Antifa thug tries to kill Trump supporter swinging a bike lock.

did Berkley police stand down because their officers were mixed in with antifa? Analysis of explosions of so called m-80s reveal they instead may have been flash bang grenades
What sort of scummy little fag operates like that? He came through the crowd specifically to clunk someone on the head, then retreated, they are learning to do that somewhere. That isn't "protest".

Start shooting them.
They learned it at Trump rallies.

Any Trump supporter that thinks the grounds at Berkley will ever be anything other than Liberal, has been sniffing to much of their own fart gas.

The Republican club at Berkeley were the ones who asked Coulter to come talk.

And nobody learned violence at Trump rallies. The only violence that has ever been at trump rallies has been leftist pigs who show up to instigate it.

They're going to get more than they bargain for. Mindless retards that they are.

Berkley will still be Liberal long after Trump is gone after his first term, or impeachment and imprisonment, which ever comes first, and Coulter will be a forgotten name, soon after that.

As a dying Boomer generation is taken over by a far more Liberal generation,even larger in numbers than it's boomer counterpart. The mindless retards that are their parents spawn, will become over run in a very short period of time.

America as a whole in every part of the country, is becoming, younger, browner, and more Liberal, and all of the kings horses, men, and money can do nothing to stop it.

You are aware Trump won the election, right?

and no, the country isn't becoming more liberal. That's just what your commie masters tell you when they pay you to go forth and propagandize.

It's Trump that's who's under investigation for colluding with Russia, commie lover.

He won't be around for a second term. Taking into account he even makes it through one.

Which right now Vegas has odds against.

I would be in denial to if I were you. The country will be minority majority, by 2040, in case you were unaware of that fact, and then people that who look and think like you won't be deciding anything, anymore. The decisions will be made for you.

Nullify Suffrage for Moochers

We've been a minority majority for most of our history. How did that work out for you jealous misfit feralphiles?
Terrorists in Idealists' Clothing

Don't fall for that revisionist crap. They were Commie scum even back then. They had violence in their hearts, but didn't have the go-ahead yet from the media and the courts.
I heard they removed his page and released a statement saying he's not employed there. Probably on paid leave.

He's still listed on their directory.

Clanton, Eric
Faculty - Philosophy
Philosophy H113
[email protected]

Faculty Directory

Postmodern philosophy is degenerate to the extreme. One of its main heroes, Michel Foucault, was a Gayist who got AIDS and purposely infected boytoys just to get some "deep philosophical insight" into what it feels like to murder someone in cold blood.
"After he was identified, Clanton apparently deleted his Twitter account. However, activists found Clanton’s online profile from the dating site OKCupid where he declared: “I’m interested in helping to precipitate the end of civil society.” Furthermore, on his website, Clanton described himself as “interested in feminist theory as well as critical and philosophical approaches to prisons and police enforcement.” At a 2013 conference, Clanton gave a presentation entitled “A Feminist Critique of Human Nature Essentialism.” It is reported that the victim of the Berkeley attack, Sean Stiles, intends to press charges, and the administration at Diablo Valley College has been informed of the allegations against Clanton. Based on the video, this could be at least an aggravated assault case, and arguably assault with a deadly weapon — very serious felony charges. Clanton might soon have a chance to discover how his “critical and philosophical approaches to prisons and police enforcement” work in practice. Not too well, I’d expect."

Activists Claim Berkeley ‘Anti-Fascist’ Attacker Is College Instructor Eric Clanton
Berkeley police investigate alumnus connection to rally assault
TOPICS:4chanContra Costa Community CollegeEric ClantonSpring2017


The Berkeley Police Department is investigating a former Diablo Valley College teacher accused of assaulting a Trump supporter at a protest in Berkeley.

Anonymous users on 4Chan, a public online bulletin board, identified philosophy professor Eric Clanton as the masked man who hit a Trump supporter over the head with a bike lock at a Patriot’s Day rally on April 15.

Users started a discussion thread on the website’s “/pol/ Politically Incorrect” board and later released the information on the board’s Twitter account. After the incident, 4Chan anonymous users posted Clanton’s personal information on Twitter, such as his home address, job locations and OK Cupid profile.

On April 19, a tweet from “/pol/ News Network” mistakenly identified Clanton as an SF State professor, however, SF State spokesperson Mary Kenny denied this.

“Eric Clanton is not an employee of the University,” Kenny said. “He was an instructional student assistant in the philosophy department for one semester during spring semester 2013 and also worked for three semesters as a graduate teaching associate in the philosophy department from August 2013 until January 2015.”

Clanton began teaching at DVC in 2015 but is not working this semester, according to Timothy Leong, Contra Costa Community College District l director of communications and community relations.

According to The Inquirer, Clanton has shut down his social media.

“We are working with Berkeley Police Department, who is the lead on the investigation of the recent altercations that occurred in their city,” Leong said.

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