Zone1 Antisemitism sweeping colleges ironically being fueled by DEI staff

No need to... I've worked for enough Jews to know better.
to know better that what? or "than what"?

You say there is no need to. You made a claim about my laws and I want to give it the consideration it deserves instead of dismissing it outright. Please provide the support for your claim so I can review it and engage in serious and meaningful discussion about it.
That 90% of the people here are racist wingnuts, that's nothign to be proud of, but you boast of being friends with the AmRen guy.

I suspect that 90% of the posters here have a low opinion of you, and for far better reasons.

Jared Taylor is one of my favorite political commentator, although we do not agree on everything.

Jared Taylor claims to be committed to white advocacy and race realism. He has not quite said so, but white advocacy can mean discriminating in favor of white Gentiles, and especially white male Gentile males in university admissions and hiring. I want all professions to be open to talent. I consider myself to be a more consistent race realist than he is.
Your fucked up, degenerate religion isn't a race. I mean, seriously, what's the point. They don't even offer you an afterlife.
If the Jewish religion is so messed up, why is this true?


"Jewish Genius," by Charles Murray, Commentary, April 02, 2007​

As soon as Jewish children born under legal emancipation had time to grow to adulthood, they started appearing in the first ranks of the arts and sciences. During the four decades from 1830 to 1870, when the first Jews to live under emancipation reached their forties, 16 significant Jewish figures appear. In the next four decades, from 1870 to 1910, the number jumps to 40. During the next four decades, 1910–1950, despite the contemporaneous devastation of European Jewry, the number of significant figures almost triples, to 114.

To get a sense of the density of accomplishment these numbers represent, I will focus on 1870 onward, after legal emancipation had been achieved throughout Central and Western Europe. How does the actual number of significant figures compare to what would be expected given the Jewish proportion of the European and North American population? From 1870 to 1950, Jewish representation in literature was four times the number one would expect. In music, five times. In the visual arts, five times. In biology, eight times. In chemistry, six times. In physics, nine times. In mathematics, twelve times. In philosophy, fourteen times.

Disproportionate Jewish accomplishment in the arts and sciences continues to this day. My inventories end with 1950, but many other measures are available, of which the best known is the Nobel Prize. In the first half of the 20th century, despite pervasive and continuing social discrimination against Jews throughout the Western world, despite the retraction of legal rights, and despite the Holocaust, Jews won 14 percent of Nobel Prizes in literature, chemistry, physics, and medicine/physiology. In the second half of the 20th century, when Nobel Prizes began to be awarded to people from all over the world, that figure rose to 29 percent. So far, in the 21st century, it has been 32 percent. Jews constitute about two-tenths of one percent of the world’s population. You do the math.

And you'll be waiting a long time. The fact is, none of your heroes have peer review or academic acceptance. This makes you about as credible as a Cryptozoologist who claims he has proof of Bigfoot.
I will be waiting a long time for you to name one book or article that has been peer reviewed, and prove that it has been peer reviewed.
Here's a hint. Most Asians don't like it when you call them, "Orientals".
Is the use of "Oriental" racist?

JUNE 1, 2016 4:30 AM PT

It is now politically incorrect to use the word “Oriental,” and the admonition has the force of law: President Obama recently signed a bill prohibiting use of the term in all federal documents...

As an Oriental, I am bemused. Apparently Asians are supposed to feel demeaned if someone refers to us as Orientals. But good luck finding a single Asian American who has ever had the word spat at them in anger. Most Asian Americans have had racist epithets hurled at them at one time or another: Chink, slant eye, gook, Nip, zipperhead. But Oriental isn’t in the canon.

And why should it be?...

I see self-righteous, fragile egos eager to find offense where none is intended. A wave of anti-Oriental discrimination is not sweeping the country...

The well-intentioned meddlers will create trouble for exactly the population they want to defend...

My profession, Oriental medicine, is among those on the receiving end of the identity-politics outbreak. A funny thing I noticed is that my Caucasian (dare I say Occidental?) colleagues, not my Asian colleagues, are most eager to remove Oriental from public discourse...

In my field, the word “Oriental” appears in the title of 17 of the 58 accredited graduate-level schools, 21 of the 33 state associations and eight of the 24 national associations...

Are we really going to waste time, energy and millions of dollars to rebrand our entire discipline — rename our schools and boards, redesign corporate identities, websites and publications and send out thousands of revised diplomas — all to wipe away an insult that doesn’t exist?

We have more important things to worry about.

Jayne Tsuchiyama is a doctor of acupuncture and Oriental medicine.

I suspect that 90% of the posters here have a low opinion of you, and for far better reasons.
Only 90%? I must be slipping. Please let me know who the other 10% are so I can insult them, too!
If the Jewish religion is so messed up, why is this true?

It isn't. If they were so smart, half of them wouldn't have gotten killed in the Holocaust.

I will be waiting a long time for you to name one book or article that has been peer reviewed, and prove that it has been peer reviewed.
Yes, you will be.
I have never known an Oriental who disliked me. I have never known an Oriental I disliked.
I'm sure most Asians you've met disliked you, but were probably too polite to say so.

Is the use of "Oriental" racist?
Yes, absolutely.
Only 90%? I must be slipping. Please let me know who the other 10% are so I can insult them, too!

It isn't. If they were so smart, half of them wouldn't have gotten killed in the Holocaust.

Yes, you will be.

I'm sure most Asians you've met disliked you, but were probably too polite to say so.

Yes, absolutely.
Jews were grotesquely outnumbered by Nazis, but that does not stop you from gloating about the Holocaust.

