antifa punk gets his ass knocked out...

This punk was out like a light before he hit the ground...

I love a happy ending....

The guy attacked him and knocked him out. Of course a crazy right winger would enjoy a video of a violent bully. I'll bet you like videos of people kicking kittens too.

You missed the part where the antifa fucktard attacked, first the guy on the ground, and then the other guy, with a metal pipe?

Are you insane?

Oh, wait. You just wanted the lefty to win, you don't care who was the bad guy....

newsflash: Antifa were coming in from the left while the Mob was coming in from the right. The first guy to go down had come in from the left and others had surrounded him to protect him. Look at it again and this time, open your eyes.

And the Mob brought guns. Keep this up and the left will start bringing in Guns to protect themselves. Yes, at the last couple of Seconds, there was a Gunshot that caused the Antifa people to disengage. Keep doing this and you may have a war on your hands. Not all Lefties are unarmed.

When you call your enemies nazies, you are obviously preparing to go to war.

YOu don't call people nazis, because you want to work it out.

Unless it's your group that does the name calling, right? I don't see either side wanting to work a damned thing out. Nor do I see anyone in here with only a couple of exceptions wanting to work things out as well.

This punk was out like a light before he hit the ground...

I love a happy ending....

The guy attacked him and knocked him out. Of course a crazy right winger would enjoy a video of a violent bully. I'll bet you like videos of people kicking kittens too.

You missed the part where the antifa fucktard attacked, first the guy on the ground, and then the other guy, with a metal pipe?

Are you insane?

Oh, wait. You just wanted the lefty to win, you don't care who was the bad guy....

newsflash: Antifa were coming in from the left while the Mob was coming in from the right. The first guy to go down had come in from the left and others had surrounded him to protect him. Look at it again and this time, open your eyes.

And the Mob brought guns. Keep this up and the left will start bringing in Guns to protect themselves. Yes, at the last couple of Seconds, there was a Gunshot that caused the Antifa people to disengage. Keep doing this and you may have a war on your hands. Not all Lefties are unarmed.

Interesting that you only refer to the Patriot Prayer people as the "mob".

Both sides should be called a "mob" once it becomes a riot.

I agree. Both sides became a mob at that point.

let's look at something. Both sides had legal Permits. Portland allowing both to have the permits at the same time is just plain stupid. What the hell did they expect would happen?

There were 14 arrests from both sides. Most are just given a ticket to show and sent home.

Both sides had their permits revoked.

If you want to watch what those few seconds were taken from, here it is. This is not edited.

it appears that Atifa is now striking back unlike the earlier times. It was just a matter of time. BTW, there is a group of RW Activists that follow the LW demonstrators around and try and disrupt them almost every time. The call themselves the Poor Boys. The 10 second clip you saw was edited by the Poor Boys and meant to slant things.

I don't condone either one. Nor do I condemn either side. I do condemn Portland for issuing the Demonstration Permits to both sides so close together at the same time.

The Patriots were on the right side of the street (from the camera's perspective) and pantifa on the left. All the fighting and disruption happened on the right side.

This punk was out like a light before he hit the ground...

I love a happy ending....

The guy attacked him and knocked him out. Of course a crazy right winger would enjoy a video of a violent bully. I'll bet you like videos of people kicking kittens too.

You missed the part where the antifa fucktard attacked, first the guy on the ground, and then the other guy, with a metal pipe?

Are you insane?

Oh, wait. You just wanted the lefty to win, you don't care who was the bad guy....

newsflash: Antifa were coming in from the left while the Mob was coming in from the right. The first guy to go down had come in from the left and others had surrounded him to protect him. Look at it again and this time, open your eyes.

And the Mob brought guns. Keep this up and the left will start bringing in Guns to protect themselves. Yes, at the last couple of Seconds, there was a Gunshot that caused the Antifa people to disengage. Keep doing this and you may have a war on your hands. Not all Lefties are unarmed.

Interesting that you only refer to the Patriot Prayer people as the "mob".

Both sides should be called a "mob" once it becomes a riot.

I agree. Both sides became a mob at that point.

let's look at something. Both sides had legal Permits. Portland allowing both to have the permits at the same time is just plain stupid. What the hell did they expect would happen?

There were 14 arrests from both sides. Most are just given a ticket to show and sent home.

Both sides had their permits revoked.

