antifa punk gets his ass knocked out...

This punk was out like a light before he hit the ground...

I love a happy ending....

The guy attacked him and knocked him out. Of course a crazy right winger would enjoy a video of a violent bully. I'll bet you like videos of people kicking kittens too.

You are so stupid...

The Nazi that had his face covered was the attacker.

The guy that got knocked out hit a guy on the ground with his stick...

You Nazis will not win at this game...

You think that ass kicking you got in the election was something...

Just keep it up.....

The guy was standing there when the altRight guy came to him. You didn't watch the video?

Apparently you are the one who didn't watch the video. The Antifa thug came at him with a weapon.

Before that, another Thug attacked an Antifa. That is what set up off. It ended when the Gun Nutters fired the gun. You didn't watch the beginning of the second clip closely. Mob rule is an ugly thing and both sides were well past reason after the first attack. Do you condone one side while condemning the other? I condemn both sides. But I am not a Trumpet so I have room for a bit of reasoning.

So who got shot? I saw nothing about that in the news. Lemme guess, you're making it up as you go along?
The guy attacked him and knocked him out. Of course a crazy right winger would enjoy a video of a violent bully. I'll bet you like videos of people kicking kittens too.

You are so stupid...

The Nazi that had his face covered was the attacker.

The guy that got knocked out hit a guy on the ground with his stick...

You Nazis will not win at this game...

You think that ass kicking you got in the election was something...

Just keep it up.....

The guy was standing there when the altRight guy came to him. You didn't watch the video?

Apparently you are the one who didn't watch the video. The Antifa thug came at him with a weapon.

Before that, another Thug attacked an Antifa. That is what set up off. It ended when the Gun Nutters fired the gun. You didn't watch the beginning of the second clip closely. Mob rule is an ugly thing and both sides were well past reason after the first attack. Do you condone one side while condemning the other? I condemn both sides. But I am not a Trumpet so I have room for a bit of reasoning.

So who got shot? I saw nothing about that in the news. Lemme guess, you're making it up as you go along?

There was a gunshot and everyone scampered. You sure don't listen very well. From the looks of things, maybe the Antifa folks need to come armed with firearms as well. Talk about a blood bath on both sides. But that may be where it's headed unless both sides don't pull their heads out their asses.

This punk was out like a light before he hit the ground...

I love a happy ending....

The guy attacked him and knocked him out. Of course a crazy right winger would enjoy a video of a violent bully. I'll bet you like videos of people kicking kittens too.

You missed the part where the antifa fucktard attacked, first the guy on the ground, and then the other guy, with a metal pipe?

Are you insane?

Oh, wait. You just wanted the lefty to win, you don't care who was the bad guy....
You are so stupid...

The Nazi that had his face covered was the attacker.

The guy that got knocked out hit a guy on the ground with his stick...

You Nazis will not win at this game...

You think that ass kicking you got in the election was something...

Just keep it up.....

The guy was standing there when the altRight guy came to him. You didn't watch the video?

Apparently you are the one who didn't watch the video. The Antifa thug came at him with a weapon.

Before that, another Thug attacked an Antifa. That is what set up off. It ended when the Gun Nutters fired the gun. You didn't watch the beginning of the second clip closely. Mob rule is an ugly thing and both sides were well past reason after the first attack. Do you condone one side while condemning the other? I condemn both sides. But I am not a Trumpet so I have room for a bit of reasoning.

So who got shot? I saw nothing about that in the news. Lemme guess, you're making it up as you go along?

There was a gunshot and everyone scampered. You sure don't listen very well. From the looks of things, maybe the Antifa folks need to come armed with firearms as well. Talk about a blood bath on both sides. But that may be where it's headed unless both sides don't pull their heads out their asses.

Yet that was never reported. Lemme tell you something bubba, it will not be on both sides. Antifa will be thoroughly routed. it won't happen like you conceive it will happen.

If the "gun nutters" fired a gun, who got killed? Hmm?

If nobody, nobody fired a gun. If 10 Antifa heads exploded simultaneously, somebody fired a gun. And then if it happened again a second later, somebody fired a gun again.

and again

and again

and again

and again.

Oops, no more Antifags around.
Last edited:
Look folks, everyday the sorry no good America hating left defends criminals. Everyday!
You are so stupid...

The Nazi that had his face covered was the attacker.

The guy that got knocked out hit a guy on the ground with his stick...

You Nazis will not win at this game...

You think that ass kicking you got in the election was something...

Just keep it up.....

The guy was standing there when the altRight guy came to him. You didn't watch the video?

Apparently you are the one who didn't watch the video. The Antifa thug came at him with a weapon.

