Zone1 Antisemitism sweeping colleges ironically being fueled by DEI staff

You didn’t want a wedding, you wanted a dog and pony show, a wedding requires four things, an officiant (priest, rabbi, minister or judge), a license, a couple of witnesses and a bride and groom. You can have all of that for well under a thousand bucks.
I like the way Rocky was married to Adrian in Rocky II. The only people present were Rocky, Adrian, the priest, Adrian's brother, Adrian's employer, Rocky's trainer Micky, Rocky's employer and his fiancee.
I agree that unmarried welfare mothers should be forced to work to support their illegitimate children. The government should not give them any help at all.
Bad news. Looks like they’re expanding the Child Tax Credit and loosening up on work requirements, along with making them available to people who don’t even pay federal taxes at all. IOW, more welfare.
Bad news. Looks like they’re expanding the Child Tax Credit and loosening up on work requirements, along with making them available to people who don’t even pay federal taxes at all. IOW, more welfare.
It is bad news all right. This kind of foolishness caused the Democrat Party to lose the white working class and the previously Solid South.
It is bad news all right. This kind of foolishness caused the Democrat Party to lose the white working class and the previously Solid South.
Precisely. How does the car mechanic feel, after working hard all day to provide a modest lifestyle for his wife and young kids, and with the wife working a part-time job on the weekend to help make ends meet, when others sit at home and let other people support their kids?

There should the following minimum work qualifications for all ablr-bodied:

1) All single mothers with kids older than 5 but younger than 12 need to have a job of at least 20 hours a week.

2) All single mothers with teens need a full-time job.

That’s it. I personally know a 30-year-old with four kids (three different fathers) - all of whom are now elementary school age - and she has NEVER had a job. Of the three fathers, NONE pay child support.
Precisely. How does the car mechanic feel, after working hard all day to provide a modest lifestyle for his wife and young kids, and with the wife working a part-time job on the weekend to help make ends meet, when others sit at home and let other people support their kids?

There should the following minimum work qualifications for all ablr-bodied:

1) All single mothers with kids older than 5 but younger than 12 need to have a job of at least 20 hours a week.

2) All single mothers with teens need a full-time job.

That’s it. I personally know a 30-year-old with four kids (three different fathers) - all of whom are now elementary school age - and she has NEVER had a job. Of the three fathers, NONE pay child support.
I would like to end all government support to single mothers with illegitimate children. I would do it immediately, unless they and their children submit to sterilization.

One fourth of the Negro population have IQ's at or below 75. At that level they cannot be educated, and they are unemployable.
Because the reciprocating actions go beyond defending themselves and an out-of-proportion response that ends up killing the civilians of whatever target they have in much greater numbers than they were harmed in.
And they don't discriminate. Their goal the displacement and elimination of the Palestinian population in Gaza and the West Bank.

We only reacted to Japan because they attacked us on December 7, 1941. War on Germany was declared because Japan was Germany's ally. We had been underreacting to Germany for years (along with the rest of the world) while they
ran roughshod over Europe. These two situations have zero to do with Israel and it's campaign against the Palestinians.
October 7, 2023, October 6, 1973 and May 15/16, 1948 don't count?
I agree that unmarried welfare mothers should be forced to work to support their illegitimate children. The government should not give them any help at all.
Guy, we all know you are an awful person, you don't need to keep selling.

You didn’t want a wedding, you wanted a dog and pony show, a wedding requires four things, an officiant (priest, rabbi, minister or judge), a license, a couple of witnesses and a bride and groom. You can have all of that for well under a thousand bucks.

I only had one person in my family go that route, it was considered kind of a disgrace when she did it.

Wedding Ceremonies are important to the family. Sorry you don't understand that. (I actually did keep it down to a small gathering, less than 50 guests, but I come from a very large Catholic family.)

Those programs consisted of more an bigger welfare checks and affirmative action programs that advanced Negroes to positions they were unable to perform adequately.

Yet the affirmative action hire got paid more than you did.

Supporting the children whose fathers do not care about them contributes to the loss of the paternal instinct among men.

So what? Old patriarchal models aren't etched in stone, buddy.
Bad news. Looks like they’re expanding the Child Tax Credit and loosening up on work requirements, along with making them available to people who don’t even pay federal taxes at all. IOW, more welfare.

Again, we spend far more on middle class entitlements that mostly got to white folks than we do on poverty relief going to black people.

I personally don't know why SS insists on giving Bill Gates a check every month.
Guy, we all know you are an awful person, you don't need to keep selling.

