Zone1 Antisemitism sweeping colleges ironically being fueled by DEI staff

Wrong for many, many reasons.
First of all, in the white suburban school I went to, we were taught how to double our standardized test scores.
Second is that regardless if there were racial slants on IQ, that would not tell you anything about any particular individual.
Third is that Ashkenazi are indoctrinated into being highly motivated from early on, and they are not more intelligent at all. Far from it. I am Ashkenazi, and most of my relatives are total idiots.
No one can double their test scores.

The superior average intelligence of the Ashkenazim it too well attested to for anyone to dispute it.
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Yet the affirmative action hire got paid more than you did.
He did not deserve to be hired at all. His incompetence was obvious to everyone. First his salary was cut, Then he was fired. My boss never wanted to hire him in the first place.

When affirmative action is ended in hiring, millions of blacks will be fired from jobs their bosses never wanted to hire them for in the first place. T his will open as many opportunities to whites and Orientals who will be able to perform properly.
Guy, we all know you are an awful person, you don't need to keep selling.

A Conversation with Professor Arthur Jensen​


Professor Arthur Jensen: Where the differences in basic characteristics are not conspicuous, as in the case of [East} Asians and whites, and when persons can fit in and do the same kinds of jobs and do them as well as anyone else, it may work. See, there are blacks who fit in this way too — who do all right.

But the black population in this country is in a sense burdened by the large number of persons who are at a level of g that is no longer very relevant to a highly industrialized, technological society. Once you get below IQs of 80 or 75, which is the cut-off for mental retardation in the California School System, children are put into special classes. These persons are not really educable up to a level for which there’s any economic demand. The question is, what do you do about them? They have higher birth-rates than the other end of the distribution.

People are shocked and disbelieving when you tell them that about one in four blacks in our population are in that category — below 75.


As computer technology and automation continue to eliminate jobs those of below average intelligence are able to learn, a growing percentage of the population on the left end of the IQ bell curve will be congenitally unemployable, unless we practice some form of eugenics. I do not want people with IQ's of 75 and below to die of starvation and disease. I do not wan them to spread their bad genes either. That is why I want sterilization to be a requirement for going on welfare. This would not be compulsory sterilization, because those declining to be sterilized would be denied something they had done nothing to earn.
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So what? Old patriarchal models aren't etched in stone, buddy.

The truth about human evolution never gets old.

Responsible married couples should not be taxed to care for the illegitimate children of men who do not care about them. Children are the responsibility of their parents, not the tax payers.
Again, we spend far more on middle class entitlements that mostly got to white folks than we do on poverty relief going to black people.

I personally don't know why SS insists on giving Bill Gates a check every month.
Middle class people earn their entitlements. Black welfare recipients earn nothing.
Hamas is more than legally justified.
Israel had 80 years to make it right, but instead compounded vastly worse crimes, almost daily.
The only mistake Hamas made was waiting so long.
Now people assume things must have not been that bad for the last 80 years, when they were never remotely acceptable to anyone sane.
The Palestinians have had 80 years to find other places to live. The Israelis owe them nothing.
I personally do not believe Israel has any right to exist at all, but you can claim Netanyahu is a war criminal, without getting into any deeper controversies.
The larger issues include the fact Israel is in violation of the 1948 UN partition by invading Jerusalem and the West Bank, and that Israel was guilty of not allowing the legal "right of return" of those who fled the 1948 violence.
The Jews honored the 1948 partition plan. The Arabs violated it. At that point the Palestinians lost the right to exist as a nation. Palestine was a third world back water. Israel is a shining example of what the Jews can achieve.
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A direct result of them electing people who refuse to admit they have lost and try to build on what they have left.

You are so ingrained in lefty groupthink that you can't even leave the reservation over 1000 civilians being slaughtered PURPOSEFULLY.
Golda Meir said appropriately, "The Arabs are funny people. They lose wars and expect to benefit from it."


The Palestinians are the only people I know who demand unconditional surrender from the country that has defeated them again and again.

The Palestinians are a vanquished people. They have no history to speak of, and no future.
They elected Hamas, they now reap what they voted for. They also let Hamas run the place for over a decade and a half without trying to vote again, or try to overthrow them.

Maybe this time they will learn they have lost the fight, just like the Germans and Japanese did in 1945.

The Germans demonized the Jews and tried to exterminate them. That's why they ended up in Palestine.
Golda Meir said appropriately, "The Arabs are funny people. They lose wars and expect to benefit from it."

View attachment 891178

The Palestinians are the only people I know who demand unconditional surrender from the country that has defeated them again and again.

The Palestinians are a vanquished people. They have no history to speak of, and no future.

And Israel is still on the dole since 1948.
You can't divide by including. Unless whites think they are entitled to everything.
Whites are entitled to get jobs for which they are the best qualified, rather than lose it to a lesser-qualified black, which happens often - especially in the federal government.