Before that, another Thug attacked an Antifa. That is what set up off. It ended when the Gun Nutters fired the gun. You didn't watch the beginning of the second clip closely. Mob rule is an ugly thing and both sides were well past reason after the first attack. Do you condone one side while condemning the other? I condemn both sides. But I am not a Trumpet so I have room for a bit of reasoning.

So who got shot? I saw nothing about that in the news. Lemme guess, you're making it up as you go along?

There was a gunshot and everyone scampered. You sure don't listen very well. From the looks of things, maybe the Antifa folks need to come armed with firearms as well. Talk about a blood bath on both sides. But that may be where it's headed unless both sides don't pull their heads out their asses.
You don't lie very well America hater.

This punk was out like a light before he hit the ground...

I love a happy ending....

The guy attacked him and knocked him out. Of course a crazy right winger would enjoy a video of a violent bully. I'll bet you like videos of people kicking kittens too.

You missed the part where the antifa fucktard attacked, first the guy on the ground, and then the other guy, with a metal pipe?

Are you insane?

Oh, wait. You just wanted the lefty to win, you don't care who was the bad guy....

newsflash: Antifa were coming in from the left while the Mob was coming in from the right. The first guy to go down had come in from the left and others had surrounded him to protect him. Look at it again and this time, open your eyes.

And the Mob brought guns. Keep this up and the left will start bringing in Guns to protect themselves. Yes, at the last couple of Seconds, there was a Gunshot that caused the Antifa people to disengage. Keep doing this and you may have a war on your hands. Not all Lefties are unarmed.

This punk was out like a light before he hit the ground...

I love a happy ending....

The guy attacked him and knocked him out. Of course a crazy right winger would enjoy a video of a violent bully. I'll bet you like videos of people kicking kittens too.

You missed the part where the antifa fucktard attacked, first the guy on the ground, and then the other guy, with a metal pipe?

Are you insane?

Oh, wait. You just wanted the lefty to win, you don't care who was the bad guy....

newsflash: Antifa were coming in from the left while the Mob was coming in from the right. The first guy to go down had come in from the left and others had surrounded him to protect him. Look at it again and this time, open your eyes.

And the Mob brought guns. Keep this up and the left will start bringing in Guns to protect themselves. Yes, at the last couple of Seconds, there was a Gunshot that caused the Antifa people to disengage. Keep doing this and you may have a war on your hands. Not all Lefties are unarmed.
What? No proof, again?

This punk was out like a light before he hit the ground...

I love a happy ending....

The guy attacked him and knocked him out. Of course a crazy right winger would enjoy a video of a violent bully. I'll bet you like videos of people kicking kittens too.
The piece of shit who got knocked out swung a fucking baton at the guy first

You would support beating unarmed people with a baton

This punk was out like a light before he hit the ground...

I love a happy ending....

The guy attacked him and knocked him out. Of course a crazy right winger would enjoy a video of a violent bully. I'll bet you like videos of people kicking kittens too.
The piece of shit who got knocked out swung a fucking baton at the guy first

You would support beating unarmed people with a baton
It's clear to anyone watching that the libwits support criminals, that's why we have so much crime today. The police and courts put them away and then the libwit scum release them.

This punk was out like a light before he hit the ground...

I love a happy ending....

The guy attacked him and knocked him out. Of course a crazy right winger would enjoy a video of a violent bully. I'll bet you like videos of people kicking kittens too.

You are so stupid...

The Nazi that had his face covered was the attacker.

The guy that got knocked out hit a guy on the ground with his stick...

You Nazis will not win at this game...

You think that ass kicking you got in the election was something...

Just keep it up.....

The guy was standing there when the altRight guy came to him. You didn't watch the video?

Apparently you are the one who didn't watch the video. The Antifa thug came at him with a weapon.

Before that, another Thug attacked an Antifa. That is what set up off. It ended when the Gun Nutters fired the gun. You didn't watch the beginning of the second clip closely. Mob rule is an ugly thing and both sides were well past reason after the first attack. Do you condone one side while condemning the other? I condemn both sides. But I am not a Trumpet so I have room for a bit of reasoning.

First of all, if Antifa would just allow the Patriot Prayer clowns have their permitted gathering, there wouldn't be a problem to start with.
Unfortunately, Antifa shows up at every permitted Patriot Prayer gathering, and cause tensions to rise and then a riot breaks out. Happens every time here in Portland. I'm not saying the Patriot Prayer people are all choir boys, but you wouldn't have violence break out if Antifa would simply stay away and let them meet.

I can't speak for who threw the first punch, but the punk wielding a weapon came at what appeared to be an unarmed individual, and he got what he deserved.
The guy attacked him and knocked him out. Of course a crazy right winger would enjoy a video of a violent bully. I'll bet you like videos of people kicking kittens too.

