Zone1 Antisemitism sweeping colleges ironically being fueled by DEI staff

They are in decline because they were built on exploiting people of color, who just refuse to go along with it. Time for something better.

People do not get rich by exploiting others. They get rich by doing and selling things others are willing to spend money for.

Whites in sub Saharan Africa built schools and hospitals, electric power plants and water purification plants. All of this is in decline since the whites left.
People do not get rich by exploiting others. They get rich by doing and selling things others are willing to spend money for.
Are you really this naive? You must be about 25.

Whites in sub Saharan Africa built schools and hospitals, electric power plants and water purification plants. All of this is in decline since the whites left.

Actually, the Chinese have come in and built better ones through the Belt and Road Initiative.
Are you really this naive? You must be about 25.

Actually, the Chinese have come in and built better ones through the Belt and Road Initiative.
The Chinese need to build them because the local Negroes cannot build them.

Several years ago I watched a documentary about a black majority, black run country in SubSaharan Africa. A leading black member of the black government said of the people in his country, "They say it was better with the white man and he should come back."
The Chinese need to build them because the local Negroes cannot build them.

Mostly because the Europeans looted the countries of everything of value.

Several years ago I watched a documentary about a black majority, black run country in SubSaharan Africa. A leading black member of the black government said of the people in his country, "They say it was better with the white man and he should come back."

Really, which country was that, and who said it?
Actually it was in Los Angeles California.

No matter where it was, it actually sounded kind of tacky. Now, I'll admit, I wanted my wedding to have class, so I actually spent some money to do so. I had the additional issue of dealing with two families with VERY DIFFERENT CULTURES.

But I can honestly see why a lot of couples wouldn't get married for a lot of reasons- Legal entanglements, a higher tax bracket, etc.

Maybe what we need to do is have policies to encourage marriage rather than discourage it. Get rid of the marriage penalty, don't make it harder for poor people to get benefits if they are married, etc.
Mostly because the Europeans looted the countries of everything of value.

Really, which country was that, and who said it?
The natural resources of sub Saharan Africa were going to waste before European colonialism. They are still there.

I do not remember, but I am sure the attitude is widespread.
I personally do not believe Israel has any right to exist at all, but you can claim Netanyahu is a war criminal, without getting into any deeper controversies.
The larger issues include the fact Israel is in violation of the 1948 UN partition by invading Jerusalem and the West Bank, and that Israel was guilty of not allowing the legal "right of return" of those who fled the 1948 violence.

None of those "rights" exist except on worthless UN scraps of paper.

The Arabs lost all rights they had to that land when they tried to wipe Israel off the map multiple times.
Sorry but that is either ignorant or a lie.
The meaning of "from the river to the sea" is a 1 state solution.
Israel committed a crime when it denied the right of return to refugees after the 1948 violence ended.
That has to be fixed.
From the river to the sea means those 1948 refugees have to be defended finally.

But Israel does deserve punishment.
They started all the violence, by illegally smuggling in 10 times the immigration quota, smuggling in weapons, blowing up the King David hotel to murder the British peace-keepers, gunning down Folke Bernadotte the UN moderator, wiping out hundreds of native villages like Deir Yassin, etc.

And a one state solution with the current Palestinians means death or removal for all the Jews.

No, they did not. There is no actual right of return. When your side loses wars, that tends to happen. Just like the Germans East of the Oder-Neisse line will never get back their land.

The rest of your screed is just pure anti-semitism.
They did not "lose" because they were cheated, lied to, and never allowed arms.
And while they were content to build on what they had left, that is slowly also being stolen.
Palestinians now occupy less then 15% of Palestine.

There are NO civilians in Israel.
There is universal mandatory military conscription, and all the people there know they are living in stolen homes.
So they are not innocents.
Their deaths were tragic, but more than justified for their 80 years of crimes.

They lost because they lost. Plain and simple.

There is no Palestine.
Actually, I doubt it is. Every country that threw out the Europeans were glad to see them go.
They have had time and bad experiences to re consider their festivities. With an average IQ of 70 African Negroes need white tutelage to maintain the benefits of Western civilization. Nobel Laureate Dr. James Watson was right about them.
And a one state solution with the current Palestinians means death or removal for all the Jews.