If you want to watch what those few seconds were taken from, here it is. This is not edited.

it appears that Atifa is now striking back unlike the earlier times. It was just a matter of time. BTW, there is a group of RW Activists that follow the LW demonstrators around and try and disrupt them almost every time. The call themselves the Poor Boys. The 10 second clip you saw was edited by the Poor Boys and meant to slant things.

I don't condone either one. Nor do I condemn either side. I do condemn Portland for issuing the Demonstration Permits to both sides so close together at the same time.

Fire crackers are now gun shots? You are going to have to prove the lefty had a permit because they sure didn't have one in charolettville

This punk was out like a light before he hit the ground...

I love a happy ending....

The guy attacked him and knocked him out. Of course a crazy right winger would enjoy a video of a violent bully. I'll bet you like videos of people kicking kittens too.

You missed the part where the antifa fucktard attacked, first the guy on the ground, and then the other guy, with a metal pipe?

Are you insane?

Oh, wait. You just wanted the lefty to win, you don't care who was the bad guy....

newsflash: Antifa were coming in from the left while the Mob was coming in from the right. The first guy to go down had come in from the left and others had surrounded him to protect him. Look at it again and this time, open your eyes.

And the Mob brought guns. Keep this up and the left will start bringing in Guns to protect themselves. Yes, at the last couple of Seconds, there was a Gunshot that caused the Antifa people to disengage. Keep doing this and you may have a war on your hands. Not all Lefties are unarmed.

When you call your enemies nazies, you are obviously preparing to go to war.

YOu don't call people nazis, because you want to work it out.

Unless it's your group that does the name calling, right? I don't see either side wanting to work a damned thing out. Nor do I see anyone in here with only a couple of exceptions wanting to work things out as well.

You missed my point.

You call someone a race baiting asshole, you are leaving open the possibility that he could stop being a race baiting asshole at some point, and your conflict could be resolved.

YOu call some one a nazis, and you are saying that the only way to deal with this person is to destroy him or them.

This punk was out like a light before he hit the ground...

I love a happy ending....

The guy attacked him and knocked him out. Of course a crazy right winger would enjoy a video of a violent bully. I'll bet you like videos of people kicking kittens too.

You missed the part where the antifa fucktard attacked, first the guy on the ground, and then the other guy, with a metal pipe?

Are you insane?

Oh, wait. You just wanted the lefty to win, you don't care who was the bad guy....

newsflash: Antifa were coming in from the left while the Mob was coming in from the right. The first guy to go down had come in from the left and others had surrounded him to protect him. Look at it again and this time, open your eyes.

And the Mob brought guns. Keep this up and the left will start bringing in Guns to protect themselves. Yes, at the last couple of Seconds, there was a Gunshot that caused the Antifa people to disengage. Keep doing this and you may have a war on your hands. Not all Lefties are unarmed.

When you call your enemies nazies, you are obviously preparing to go to war.

YOu don't call people nazis, because you want to work it out.

You don't call someone a Nazi if they give any indication they might be willing to work it out. The right eliminated that possibility long ago.
The guy attacked him and knocked him out. Of course a crazy right winger would enjoy a video of a violent bully. I'll bet you like videos of people kicking kittens too.

You missed the part where the antifa fucktard attacked, first the guy on the ground, and then the other guy, with a metal pipe?

Are you insane?

Oh, wait. You just wanted the lefty to win, you don't care who was the bad guy....

newsflash: Antifa were coming in from the left while the Mob was coming in from the right. The first guy to go down had come in from the left and others had surrounded him to protect him. Look at it again and this time, open your eyes.

And the Mob brought guns. Keep this up and the left will start bringing in Guns to protect themselves. Yes, at the last couple of Seconds, there was a Gunshot that caused the Antifa people to disengage. Keep doing this and you may have a war on your hands. Not all Lefties are unarmed.

When you call your enemies nazies, you are obviously preparing to go to war.

YOu don't call people nazis, because you want to work it out.

Unless it's your group that does the name calling, right? I don't see either side wanting to work a damned thing out. Nor do I see anyone in here with only a couple of exceptions wanting to work things out as well.

You missed my point.

You call someone a race baiting asshole, you are leaving open the possibility that he could stop being a race baiting asshole at some point, and your conflict could be resolved.