You are so stupid...

The Nazi that had his face covered was the attacker.

The guy that got knocked out hit a guy on the ground with his stick...

You Nazis will not win at this game...

You think that ass kicking you got in the election was something...

Just keep it up.....

The guy was standing there when the altRight guy came to him. You didn't watch the video?

Apparently you are the one who didn't watch the video. The Antifa thug came at him with a weapon.

Before that, another Thug attacked an Antifa. That is what set up off. It ended when the Gun Nutters fired the gun. You didn't watch the beginning of the second clip closely. Mob rule is an ugly thing and both sides were well past reason after the first attack. Do you condone one side while condemning the other? I condemn both sides. But I am not a Trumpet so I have room for a bit of reasoning.

First of all, if Antifa would just allow the Patriot Prayer clowns have their permitted gathering, there wouldn't be a problem to start with.
Unfortunately, Antifa shows up at every permitted Patriot Prayer gathering, and cause tensions to rise and then a riot breaks out. Happens every time here in Portland. I'm not saying the Patriot Prayer people are all choir boys, but you wouldn't have violence break out if Antifa would simply stay away and let them meet.

I can't speak for who threw the first punch, but the punk wielding a weapon came at what appeared to be an unarmed individual, and he got what he deserved.
It's almost like they have someone tipping them off to be at the gatherings.

This punk was out like a light before he hit the ground...

I love a happy ending....

The guy attacked him and knocked him out. Of course a crazy right winger would enjoy a video of a violent bully. I'll bet you like videos of people kicking kittens too.

You missed the part where the antifa fucktard attacked, first the guy on the ground, and then the other guy, with a metal pipe?

Are you insane?

Oh, wait. You just wanted the lefty to win, you don't care who was the bad guy....

newsflash: Antifa were coming in from the left while the Mob was coming in from the right. The first guy to go down had come in from the left and others had surrounded him to protect him. Look at it again and this time, open your eyes.

And the Mob brought guns. Keep this up and the left will start bringing in Guns to protect themselves. Yes, at the last couple of Seconds, there was a Gunshot that caused the Antifa people to disengage. Keep doing this and you may have a war on your hands. Not all Lefties are unarmed.

Interesting that you only refer to the Patriot Prayer people as the "mob".

Both sides should be called a "mob" once it becomes a riot.
You are so stupid...

The Nazi that had his face covered was the attacker.

The guy that got knocked out hit a guy on the ground with his stick...

You Nazis will not win at this game...

You think that ass kicking you got in the election was something...

Just keep it up.....

The guy was standing there when the altRight guy came to him. You didn't watch the video?

Apparently you are the one who didn't watch the video. The Antifa thug came at him with a weapon.

Before that, another Thug attacked an Antifa. That is what set up off. It ended when the Gun Nutters fired the gun. You didn't watch the beginning of the second clip closely. Mob rule is an ugly thing and both sides were well past reason after the first attack. Do you condone one side while condemning the other? I condemn both sides. But I am not a Trumpet so I have room for a bit of reasoning.

First of all, if Antifa would just allow the Patriot Prayer clowns have their permitted gathering, there wouldn't be a problem to start with.
Unfortunately, Antifa shows up at every permitted Patriot Prayer gathering, and cause tensions to rise and then a riot breaks out. Happens every time here in Portland. I'm not saying the Patriot Prayer people are all choir boys, but you wouldn't have violence break out if Antifa would simply stay away and let them meet.

I can't speak for who threw the first punch, but the punk wielding a weapon came at what appeared to be an unarmed individual, and he got what he deserved.
It's almost like they have someone tipping them off to be at the gatherings.

They find out because Patriot Prayer registers for a permit to gather.
The guy was standing there when the altRight guy came to him. You didn't watch the video?

Apparently you are the one who didn't watch the video. The Antifa thug came at him with a weapon.

Before that, another Thug attacked an Antifa. That is what set up off. It ended when the Gun Nutters fired the gun. You didn't watch the beginning of the second clip closely. Mob rule is an ugly thing and both sides were well past reason after the first attack. Do you condone one side while condemning the other? I condemn both sides. But I am not a Trumpet so I have room for a bit of reasoning.

First of all, if Antifa would just allow the Patriot Prayer clowns have their permitted gathering, there wouldn't be a problem to start with.
Unfortunately, Antifa shows up at every permitted Patriot Prayer gathering, and cause tensions to rise and then a riot breaks out. Happens every time here in Portland. I'm not saying the Patriot Prayer people are all choir boys, but you wouldn't have violence break out if Antifa would simply stay away and let them meet.

