BREAKING: Supreme Court rules Trump is entitled to some immunity in Jan. 6 case

Lets say a POTUS is sitting in the White House and they choose to call the SOS of a state and ask them to find a very specific number of votes. Would that be in his official capacity?

No that would be first amendment protected activity. He can say WTF he wants. Saying "We need to find XXX number of votes" is no different than someone saying "I need to find 1000 dollars to pay my bills" doesn't mean hes going to go rob someone of 1000 dollars.

I know, I know, it might be SHOCKING to find out that Trump has first amendment rights, but he does. Believe it or not. I checked.
I'm failing to see how she's wrong. I have thought for a while that the office of the Presidency was quite literally above the law, as they are essentially the boss of the AG and the DoJ, with Biden being the perfect example. How many laws does this man have to break? In my mind, the SCOTUS ruling today confirms these suspicions.
Its really simple a president can't rob a bank.
And thus the problem with this ruling, what is an "official action" becomes a matter of opinion.

This is what puts them above the law.

This is why you all will one day regret giving the POTUS basically unlimited immunity when it is not the guy you worship taking advantage of it
I want your guy to endure precisely what Trump has had to endure.
Recall that bullshit over the cemetery in Europe? The media best could only say per an unnamed source.
Let me cure your wrong belief.
For impeachment to work as the Democrats want it to, they must get all 3 strikes. 2 are impeachment 1 is conviction. So far they keep failing.

So far they impeached FPOTUS45 twice. The Senate didn't convict, true.

Just like the GOP impeached Clinton and failed to convict.

That's not what SCOTUS just ruled. Even IF the Biden Admin. DOJ has been coordinating with Trump's various prosecutors the SCOTUS just ruled that's fine. Joe Biden has immunity for any conversations he may have with his AG and for any actions his DOJ may take against Trump.
For instance IF Trump should prevail in November and it is determined he cheated by having loyal MAGAts counting and certifying votes improperly at county and state levels across the country then Biden has authority to round them all up (including Trump) and imprison them for the sake of election integrity.
That would be an “official act “
So far they impeached FPOTUS45 twice. The Senate didn't convict, true.

Just like the GOP impeached Clinton and failed to convict.

At the time of Clinton there were Republicans who realized that perhaps Nixon was railroaded, and they joined in to remove him. The Progs were already corrupted at that time. Republicans found out about being flim flammed and it sucks as it takes a long time to forget if ever.

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