BREAKING: Supreme Court rules Trump is entitled to some immunity in Jan. 6 case

No that would be first amendment protected activity. He can say WTF he wants. Saying "We need to find XXX number of votes" is no different than someone saying "I need to find 1000 dollars to pay my bills" doesn't mean hes going to go rob someone of 1000 dollars.

Well, yeah it is different. It would be more like someone saying to someone else "I need you to find 1000 dollars to pay my bills"
There is nothing normal about any US citizen being above the law
No one is above the law. Try again.
was the call to the GA SOS asking for a specific number of votes to be found an official act?
Wasn't illegal anyway.
If so, he can't use it. He isn't allowed to leave the country while out on bail.
You were referring to Biden taking out Trump.......................I just offered Biden a way............... :biggrin:
Wasn't illegal anyway.

My shocked face a Trump worshiper would think that.

What is it called when the chief law enforcer in the country is above said laws?
Then Obama murdered two Americans without a death warrant.

My shocked face a Trump worshiper would think that.'ve been fed bullshit by the same people who fed you bullshit that Biden was sharp as a tack.
Raffensperger testified in one of the hearings, was asked if he felt Trump was asking him to manufacture votes..........he replied 'no'. Don't remember if it was during Meadows testimony or one of the others.
Here it is:

What you need to know​

  • JUST IN: The Supreme Court ruled Monday that Donald Trump may claim immunity from criminal prosecution for some of the actions he took in the waning days of his presidency in a decision that will likely further delay a trial on the federal election subversion charges pending against him.

The most activist court I’ve ever seen.

The whole premise of our country is we don’t have a king.
Fake electors, pressuring states, riots on the capital, failure to surrender classified documents after leaving office - are not official duties.

Thank you for being honest about what this was all about. Pushing it past the election so the people can't make an informed decision.

Good show.

What is a fake elector.... and why is it okay for Joe to have documents in his garage for 25 years but not ok for Trump?... especially since Senators and VPs are not allowed to have them at all....
What is a fake elector....
Actually 'alternate electors' was the official term, but the media thought fake sounded so much better for their deranged masses.............and it worked.
Which based on the opinions of the court could be damn near anything
They base their opinions on interpretations of existing law and the know, they way it's supposed to be.
They base their opinions on interpretations of existing law and the know, they way it's supposed to be.

can you quote me the part that says the POTUS is above the law when it comes to "official actions"?

I will be happy to wait.
Criminal actions are not official acts by a president who's sworn to execute the laws faithfully.

Which is the catch 22 of this ruling.

If it is determined to be an official action, it cannot be illegal for the POTUS to do.

Over the last few days the SCOTUS has basically given the Judicial branch more power than the other two put together .

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