No, they did not. There is no actual right of return. When your side loses wars, that tends to happen. Just like the Germans East of the Oder-Neisse line will never get back their land.

The rest of your screed is just pure anti-semitism.
And he claims to be Jewish! lol
They have had time and bad experiences to re consider their festivities. With an average IQ of 70 African Negroes need white tutelage to maintain the benefits of Western civilization. Nobel Laureate Dr. James Watson was right about them.

I promise, no one wants or needs your "tutalege".

It's why your boss paid you less than the affirmative action hire, that's how little he valued you.
I promise, no one wants or needs your "tutalege".

It's why your boss paid you less than the affirmative action hire, that's how little he valued you.

You are really stching and bending low to find any excuse to insult me, aren't you? Insults, name calling, and obscene words are all you have. I have facts and logical reasoning.

I was a beginner, so I was paid the rate for beginning white programmers. He was black, so he was paid the rate for token Negroes.

I tried to help him learn, but he was not interested.

When he was fired the president of my company told my boss tthat the black programmer had not been hired to do any work. He had been hired to keep the company from being sued. When affirmative action in hiring comes to an end that kind of thing thing would not happen any more.

At the beginning of the civil rights movement liberals confidently predicted that when blacks were no longer discriminanted against any more they would prove that they are intrinsically equal to whites. Now that they have proven the opposite, they liberals are trying to suppress the truth.
You are really stching and bending low to find any excuse to insult me, aren't you? Insults, name calling, and obscene words are all you have. I have facts and logical reasoning.

No, guy you have racism at the level of mental illness. Now unlike a Bigfoot Hunter or some other fringe nut who thinks he's smart, your beliefs are actually harmful. YOu are a terrible human being and you need help.

I was a beginner, so I was paid the rate for beginning white programmers. He was black, so he was paid the rate for token Negroes.
Really? There's a rate written down like that? I doubt it.

More than likely he had better qualifications, at least on paper. But you have issues.

I tried to help him learn, but he was not interested.

Proving my point, no one is interested in your tutelage. I realize you have a vastly inflated opinion of your abilities, but I suspect your coworkers considered you a joke. I know I do.

Do you really think cutting and pasting the same rejected garbage from AmRen makes you sound "Smart"?

When he was fired the president of my company told my boss tthat the black programmer had not been hired to do any work. He had been hired to keep the company from being sued. When affirmative action in hiring comes to an end that kind of thing thing would not happen any more.

First, gotta call bullshit. No boss would say something like this out loud, because it would result in litigation. It honestly sounds like your boss was telling you what you wanted to hear because he was easily manipulated. He doesn't sound like a very good boss, as illustrated by the fact that he kept you employed. Unless you meekly keep your racism to yourself.

At the beginning of the civil rights movement liberals confidently predicted that when blacks were no longer discriminanted against any more they would prove that they are intrinsically equal to whites. Now that they have proven the opposite, they liberals are trying to suppress the truth.
Actually, they've proven themselves just fine. If you ever served in the military, as I have, working with many fine black NCO's and Officers, you'd know this.

If you ever worked in the business world, you'd have met a lot of black professionals who are knowledgeable.

Now, are there some dumb black people in the projects? Sure. There are dumb white people in the trailer parks, too. Most of them self identify with MATA Hats.
Actually, they've proven themselves just fine. If you ever served in the military, as I have, working with many fine black NCO's and Officers, you'd know this.

If you ever worked in the business world, you'd have met a lot of black professionals who are knowledgeable.

Now, are there some dumb black people in the projects? Sure. There are dumb white people in the trailer parks, too. Most of them self identify with MATA Hats.

Proving my point, no one is interested in your tutelage. I realize you have a vastly inflated opinion of your abilities, but I suspect your coworkers considered you a joke. I know I do.
Years later with a better company my boss hired a black programmer. I mentored him too. He told our boss I was helping him. Our boss told me, "It is my job to train the people I hire, but I do not always have the time. You are making my job a lot easier."

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