Massive Brawl At Pride Parade In NYC

You are the one having the cognitive problem and are unable to understand.

You're the imbecile who apparently thinks there's some moral dilemma when faced with the dichotomy of two equally repugnant sides.

Kind of ironic and self-unaware given your refusal to choose between Trump and Biden.
Holy smokes this is some insane footage.

We see stuff like this more and more all the time it seems, but this one really takes the cake.

For one thing it has actual dialogue.

And I can tell ya folks, we're not exactly dealing with Rhodes Scholars.

When paired with the conflict between the Hamas douchebags and the rainbow people over in California over the weekend?

What we're actually seeing is the Leftist coalition completely falling apart.


Bwahhhhhhhhhahhhhhhhahhhhhhhh..... Islam versus the queers. My money's on Islam.
Clever how they all managed to Black Up .
sells like hotcakes here 'Lu.......


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