Zone1 Antisemitism sweeping colleges ironically being fueled by DEI staff

no need to have a conversation with a racist douchenoodle who has been debunked.

Where's the Peer Review?
Professor Arthur Jensen was never debunked. He said that more money could not improve academic performance. The following chart proves what he claimed.


Where is the peer review for an academic charlatan like Stephen Jay Gould?
You don't get it. In order to do that, they would have to abolish the EEOC, and overturn the Civil Rights Acts of 1964, 1968 and 1991. That simply isn't going to happen.

They had a leg to stand on with the colleges because Colleges receive federal funds.

The civil rights legislation said that people should not be discriminated against. Affirmative action discriminates against whites and Orientals who are better qualified then the Negroes who are hired.
The Germans demonized the Jews and tried to exterminate them. That's why they ended up in Palestine.
Beginning with The Egyptian Pharaoh the Jews have out lived their enemies. They outlived the Nazis. They are out living Hamas
Bullshit. Let's take the Big Four- Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment Insurance, and Veteran's Benefits
All of those are for employees. Welfare is for parasites. According to Professor Arthur Jensen one fourth of Negroes are unemployable.
Don't kid yourself. Nobody likes you. Especially when you hit back at people who didn't do anything to you to start with.
I am confident that Lisa558 is better liked here than you are.

Plenty of people like Jews. Why are Jews so well paid?

This reminds me of when you said that no one takes The Bell Curve seriously. I had to point out that it was on the New York Times Best Seller List for fifteen weeks. Then you deflected to Mein Kampf.
Dream on. In a few months, Bibi will declare victory and pull out, and the majority of Palestinians who still live there will hate you people even more.
The Palestinians will always hate the Jews. That is why it is necessary for the Jews to keep the Palestinians in a constant state of fear. That is what the Jews are doing right now.
I am confident that Lisa558 is better liked here than you are.

Plenty of people like Jews. Why are Jews so well paid?

This reminds me of when you said that no one takes The Bell Curve seriously. I had to point out that it was on the New York Times Best Seller List for fifteen weeks. Then you deflected to Mein Kampf.
Thank you.

And was Joe the Jew-hater implying that Israel has hit back when nothing was done to them? He doesn’t consider Muslim savages cutting off babies’ heads are something? Or setting little children on fire? Or baking a baby in the oven? Or raping woman until the die from internal trauma?

Just shows how antisemitic some people are: they want approval to torture Jews to death, and expect them to just take it without retribution.
If you support DEI then that is a pretty good indication that you are mentality disturbed to some extent. Or like we say "ain't right in the head". No wonder they are full of hate.
Professor Arthur Jensen was never debunked.
Sure he has. Where's the peer review?

The following chart proves what he claimed.
The following chart doesn't say anything about race. It seems the white kids are remaining as dumb as the minority kids.

Beginning with The Egyptian Pharaoh the Jews have out lived their enemies. They outlived the Nazis. They are out living Hamas

First, the Jews never lived in Egypt. There is absolutely no evidence the Exodus ever happened. We know every Pharoah from Menes to Cleopatra, and you can't tell me which Pharoah was the one who drowned in the Red Sea.

Second, if history shows us anything, time is on the Palestinian's side. Remember the Crusader States? Took 200 years for the Muslims to finally drive the Crusaders out. Eventually, Jews will ask themselves, "Why are we living next to people who want to kill us?" The vast majority of the world's Jews today don't live in Israel.

All of those are for employees. Welfare is for parasites. According to Professor Arthur Jensen one fourth of Negroes are unemployable.

Arthur Jensen would be unemployable if he was still alive. Since black unemployment is only 5.8%, it seems to me that at least 94% of them are employable.

Plenty of people like Jews. Why are Jews so well paid?
Nobody likes paying anyone. We pay people to do things we can't do ourselves. That's not a measure of anything.

The civil rights legislation said that people should not be discriminated against. Affirmative action discriminates against whites and Orientals who are better qualified then the Negroes who are hired.
Are you fucking retarded, do you have a learning disability?

I've explained this to you multiple times. All a black person has to do to win his case for discrimination is to show he wasn't hired, but the boss's drinking buddy was.

Why do you think that when you apply for a job, they ask all these questions not only about race, but Gender, disability and veteran's status? Companies are tracking this for legal reasons.

To think that they are going to suddenly start discriminating against blacks (and only blacks) is kind of silly, especially given the history of this country. They don't even have to win the lawsuit, they just have to get it into court to cost the company a lot of money.

The first Job I worked for after the Army did have an EEOC lawsuit by a white woman who was fired from a supervisory position. The company's response to it was to promote another woman to a supervisory role. (And this was NOT for a high-paying job.) This woman turned out to be even more useless. Her shift never completed their work, and her employees were outright stealing from the company. She quit before getting fired and then filed an OSHA complaint against the company. (Because the cheap Jew who ran the place didn't invest in safety equipment until OSHA made him.)

(Eventually, this company went out of business, and the building it was in was razed to the ground so another company could expand. I hope they did a ceremony to appease the Native American burial ground they must have built on; this company was that cursed.)
Thank you.

And was Joe the Jew-hater implying that Israel has hit back when nothing was done to them? He doesn’t consider Muslim savages cutting off babies’ heads are something? Or setting little children on fire? Or baking a baby in the oven? Or raping woman until the die from internal trauma?

Just shows how antisemitic some people are: they want approval to torture Jews to death, and expect them to just take it without retribution.

I'm not here to be liked.

I'm here to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

Are you still hawking the "beheaded babies" bullshit, because even the IDF has dropped that lie.

war is savage by it's nature. The Zionists bombing schools and hospitals is savage.

Simple enough solution... go the fuck back to Europe where they came from, problem solved.
How’s that working out for you?

Pretty good. I annoy the shit out of racist mutants like Lisa and Hector

I don’t recall him comforting the afflicted when Jewish babies had the heads sawed off and toddlers tied together with their parents and burned to death. But then again, Joe is a Jew-hater, so what can you expect?

Well, their own damned fault for living next to people who want to kill them, isn't it?

I don't feel bad for people when they get screwed in a fight they started.
You enjoy being an antagonist?

Sometimes, yes. Some people need their noses tweaked.

Sometimes I just enjoy a good argument.

Sometimes, misinformation needs to be corrected.

Sure, I'll take on Hector and Lisa for their racism, but I'll also slap IM2 upside the head when he says stupid stuff. (Like his claim that Asians are just as poor as blacks when you factor out Indians).
I'm in a great mood... the only thing that could fuck it up is if the country has a brain fart and puts Trump back into office.

There were no major wars during his tenure. Economy was good, energy supplies too.

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