against ā€œinnocentā€ antifa pricks. FYIā€¦ ā€” Raging Red Ā© (@Raging_Red) August 8, 2019

Probably referring to thisā€¦ whether itā€™s true or not, I canā€™t say for sure, but people should keep eyes and ears open....this certainly sounds like a DemonRAT operation!

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

I'm not going to "noqreport".. Sounds dangerous.. But this ain't real.. It's more likely foreign agiprop...

1st of all, to LOOK like Trump supporters means they would have to unmask.. And you can't blindside a Trump supporter with a baseball bat or lead pipe while you're dressed as a Trump supporter..

Even if they're red-flagging the attacks on THEIR OWN Anti-AntiFa members --- which of them is stupid enough to volunteer to get beat up???

"Uh bro, sorry to inform you that you drew the number for us to attack you today"...

"OK -- anything to defeat facists bro""

Don't believe it..

Oh, I can never resist checking out those sites some people here post links from. It's EXACTLY what you would expect it to be. The headline at the top of "news" is some story about Democrats revising history about Michael Brown's death. And get this. They also have an "OPINIONS" section. :lol:

I'm not a chicken about checking links generally, but the math here says this story ain't work getting a genital disease by surfing over there.....

I'm fairly impervious to bullshit links, but that one leads to a shit-ton of clickbait from hell.

It's a news story, so why is there a link to barely dressed Instagram girls with lip jobs inserted in the middle? :wtf:

The destruction of the truth in America has been underway for decades, but until recent years the truth has had the upper hand. This can be attributed in large parts to conservatives, but the shift in media sentiment and the rise of Trump Derangement Syndrome has made it more challenging than ever in our history to break through the media jamming of lies and expose more Americans to the truth.

Under normal circumstances, uncorroborated rumors arenā€™t enough to spark a report. But these are strange times and the circumstances are far from normal, especially as they pertain to the radical progressives in the Antifa movement. Reports on what they may have planned later this month are slim, but itā€™s worth reporting in case itā€™s true.

Antifa in Portland is rumored to be planning an event for August 17th in which they wear MAGA hats and other pro-Trump attire while perpetrating violence in an effort to frame patriots. They even called for the use of convincing law enforcement attire to play what I assume would be a different role in the event. Patriot Intel Report YouTube channel seems to be the only source on this plot, but comments in a thread regarding the video posted on Raging Redā€˜s Twitter account included a flier that is purported being distributed digitally to Antifa members:


Antifa is calling for members to wear MAGA hats and other pro-Trump articles, and asking members to get their hands on police uniforms so they can stage ā€œMAGA Patriotsā€ committing violence on Antifa members, and bonus ā€“ police brutality against ā€œinnocentā€ antifa pricks. FYIā€¦ ā€” Raging Red Ā© (@Raging_Red) August 8, 2019

Probably referring to thisā€¦ whether itā€™s true or not, I canā€™t say for sure, but people should keep eyes and ears open....this certainly sounds like a DemonRAT operation!

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

They are staging it again.
A common tactic that anarchists and terrorists and tyrants have been using since the beginning of civilization. Hitler used it and so did Stalin but today's media seems ignorant of the fact that anarchists will pretend to be part of the system they aim to overthrow. It's alleged that the racist governor of Va. bused thugs to Charlottesville and told Troopers to stand down and watch the fun in order to embarrass the President. The media wasn't interested in investigating.
The article itself says a Youtube channel called Patriot Intel Report is the only source for the plot. Whoever wrote this drivel should have stopped there, closed their laptop, and beat themselves over the head with it. any case, the 2A folks will win tomorrow and will always win. Meanwhile, snowflakes will sit on the sidelines with thumbs up their poppers and like it!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Superhero avatars are ghey btw.....

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