I personally knew of two white professionals who were passed over for promotions in the government in order to give them to blacks who were clearly less qualified. They both sued - and won.
Golda Meir said appropriately, "The Arabs are funny people. They lose wars and expect to benefit from it."

View attachment 891178

The Palestinians are the only people I know who demand unconditional surrender from the country that has defeated them again and again.

The Palestinians are a vanquished people. They have no history to speak of, and no future.
Another great quote from Golda, which I am paraphrasing somewhat, was “people like Jews were they are to be pitied. They hate us when we hit back.”
The Palestinians have had 80 years to find other places to live. The Israelis owe them nothing.
They also had opportunities to accept peace deals, but they refused because they were contingent on accepting Israel’s right to exist.

Why now, after the HAMAS savages massacred innocent Jewish men, women, children, and babies, in the most agonizing ways possible, AND an action which 75% of Palestinians support, should they get yet another chance? They blew their earlier chances, and it’s too late.

I hope to visit the Gaza Seaside Resort in 10 years, complete with synogogues and kosher restaurants.
He did not deserve to be hired at all. His incompetence was obvious to everyone. First his salary was cut, Then he was fired. My boss never wanted to hire him in the first place.

That actually sounds like an HR and Management problem. If HR had to fill a quota (probably because someone sued and they needed to

If your boss couldn't make this employee be effective, then he probably shouldn't have been a boss. It is my firm belief that there are no bad employees, just bad managers who don't provide effective guidance and motivation. (And I have to say, in some 32 years of working post-military, I've only had two bosses I felt met that criteria.)

But at the end of the day, they paid him more than you. Yes, I can see why you are bitter, growing up with a sense of white entitlement all your life.

Here's what I do when I feel my employer isn't respecting me. I use my renowned resume writing skills, update my resume, and send it out. And I usually ended up getting a better-paying job. (Until Republicans get into power and fuck it up, and I have to start looking again.)

It sounds like you sat there pouting because a black guy who had a better resume than you had got paid more. Probably because whatever your boss told you about him to appeal to your racism, he had more contempt for you.

When affirmative action is ended in hiring, millions of blacks will be fired from jobs their bosses never wanted to hire them for in the first place. T his will open as many opportunities to whites and Orientals who will be able to perform properly.

Nope. Companies will still hire blacks to immunize themselves from lawsuits. Whites will continue to feel entitled and underperform, and Asians will often have a hard time assimilating.

It's been my experience that a lack of diversity in a workplace often results in a toxic workplace, because the people who will pass on minorities will often show other negative character traits. The Whiter the team, the worse the boss is. Always.

A Conversation with Professor Arthur Jensen
no need to have a conversation with a racist douchenoodle who has been debunked.

Where's the Peer Review?

The truth about human evolution never gets old.

Responsible married couples should not be taxed to care for the illegitimate children of men who do not care about them. Children are the responsibility of their parents, not the tax payers.

Um, guy, in terms of "Human evolution", monogamy is a pretty recent development. The first Homo Sapiens evolved 300,000 year ago. The first recorded marriage was in Mesopotamia 2350 years ago. And humans tried a lot of other things to satisfy their urges - polygamy, pederasty, etc. So on a cosmic scheme of things, humans evolved just fine without marriage, for 99% of humanity's existence.

The vast majority of that time, it involved women being classified as little more than property.

Middle class people earn their entitlements. Black welfare recipients earn nothing.

Bullshit. Let's take the Big Four- Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment Insurance, and Veteran's Benefits

Let's take Social Security. Social Security was designed when the average lifespan for an American was 62, and the purpose was to get older workers out of the workforce during the Great Depression when unemployment was at 25%.

You will get back everything you paid into Social Security if you live to be 72, and the average lifespan is 78 today. Social Security is welfare.

For Medicare - You are paying 1% of your income into it. You will get all of that back the first time you have a serious illness. Let's do some simple math. If you have an annual salary of $50K on average, you are paying $500 a year in Medicaid. Assuming a working career of 45 years, your total contribution was $22,500. (Obviously, no one is making the same amount; they probably made less in their earlier career.) The average cost of a hospital stay is $2847.00 a day. You've wiped that out in a week if you have a serious illness.

For Unemployment Benefits - You don't pay those at all; your employer does. And what he pays a year is usually wiped out in a few weeks of unemployment.

Veteran's benefits - near and dear to my heart, but frankly, my military career involved me sitting behind a desk and filing paperwork. It's pretty much the same thing I am doing now. And I would have been entitled to them if I had only served a minimum 2-3 years (I ended up serving 11 Reserve and Active). I was compensated for that time; there's no reason why I should get lifetime benefits if a testy foreigner didn't shoot at me. (Full disclosure: the only Veteran's Benefit I've accessed was a VA loan on my second home, which I paid in full.)

