Antisemitic U.N. issues eight resolutions, all against Israel


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
The U.N., in the wake of the terror attack by HAMAS savages in which they set Jewish children on fire, cut the heads off babies, baked an newborn to death in an oven, raped women until they died, and stabbed men to death, issued eight resolutions - all of which condemn Israel. There was not a SINGLE resolution condemning what Muslim monsters did.

The U.N.’s never-ending, one-sided bias against the sole Jewish country in its effort to demonize it, is the very definition of antisemitism. When Trump gets back in, I hope he kicks them out of our country and withholds our membership.


Antisemitic U.N. issues eight resolutions, all against Israel​

The UN is a total joke. They didn't issue any resolutions against Hamas or anyone else other than Israel because they know that if they issued one on Hamas, neither Hamas nor anyone else would care, listen, or do a thing. Hamas is totally unplugged from world opinion so they issue this crap against Israel because it makes the UN seem responsible and relevant.
Your way of thinking... criticism of Israel makes someone an antisemite.
That is my way of thinking too. Anyone who has read the Old Testament and the Apocrypha knows that for Jews possession of the land of Israel is as important as personal salvation is for the Christians. I am a Christian who admires Jews, respects Judaism, and loves Israel.


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How easily antisemitism has gone from the hatred of Jews, to everything Jews hate.....~S~
China is adding Iran and UAE ito BRICS next year. I think they are intending to create their own paraellel political group and they will run the show even moreso than they do the U.N today. American leaders better get on the ball, Xi has been very public of late, globetrotting and spreading Chinas influence. He is in the worlds public eye, receiving vast coverage by European media for his recent BRIC meeting and they wll be looking to supplant America in short order. Their intelligence agencies deserve raises.
I would welcome a restoration of King David's Empire, with the addition of Gaza. I believe that should only be achieved in response to future acts of Arab aggression. I would welcome the rebuilding of the Temple of Jerusalem. I believe that should only be achieved if the Arc of the Covenant is found. I am afraid that it no longer exists.

Jews can rule Muslim lands with the help of indigenous Christians. They dislike Muslims, and would welcome the Jews as liberators, as they welcomed the Mongols in the 13th century. .

The U.N., in the wake of the terror attack by HAMAS savages in which they set Jewish children on fire, cut the heads off babies, baked an newborn to death in an oven, raped women until they died, and stabbed men to death, issued eight resolutions - all of which condemn Israel. There was not a SINGLE resolution condemning what Muslim monsters did.

The U.N.’s never-ending, one-sided bias against the sole Jewish country in its effort to demonize it, is the very definition of antisemitism. When Trump gets back in, I hope he kicks them out of our country and withholds our membership.

The propaganda America has generated against Hamas is failing. The rest of the world either doesn't believe it or are looking at the situation on the ground in which the Zionists are slaughtering civilians at a rate that is ten times what Hamas was guilty of doing.

The US propagandists are left with dressing up the kill to make it sound worse by Hamas. But the numbers can't be falsely manipulated any other way.
As is the usual pattern, America's propaganda attempts to demonize the UN when it's outspoken on condemnation of America or the Zionist regime.

But America will stick with the UN because it has a veto that effectively can defy any progress the rest of the world attempts.
The propaganda America has generated against Hamas is failing. The rest of the world either doesn't believe it or are looking at the situation on the ground in which the Zionists are slaughtering civilians at a rate that is ten times what Hamas was guilty of doing.

The US propagandists are left with dressing up the kill to make it sound worse by Hamas. But the numbers can't be falsely manipulated any other way.
OMG. What type of propaganda needs to be generated against Muslim terrorists who go door to door hunting down every Jew they can find to stab, rape, burn, bake, and decapitate them? The truth is BEYOND horrifying, and your defense of antisemitic terrorists and use of the word “Zionist” as a slur of Jews is disgusting.

I pray that Jew-haters like you get their just desserts.

And don’t bother responding. I’ve reached my quota of Jew-haters early today, and your ass is going on ignore.
As is the usual pattern, America's propaganda attempts to demonize the UN when it's outspoken on condemnation of America or the Zionist regime.