YOu call some one a nazis, and you are saying that the only way to deal with this person is to destroy him or them.

So you think the right calling liberals names is fine, but you have problems with it being returned? Where do you stand on calling people America hating traitors? Is that something that doesn't count either?

This punk was out like a light before he hit the ground...

I love a happy ending....

Thought you might like these LOL

Flawless Victory: Antifa Punk Gets Knocked Out Cold


This punk was out like a light before he hit the ground...

I love a happy ending....

The guy attacked him and knocked him out. Of course a crazy right winger would enjoy a video of a violent bully. I'll bet you like videos of people kicking kittens too.

You missed the part where the antifa fucktard attacked, first the guy on the ground, and then the other guy, with a metal pipe?

Are you insane?

Oh, wait. You just wanted the lefty to win, you don't care who was the bad guy....

newsflash: Antifa were coming in from the left while the Mob was coming in from the right. The first guy to go down had come in from the left and others had surrounded him to protect him. Look at it again and this time, open your eyes.

And the Mob brought guns. Keep this up and the left will start bringing in Guns to protect themselves. Yes, at the last couple of Seconds, there was a Gunshot that caused the Antifa people to disengage. Keep doing this and you may have a war on your hands. Not all Lefties are unarmed.

When you call your enemies nazies, you are obviously preparing to go to war.

YOu don't call people nazis, because you want to work it out.

You don't call someone a Nazi if they give any indication they might be willing to work it out. The right eliminated that possibility long ago.

NOt being will to work with you, is not being a nazis.

That you needed that explained to you, shows what a insanely dishonest person you are.
You missed the part where the antifa fucktard attacked, first the guy on the ground, and then the other guy, with a metal pipe?

Are you insane?

Oh, wait. You just wanted the lefty to win, you don't care who was the bad guy....

newsflash: Antifa were coming in from the left while the Mob was coming in from the right. The first guy to go down had come in from the left and others had surrounded him to protect him. Look at it again and this time, open your eyes.

And the Mob brought guns. Keep this up and the left will start bringing in Guns to protect themselves. Yes, at the last couple of Seconds, there was a Gunshot that caused the Antifa people to disengage. Keep doing this and you may have a war on your hands. Not all Lefties are unarmed.

When you call your enemies nazies, you are obviously preparing to go to war.

YOu don't call people nazis, because you want to work it out.

Unless it's your group that does the name calling, right? I don't see either side wanting to work a damned thing out. Nor do I see anyone in here with only a couple of exceptions wanting to work things out as well.

You missed my point.

You call someone a race baiting asshole, you are leaving open the possibility that he could stop being a race baiting asshole at some point, and your conflict could be resolved.

YOu call some one a nazis, and you are saying that the only way to deal with this person is to destroy him or them.

So you think the right calling liberals names is fine, but you have problems with it being returned? Where do you stand on calling people America hating traitors? Is that something that doesn't count either?

You are conflating a number of issues into a response that misses my point.

My point was that the Left, who has been calling the Right nazis, has been pushing towards a war.

And I explained why.

Nazis is a pretty specific and special name to call someone. I think we can discuss it, separately from the general concept of name calling.

Do you want to respond to my point?
The guy attacked him and knocked him out. Of course a crazy right winger would enjoy a video of a violent bully. I'll bet you like videos of people kicking kittens too.

You missed the part where the antifa fucktard attacked, first the guy on the ground, and then the other guy, with a metal pipe?

Are you insane?

Oh, wait. You just wanted the lefty to win, you don't care who was the bad guy....

newsflash: Antifa were coming in from the left while the Mob was coming in from the right. The first guy to go down had come in from the left and others had surrounded him to protect him. Look at it again and this time, open your eyes.

And the Mob brought guns. Keep this up and the left will start bringing in Guns to protect themselves. Yes, at the last couple of Seconds, there was a Gunshot that caused the Antifa people to disengage. Keep doing this and you may have a war on your hands. Not all Lefties are unarmed.

When you call your enemies nazies, you are obviously preparing to go to war.

YOu don't call people nazis, because you want to work it out.

You don't call someone a Nazi if they give any indication they might be willing to work it out. The right eliminated that possibility long ago.

NOt being will to work with you, is not being a nazis.

That you needed that explained to you, shows what a insanely dishonest person you are.

