antifa punk gets his ass knocked out...

This should be the official got clobbered thread



That's not cool

she came after him first and she had a set of brass knuckles on

the guy had a right to defend himself

This punk was out like a light before he hit the ground...

I love a happy ending....

The guy attacked him and knocked him out. Of course a crazy right winger would enjoy a video of a violent bully. I'll bet you like videos of people kicking kittens too.
Of course a crazy right winger would enjoy a video of a violent bully.
Awesome, by your own statement, you acknowledge,
how crazy it was for Obama and Hillary to sit idley by,
watching, day after day, the mahem in the streets, on t.v.,

well aware, their billionaire backer and buddy,
had hired people to incite violence, riot,
destroy property, set fires, loot buisnesses....
bottom line, they were paid to act like uncivilized animals

Imagine that, the 2 people you would think,
would be the first ones to condemn the idiocy, and intervene,
said and did jack shit, because they were in on it.

Fuck off with your alt right, double standards, bullshit!

Are you sure you are going by what I said, or what the voices in your head are telling you, cause I didn't say anything near to what you claim.

This punk was out like a light before he hit the ground...

I love a happy ending....

The guy attacked him and knocked him out. Of course a crazy right winger would enjoy a video of a violent bully. I'll bet you like videos of people kicking kittens too.
Of course a crazy right winger would enjoy a video of a violent bully.
Awesome, by your own statement, you acknowledge,
how crazy it was for Obama and Hillary to sit idley by,
watching, day after day, the mahem in the streets, on t.v.,

well aware, their billionaire backer and buddy,
had hired people to incite violence, riot,
destroy property, set fires, loot buisnesses....
bottom line, they were paid to act like uncivilized animals

Imagine that, the 2 people you would think,
would be the first ones to condemn the idiocy, and intervene,
said and did jack shit, because they were in on it.

Fuck off with your alt right, double standards, bullshit!

Are you sure you are going by what I said, or what the voices in your head are telling you, cause I didn't say anything near to what you claim.
Are you sure you are going by what I said,
Uh, yeah, I quoted you didn't I

This punk was out like a light before he hit the ground...

I love a happy ending....

The guy attacked him and knocked him out. Of course a crazy right winger would enjoy a video of a violent bully. I'll bet you like videos of people kicking kittens too.

You are so stupid...

The Nazi that had his face covered was the attacker.

The guy that got knocked out hit a guy on the ground with his stick...

You Nazis will not win at this game...

You think that ass kicking you got in the election was something...

Just keep it up.....

The guy was standing there when the altRight guy came to him. You didn't watch the video?

Apparently you are the one who didn't watch the video. The Antifa thug came at him with a weapon.
Another Antifa cretin gets justice. Remember Professor Bikelock who hit Trump supporters while they weren't looking? He faces 11 years in prison. This creep got his instantly by the fist of justice. He was out before he hit the pavement.

The case is pending. Charges are filed, an innocent plea has been introduced. Until it's resolved sometime late September or early October, I don't have any comment on it. You shouldn't either. Justice is fickle that way.

This punk was out like a light before he hit the ground...

I love a happy ending....

The guy attacked him and knocked him out. Of course a crazy right winger would enjoy a video of a violent bully. I'll bet you like videos of people kicking kittens too.

You are so stupid...

The Nazi that had his face covered was the attacker.

The guy that got knocked out hit a guy on the ground with his stick...

You Nazis will not win at this game...

You think that ass kicking you got in the election was something...

Just keep it up.....

The guy was standing there when the altRight guy came to him. You didn't watch the video?

Apparently you are the one who didn't watch the video. The Antifa thug came at him with a weapon.

Before that, another Thug attacked an Antifa. That is what set up off. It ended when the Gun Nutters fired the gun. You didn't watch the beginning of the second clip closely. Mob rule is an ugly thing and both sides were well past reason after the first attack. Do you condone one side while condemning the other? I condemn both sides. But I am not a Trumpet so I have room for a bit of reasoning.

This punk was out like a light before he hit the ground...

I love a happy ending....

The guy attacked him and knocked him out. Of course a crazy right winger would enjoy a video of a violent bully. I'll bet you like videos of people kicking kittens too.

Uh....did you even see the video?
It was an antifa fascist that was beating a guy with a weapon, and a bystander punched him and knowcked HIM out.
So who is the bully again?

This punk was out like a light before he hit the ground...

I love a happy ending....

Lol...ssdd. ANIFTA starts it a patriot ends it

A Patriot doesn't bring a gun to a demonstration. And that is what ended it.

Why? Don't you understand the Constitution and the Second?

Of course you don't, you're a leftist shill

I understand the 2nd amendment. I also understand the 1st amendment that you conveniently overlook because it suits your sick ends, cupcake.

This punk was out like a light before he hit the ground...

I love a happy ending....

Lol...ssdd. ANIFTA starts it a patriot ends it

A Patriot doesn't bring a gun to a demonstration. And that is what ended it.

Why? Don't you understand the Constitution and the Second?

Of course you don't, you're a leftist shill

I understand the 2nd amendment. I also understand the 1st amendment that you conveniently overlook because it suits your sick ends, cupcake.

The First doesn't give anyone the right to attack anyone physically, dumbass

You're floundering badly. Pick a different thread
This should be the official got clobbered thread



This should be the official got clobbered thread



That's not cool

she came after him first and she had a set of brass knuckles on

the guy had a right to defend himself

Moldylocks had also just swung a big green wine bottle at him with the mask up. Hard to tell what that is with a mask on.

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