But America will stick with the UN because it has a veto that effectively can defy any progress the rest of the world attempts.
As usual, the antisemites refuse to acknowledge the lopisded condemnation by the U.N. - all for the Jews and none for Muslim terrorists.
Woosh! Does this leftist ^^^ really not understand the point?
I think he understands the "point" pretty well. Any criticism of Israel is antisemitism. You demonstrate that fallacy on a daily basis. Why don't you post the resolutions and then demonstrate how they are antisemitic.

At least one of them, the one concerning the exploitation of resources in the Golan Heights, has nothing to do with the Israeli-Hamas conflict. And your OP attacked Syria for proposing the resolution. But the Golan Heights is considered Syrian territory occupied by Israel by every flippin nation on earth EXCEPT for the US and Israel. And the US only accepted the Golan Heights as Israeli territory under the fat orange man.

You know, if this shit wasn't so serious it would be comical. For instance,

The statements across the board from the U.N.'s highest officers and so-called "human rights" experts have specific characteristics," Bayefsky alleged. "They issue slanderous, unverified blood libels; they blame Israel for the genocide against Jews; they exhibit an obscene moral equivalence between a terrorist organization and a democratic state seeking to defend itself; and, most significantly, they deny the Jewish state the U.N. Charter right of self-defense."
They issue slanderous, unverified blood libels
When you continue to claim Hamas baked an Israeli baby in an oven, unproven, and even doubted by Israeli officials, you are repeating a "slanderous, unverified blood libel". Ironically, in a classic sense, did they eat the baby after they cooked it? I am sure that statement just flies right over your head.
they blame Israel for the genocide against Jews
Hell, it is Israel that is blaming Palestinians for the genocide being committed against Palestinians. And make no mistake about it, it is genocide. Far right members of the Knesset have had no problem admitting it.
they exhibit an obscene moral equivalence between a terrorist organization and a democratic state seeking to defend itself
Is Hamas a terrorist organization? Certainly. But Israel is no "democracy". It can't be when, by law, only Jews have the right to self-determination. It is an apartheid state, period. And talk about obscene moral equivalence, Israel sees killing babies in incubators by denying power to hospitals, and killing innocent women by air strikes and drone attacks, as the moral equivalent of killing a soldier in combat.

they deny the Jewish state the U.N. Charter right of self-defense.

The UN Charter right of self-defense is not unlimited. It comes with a responsibility to minimize civilian casualties. Israel's actions in Gaza are no different than the vigilante groups of hooded white men that lynched innocent black people for crimes committed, or thought to have been committed, by other black people.
OMG. What type of propaganda needs to be generated against Muslim terrorists who go door to door hunting down every Jew they can find to stab, rape, burn, bake, and decapitate them?
Basically the same tactics used by American soldiers against Iraqi civilians.
The truth is BEYOND horrifying, and your defense of antisemitic terrorists and use of the word “Zionist” as a slur of Jews is disgusting.

I pray that Jew-haters like you get their just desserts.

And don’t bother responding. I’ve reached my quota of Jew-haters early today, and your ass is going on ignore.
When you stoop to personal insults and false accusations you sound desperate and over emotional. We all need tto try to maintain control over our emotions.
This is having a huge impact on the Zionist's and America's propaganda campaign!

And a powerful impact against Biden's efforts on pretending to be somewhat neutral.
As usual, the antisemites refuse to acknowledge the lopisded condemnation by the U.N. - all for the Jews and none for Muslim terrorists.
You lied about ignoring me.
Choose your words so that you make yourself a bit harder to mock.
Or really do ignore me and allow me the pleasure of hearing no rebuttals from you. It works well both ways hon!
The U.N., in the wake of the terror attack by HAMAS savages in which they set Jewish children on fire, cut the heads off babies, baked an newborn to death in an oven, raped women until they died, and stabbed men to death, issued eight resolutions - all of which condemn Israel. There was not a SINGLE resolution condemning what Muslim monsters did.

The U.N.’s never-ending, one-sided bias against the sole Jewish country in its effort to demonize it, is the very definition of antisemitism. When Trump gets back in, I hope he kicks them out of our country and withholds our membership.

Strange he didn’t do that when he was in.

But I’m sure he’ll get it done this time right?

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