Acting like a Nazi gets you called a Nazi. Sorry, but that's how it works. If you don't like the name, then quit acting like one.
You missed the part where the antifa fucktard attacked, first the guy on the ground, and then the other guy, with a metal pipe?

Are you insane?

Oh, wait. You just wanted the lefty to win, you don't care who was the bad guy....

newsflash: Antifa were coming in from the left while the Mob was coming in from the right. The first guy to go down had come in from the left and others had surrounded him to protect him. Look at it again and this time, open your eyes.

And the Mob brought guns. Keep this up and the left will start bringing in Guns to protect themselves. Yes, at the last couple of Seconds, there was a Gunshot that caused the Antifa people to disengage. Keep doing this and you may have a war on your hands. Not all Lefties are unarmed.

When you call your enemies nazies, you are obviously preparing to go to war.

YOu don't call people nazis, because you want to work it out.

You don't call someone a Nazi if they give any indication they might be willing to work it out. The right eliminated that possibility long ago.

NOt being will to work with you, is not being a nazis.

That you needed that explained to you, shows what a insanely dishonest person you are.

Acting like a Nazi gets you called a Nazi. Sorry, but that's how it works. If you don't like the name, then quit acting like one.
Then expect to see more videos like the OP. That's his point.
newsflash: Antifa were coming in from the left while the Mob was coming in from the right. The first guy to go down had come in from the left and others had surrounded him to protect him. Look at it again and this time, open your eyes.

And the Mob brought guns. Keep this up and the left will start bringing in Guns to protect themselves. Yes, at the last couple of Seconds, there was a Gunshot that caused the Antifa people to disengage. Keep doing this and you may have a war on your hands. Not all Lefties are unarmed.

When you call your enemies nazies, you are obviously preparing to go to war.

YOu don't call people nazis, because you want to work it out.

Unless it's your group that does the name calling, right? I don't see either side wanting to work a damned thing out. Nor do I see anyone in here with only a couple of exceptions wanting to work things out as well.

You missed my point.

You call someone a race baiting asshole, you are leaving open the possibility that he could stop being a race baiting asshole at some point, and your conflict could be resolved.

YOu call some one a nazis, and you are saying that the only way to deal with this person is to destroy him or them.

So you think the right calling liberals names is fine, but you have problems with it being returned? Where do you stand on calling people America hating traitors? Is that something that doesn't count either?

You are conflating a number of issues into a response that misses my point.

My point was that the Left, who has been calling the Right nazis, has been pushing towards a war.

And I explained why.

Nazis is a pretty specific and special name to call someone. I think we can discuss it, separately from the general concept of name calling.

Do you want to respond to my point?

Quit whining you big baby. Your only point is that it's fine for the right to say anything they want, but you'll pout if some of that hatred splashes back on you. Show me one time when you condemned any of the hateful accusations made by the right over the last 20 years, and you might have a little credibility. Otherwise, you're just what you seem to be-----a whiny RWNJ.
newsflash: Antifa were coming in from the left while the Mob was coming in from the right. The first guy to go down had come in from the left and others had surrounded him to protect him. Look at it again and this time, open your eyes.

And the Mob brought guns. Keep this up and the left will start bringing in Guns to protect themselves. Yes, at the last couple of Seconds, there was a Gunshot that caused the Antifa people to disengage. Keep doing this and you may have a war on your hands. Not all Lefties are unarmed.

When you call your enemies nazies, you are obviously preparing to go to war.

YOu don't call people nazis, because you want to work it out.

You don't call someone a Nazi if they give any indication they might be willing to work it out. The right eliminated that possibility long ago.

NOt being will to work with you, is not being a nazis.

That you needed that explained to you, shows what a insanely dishonest person you are.

Acting like a Nazi gets you called a Nazi. Sorry, but that's how it works. If you don't like the name, then quit acting like one.
Then expect to see more videos like the OP. That's his point.

He has no point other than he can't take the same crap the right has been flinging for a long time. Get over it you big baby.
The guy attacked him and knocked him out. Of course a crazy right winger would enjoy a video of a violent bully. I'll bet you like videos of people kicking kittens too.

I am only doing this to humiliate you. Because convincing a person who just watched an unambiguous video and lied about it is impossible. You lied about something everyone here can see. A base and vile kind of lie that flies in the face evidence...not to mention a lie that can be debunked simply by watching the video. A lie that shows no conscience or even shame.
This is what an irreligious Marxist poisoned soul is degraded to people. Shamelessness and denial. Denial like a dope mule denying the drugs in his sock are his. Denial in the face of all logic and reason. Denial so indecent it's only goal can be pulling down decency.