I can't speak for who threw the first punch, but the punk wielding a weapon came at what appeared to be an unarmed individual, and he got what he deserved.
It's almost like they have someone tipping them off to be at the gatherings.

They find out because Patriot Prayer registers for a permit to gather.

Is it posted publicly?
Miserable, unproductive and violent people trying to take out their life’s frustrations and trying (unsuccessfully) to sell that as righteous
This should be the official got clobbered thread



This should be the official got clobbered thread



That's not cool

she came after him first and she had a set of brass knuckles on

the guy had a right to defend himself

Moldylocks had also just swung a big green wine bottle at him with the mask up. Hard to tell what that is with a mask on.

assuredly she was the aggressor in this battle
Apparently you are the one who didn't watch the video. The Antifa thug came at him with a weapon.

Before that, another Thug attacked an Antifa. That is what set up off. It ended when the Gun Nutters fired the gun. You didn't watch the beginning of the second clip closely. Mob rule is an ugly thing and both sides were well past reason after the first attack. Do you condone one side while condemning the other? I condemn both sides. But I am not a Trumpet so I have room for a bit of reasoning.

First of all, if Antifa would just allow the Patriot Prayer clowns have their permitted gathering, there wouldn't be a problem to start with.
Unfortunately, Antifa shows up at every permitted Patriot Prayer gathering, and cause tensions to rise and then a riot breaks out. Happens every time here in Portland. I'm not saying the Patriot Prayer people are all choir boys, but you wouldn't have violence break out if Antifa would simply stay away and let them meet.

I can't speak for who threw the first punch, but the punk wielding a weapon came at what appeared to be an unarmed individual, and he got what he deserved.
It's almost like they have someone tipping them off to be at the gatherings.

They find out because Patriot Prayer registers for a permit to gather.

Is it posted publicly?

I don't know if a permit is posted, but it's public information that they cannot hide.

This punk was out like a light before he hit the ground...

I love a happy ending....

The guy attacked him and knocked him out. Of course a crazy right winger would enjoy a video of a violent bully. I'll bet you like videos of people kicking kittens too.

You missed the part where the antifa fucktard attacked, first the guy on the ground, and then the other guy, with a metal pipe?

Are you insane?

Oh, wait. You just wanted the lefty to win, you don't care who was the bad guy....

newsflash: Antifa were coming in from the left while the Mob was coming in from the right. The first guy to go down had come in from the left and others had surrounded him to protect him. Look at it again and this time, open your eyes.

And the Mob brought guns. Keep this up and the left will start bringing in Guns to protect themselves. Yes, at the last couple of Seconds, there was a Gunshot that caused the Antifa people to disengage. Keep doing this and you may have a war on your hands. Not all Lefties are unarmed.

Interesting that you only refer to the Patriot Prayer people as the "mob".

Both sides should be called a "mob" once it becomes a riot.

I agree. Both sides became a mob at that point.

let's look at something. Both sides had legal Permits. Portland allowing both to have the permits at the same time is just plain stupid. What the hell did they expect would happen?

There were 14 arrests from both sides. Most are just given a ticket to show and sent home.

Both sides had their permits revoked.

If you want to watch what those few seconds were taken from, here it is. This is not edited.

it appears that Atifa is now striking back unlike the earlier times. It was just a matter of time. BTW, there is a group of RW Activists that follow the LW demonstrators around and try and disrupt them almost every time. The call themselves the Poor Boys. The 10 second clip you saw was edited by the Poor Boys and meant to slant things.

I don't condone either one. Nor do I condemn either side. I do condemn Portland for issuing the Demonstration Permits to both sides so close together at the same time.

This punk was out like a light before he hit the ground...

I love a happy ending....

The guy attacked him and knocked him out. Of course a crazy right winger would enjoy a video of a violent bully. I'll bet you like videos of people kicking kittens too.

You missed the part where the antifa fucktard attacked, first the guy on the ground, and then the other guy, with a metal pipe?

Are you insane?

Oh, wait. You just wanted the lefty to win, you don't care who was the bad guy....

newsflash: Antifa were coming in from the left while the Mob was coming in from the right. The first guy to go down had come in from the left and others had surrounded him to protect him. Look at it again and this time, open your eyes.

And the Mob brought guns. Keep this up and the left will start bringing in Guns to protect themselves. Yes, at the last couple of Seconds, there was a Gunshot that caused the Antifa people to disengage. Keep doing this and you may have a war on your hands. Not all Lefties are unarmed.

When you call your enemies nazies, you are obviously preparing to go to war.

YOu don't call people nazis, because you want to work it out.

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