The Palestinians have had 80 years to find other places to live. The Israelis owe them nothing.
The Zionists have had 80 years to go back to Europe, where they came from. The World Owes them nothing.
If your boss couldn't make this employee be effective, then he probably shouldn't have been a boss. It is my firm belief that there are no bad employees, just bad managers who don't provide effective guidance and motivation. (And I have to say, in some 32 years of working post-military, I've only had two bosses I felt met that criteria.)
You have contradicted yourself. You say that a boss should be able to get good performance from a bad employee. Then you admit you have only known two bosses who could do it. That is because your expectations for supervisors are unrealistically high. I am confident that those two supervisors had good subordinates to work with to begin with.
But at the end of the day, they paid him more than you. Yes, I can see why you are bitter, growing up with a sense of white entitlement all your life.
I am not bitter.. First he took a pay cut. Then he was fired.
Whites are entitled to get jobs for which they are the best qualified, rather than lose it to a lesser-qualified black, which happens often - especially in the federal government.

I personally knew of two white professionals who were passed over for promotions in the government in order to give them to blacks who were clearly less qualified. They both sued - and won.

You mean they were given a settlement to make them go away? That isn't winning. Oh, yeah, and now their name is attached to a lawsuit that every future employer will see and say, "Hard Pass, he likes to sue his boss."

I've had at least one opportunity. I could have sued an employer for medical and Age discrimination. I didn't because, frankly, it wasn't worth the trouble, and I didn't want that kind of nonsense attached to my professional career. Even though the boss said, "You're too old," in front of half a dozen people. (Ironically, I was only 45 at the time.)

Another great quote from Golda, which I am paraphrasing somewhat, was “people like Jews were they are to be pitied. They hate us when we hit back.”

Don't kid yourself. Nobody likes you. Especially when you hit back at people who didn't do anything to you to start with.

They also had opportunities to accept peace deals, but they refused because they were contingent on accepting Israel’s right to exist.

They were contingent on them acquiesing to the theft of their land.

So Hypothetical, Lisa. Due to some legal trickery, I get title to your house and throw you out of it, leaving you with nothing. Then I generously offer to let you live in the unheated garage if you promise not to sue and stop bitching about it. (Expecting you NOT to complain is a bit fantastical, but work with me here.) Would you think that was a good deal?

Why now, after the HAMAS savages massacred innocent Jewish men, women, children, and babies, in the most agonizing ways possible, AND an action which 75% of Palestinians support, should they get yet another chance? They blew their earlier chances, and it’s too late.

The ZIONIST Savages have murdered 32,000 innocent Palestinian Men, Women, Children and Babies, in the most agonizing way possible. Seems like the people who are blowing their chance for peace are the Jews, when most of the world is against you.


I hope to visit the Gaza Seaside Resort in 10 years, complete with synogogues and kosher restaurants.
Dream on. In a few months, Bibi will declare victory and pull out, and the majority of Palestinians who still live there will hate you people even more.

Oh, and since you are now cool with Genocide, I don't want to hear you bitching about what the Germans did to you.
Nope. Companies will still hire blacks to immunize themselves from lawsuits. Whites will continue to feel entitled and underperform, and Asians will often have a hard time assimilating.
You don't get it. When the Supreme Court rules against affirmative action in hiring, bosses who do not hire blacks will not get sued. There will be no grounds for a suit.
You have contradicted yourself. You say that a boss should be able to get good performance from a bad employee. Then you admit you have only known two bosses who could do it. That is because your expectations for supervisors are unrealistically high. I am confident that those two supervisors had good subordinates to work with to begin with.

Not a contradiction, it's an observation. Most bosses suck at their jobs. Absolutely nobody goes into a bar and says, "My boss is a genius". Most of them go into a bar, have a few cold ones, and bitch to their coworkers about what an SOB the boss is.

And, honestly, no. The one case where I had a really good boss, she moved on to a better pasture. Before her, the team was unfocused; they had full-time employees doing nothing while temps had responsibility, and there was a lot of duplication of work. The next person who oversaw the team was indifferent to it, and slowly but surely, the team members all moved on to greener pastures.

I am not bitter.. First he took a pay cut. Then he was fired.

But that's not what's eating you, is it? What's eating you is that he got paid more than you just for showing up. I'm sure that grinds at you as much as when that girl you were creeping on dated Jamal.

You don't get it. When the Supreme Court rules against affirmative action in hiring, bosses who do not hire blacks will not get sued. There will be no grounds for a suit.

You don't get it. In order to do that, they would have to abolish the EEOC, and overturn the Civil Rights Acts of 1964, 1968 and 1991. That simply isn't going to happen.

They had a leg to stand on with the colleges because Colleges receive federal funds.

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