View attachment 202578

The man to the right has been knocked down by communist.

View attachment 202579

Commie raises pipe to hit man on ground. He means to maim or kill.

View attachment 202584

Commie hits helpless man on ground. American in foreground fends off threat from the left (haha)

View attachment 202587

American steps back and opens his arms to show unarmed and invite commie for his chance at glorious revolutionary act.

View attachment 202580

Masked, armed and possibly homosexual commie aggressively moves forward towards American right after landing blow on helpless prone man.

View attachment 202581

Commie still moving forward. Thinks he has a chance to maim or kill another American. The direction of motion can easily be seen.

View attachment 202582

As you can see commie is still moving forward towards unarmed American and swinging.

View attachment 202583

American hero shows commie what reality is.

View attachment 202585

Nasty, tattooed 89 pound crack whore (Hillary supporting communist but I repeat myself) exercises pussy pass to try and retrieve pipe as comrade lies stiff on the ground.
Displays excellent cigarette control however.

Expect more in the future if this continues. Americans are tired of your ilk.

You couldn't humiliate me on your best day goober. Your posts are what is expected from pro fascist scum like you.

You are the pro Fascist Scum Dick Brain....

This punk was out like a light before he hit the ground...

I love a happy ending....

The guy attacked him and knocked him out. Of course a crazy right winger would enjoy a video of a violent bully. I'll bet you like videos of people kicking kittens too.

You missed the part where the antifa fucktard attacked, first the guy on the ground, and then the other guy, with a metal pipe?

Are you insane?

Oh, wait. You just wanted the lefty to win, you don't care who was the bad guy....

newsflash: Antifa were coming in from the left while the Mob was coming in from the right. The first guy to go down had come in from the left and others had surrounded him to protect him. Look at it again and this time, open your eyes.

And the Mob brought guns. Keep this up and the left will start bringing in Guns to protect themselves. Yes, at the last couple of Seconds, there was a Gunshot that caused the Antifa people to disengage. Keep doing this and you may have a war on your hands. Not all Lefties are unarmed.

When you call your enemies nazies, you are obviously preparing to go to war.

YOu don't call people nazis, because you want to work it out.

You don't call someone a Nazi if they give any indication they might be willing to work it out. The right eliminated that possibility long ago.

It's plain to see you and yours are the NAZI'S
yes, but not as big a bunch of pussies as animal hunters who kill innocent wild life out there
just saying

You are talking about the Big Game hunters that finance most of the conservation efforts in Africa?

Yeah, fuck those bastards trying to save wildlife by culling the unfit.

You missed the part where the antifa fucktard attacked, first the guy on the ground, and then the other guy, with a metal pipe?

Are you insane?

Oh, wait. You just wanted the lefty to win, you don't care who was the bad guy....

newsflash: Antifa were coming in from the left while the Mob was coming in from the right. The first guy to go down had come in from the left and others had surrounded him to protect him. Look at it again and this time, open your eyes.

And the Mob brought guns. Keep this up and the left will start bringing in Guns to protect themselves. Yes, at the last couple of Seconds, there was a Gunshot that caused the Antifa people to disengage. Keep doing this and you may have a war on your hands. Not all Lefties are unarmed.

When you call your enemies nazies, you are obviously preparing to go to war.

YOu don't call people nazis, because you want to work it out.

You don't call someone a Nazi if they give any indication they might be willing to work it out. The right eliminated that possibility long ago.

NOt being will to work with you, is not being a nazis.

That you needed that explained to you, shows what a insanely dishonest person you are.

Acting like a Nazi gets you called a Nazi. Sorry, but that's how it works. If you don't like the name, then quit acting like one.
Do you see anyone executing jews? That is acting like a Nazi. How fucking stupid ARE you?
yes, but not as big a bunch of pussies as animal hunters who kill innocent wild life out there
just saying

You are talking about the Big Game hunters that finance most of the conservation efforts in Africa?

Yeah, fuck those bastards trying to save wildlife by culling the unfit.

Every deer I've ever harvested has been guilty of tempting me while I have an empty freezer. lol

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