I only had one person in my family go that route, it was considered kind of a disgrace when she did it.

Wedding Ceremonies are important to the family. Sorry you don't understand that. (I actually did keep it down to a small gathering, less than 50 guests, but I come from a very large Catholic family.)

Yet the affirmative action hire got paid more than you did.

So what? Old patriarchal models aren't etched in stone, buddy.
Yeah, I kind of figured you needed validation from other people. Your posts here prove it.
Yeah, I kind of figured you needed validation from other people. Your posts here prove it.

Um... having a nice party with my family so they can get to know my bride and her family is "Validation"?

Are you just naturally a misanthrope?

(Incidentally, the ceremony and reception were a lot of fun in that we had a combination of American and Chinese traditions, songs, and so on. Everyone who was there had a great time, even my racist Trump-supporting brother, whom I talk to as little as possible.)
A study shows some alarming data about the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion staff, which average 45 staff members per institution and are made of up leftist anti-Israel and pro-Communist bigots. (Even more ironic is that they are overrepresented by POC who ostensibly seek to eradicate bigots.)

That is silly.
I am Jewish, but the Old Testament is the single most racist, greedy, violent, and bigoted ideas I have ever read.
Israel is so criminal, that it never should have been forced on the area, and certainly should have been prosecuted by the UN for its 1967 violations of the UN partition plan.
Sorry, but much of it is, and you can't downplay that just by hoping it wasn't so.

And if you back Hamas, you aren't criticizing the government of Israel, you are denying the right to existence of Israel.

I personally do not believe Israel has any right to exist at all, but you can claim Netanyahu is a war criminal, without getting into any deeper controversies.
The larger issues include the fact Israel is in violation of the 1948 UN partition by invading Jerusalem and the West Bank, and that Israel was guilty of not allowing the legal "right of return" of those who fled the 1948 violence.
Plenty of people are. When you hear the chant of "From the River to the Sea", that's what is being called for.

And there is that "consequences" trope again. Just say out loud "they deserve it" and stop trying to be coy.

Sorry but that is either ignorant or a lie.
The meaning of "from the river to the sea" is a 1 state solution.
Israel committed a crime when it denied the right of return to refugees after the 1948 violence ended.
That has to be fixed.
From the river to the sea means those 1948 refugees have to be defended finally.

But Israel does deserve punishment.
They started all the violence, by illegally smuggling in 10 times the immigration quota, smuggling in weapons, blowing up the King David hotel to murder the British peace-keepers, gunning down Folke Bernadotte the UN moderator, wiping out hundreds of native villages like Deir Yassin, etc.
Race realists, of which I am one, recognize a racial hierarchy with Ashkenazi Jews at he top and Negroes at the bottom.

Jared Taylor gave me the following link to a website by Professor J Philippe Rushton:

The average IQ for African-Americans was found to be lower than those for Latino-, White-, Asian-, and Jewish-Americans (85, 89, 103, 106, and 115,respectively, pp. 273-278). Failure to mention these data fosters the false belief that IQ tests are not predictive and are biased in favor of North Europeans.

Wrong for many, many reasons.
First of all, in the white suburban school I went to, we were taught how to double our standardized test scores.
Second is that regardless if there were racial slants on IQ, that would not tell you anything about any particular individual.
Third is that Ashkenazi are indoctrinated into being highly motivated from early on, and they are not more intelligent at all. Far from it. I am Ashkenazi, and most of my relatives are total idiots.
A direct result of them electing people who refuse to admit they have lost and try to build on what they have left.

You are so ingrained in lefty groupthink that you can't even leave the reservation over 1000 civilians being slaughtered PURPOSEFULLY.

They did not "lose" because they were cheated, lied to, and never allowed arms.
And while they were content to build on what they had left, that is slowly also being stolen.
Palestinians now occupy less then 15% of Palestine.

There are NO civilians in Israel.
There is universal mandatory military conscription, and all the people there know they are living in stolen homes.
So they are not innocents.
Their deaths were tragic, but more than justified for their 80 years of crimes.
They elected Hamas, they now reap what they voted for. They also let Hamas run the place for over a decade and a half without trying to vote again, or try to overthrow them.

Maybe this time they will learn they have lost the fight, just like the Germans and Japanese did in 1945.

Hamas is more than legally justified.
Israel had 80 years to make it right, but instead compounded vastly worse crimes, almost daily.
The only mistake Hamas made was waiting so long.
Now people assume things must have not been that bad for the last 80 years, when they were never remotely acceptable to anyone sane.

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