Orientals have no reason to dislike me, and they don't.

You make a big issue about peer reviews, but you cannot name a single book that has been peer reviewed.

Anyone with extensive experience with the three major races knows that the assertions of Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's Richard Herrnsrein, Arthur Jensen, and J. Philippe Rushton are accurate. That is why those who fear the implications of what they say try to suppress it. They know that what they pretend to believe will not stand critical scrutiny.
Jews were grotesquely outnumbered by Nazis, but that does not stop you from gloating about the Holocaust.

Hardly gloating, but here's the reality - Between the time they crucified Christ and Hitler, the Christian world considered Jews to be undesirable, at best to be tolerated to do awful jobs that Christians refused to do, at worst a group to be exterminated or driven out This is hardly superior.

Orientals have no reason to dislike me, and they don't.
You mean other than calling them Orientals...

They actually have a word for creepy guys like you. "Yellow Fever".

You make a big issue about peer reviews, but you cannot name a single book that has been peer reviewed.
I don't have to. The problem is that most academic work IS peer reviewed. The works of Moe, Larry and Curley aren't. No academic institution has looked at their data and said, "Why you are right,
I don't have to. The problem is that most academic work IS peer reviewed. The works of Moe, Larry and Curley aren't. No academic institution has looked at their data and said, "Why you are right,
If that is true, prove it.

Anyone with extensive experience with the three major races knows that the assertions of Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's Arthur Jensen, Richard Herrnstein, and J. Philippe Rushton are true. That is why those who fear the political implications of what they say try to suppress them.

It will not last for ever. More genes for intelligence will be discovered. It will be discovered that they are more frequently found in some races than in others. The same is true for genes for crime. Meanwhile, Ashkenazi Jews will continue to excel, succeed, and prosper. Another race will continue to disappoint early optimistic predictions of its potential.
Anyone with extensive experience with the three major races knows that the assertions of Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's Arthur Jensen, Richard Herrnstein, and J. Philippe Rushton are true. That is why those who fear the political implications of what they say try to suppress them.
Except the notion that there are three races has been discredited a long time ago. The problem with your thinking is that most of it seems to come from the 1930s.

It will not last for ever. More genes for intelligence will be discovered. It will be discovered that they are more frequently found in some races than in others. The same is true for genes for crime. Meanwhile, Ashkenazi Jews will continue to excel, succeed, and prosper. Another race will continue to disappoint early optimistic predictions of its potential.

Actually, eventually, the Zionist Entity will be driven into the sea and Jews will start to assimilate into their respective societies, which they should have done generations ago. Can't tell you how many Jews I know who married goyim and stopped believing their faith. (These are the ones I can actually stand to be in a room with.) More and more people will enter into mixed race couples and racial distinctions will become even more meaningless as we all breed out as slightly brownish.

Except the notion that there are three races has been discredited a long time ago.

I have posted this before. Read it this time.


"The Inequality Taboo," By Charles Murray, Commentary, September 01, 2005​

The Harvard geneticist Richard Lewontin originated the idea of race as a social construct in 1972, arguing that the genetic differences across races were so trivial that no scientist working exclusively with genetic data would sort people into blacks, whites, or Asians. In his words, “racial classification is now seen to be of virtually no genetic or taxonomic significance.”[25]

Lewontin’s position, which quickly became a tenet of political correctness, carried with it a potential means of being falsified. If he was correct, then a statistical analysis of genetic markers would not produce clusters corresponding to common racial labels.

In the last few years, that test has become feasible, and now we know that Lewontin was wrong.[26] Several analyses have confirmed the genetic reality of group identities going under the label of race or ethnicity.[27] In the most recent, published this year, all but five of the 3,636 subjects fell into the cluster of genetic markers corresponding to their self-identified ethnic group.[28] When a statistical procedure, blind to physical characteristics and working exclusively with genetic information, classifies 99.9 percent of the individuals in a large sample in the same way they classify themselves, it is hard to argue that race is imaginary.


Once we acknowledge that racial differences are genetic, it becomes legitimate to study the genetic reasons they differ in average qualities necessary to create and maintain successful societies and civilizations.
Actually, eventually, the Zionist Entity will be driven into the sea

After several Arab-Israeli wars, Egypt was the first Arab state to recognize Israel diplomatically in 1979 with the signing of the Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty. It was followed by Jordan with the Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty (1994). In 2020, four more Arab states (the UAE, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan) normalized relations. There have also been talks of an emerging Arab–Israeli alliance against Iran.

The Palestinians cannot drive the Israelis into the sea. The rest of the Arab world has not been able to either, but it is learning that it has more important concerns than the defense of a nation that no country wants. The Palestinians are likely to be driven into the sea, or dumped into the middle of the Arabian Desert. Let's see if they can make the desert bloom, like the Jews did.
After several Arab-Israeli wars, Egypt was the first Arab state to recognize Israel diplomatically in 1979 with the signing of the Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty. It was followed by Jordan with the Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty (1994). In 2020, four more Arab states (the UAE, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan) normalized relations. There have also been talks of an emerging Arab–Israeli alliance against Iran.

The Palestinians cannot drive the Israelis into the sea. The rest of the Arab world has not been able to either, but it is learning that it has more important concerns than the defense of a nation that no country wants. The Palestinians are likely to be driven into the sea, or dumped into the middle of the Arabian Desert. Let's see if they can make the desert bloom, like the Jews did.
Neither Egypt nor Jordan represent the will of their peoples. Jordan is a Monarchy, Egypt is a military dictatorship. The one time they let Egypt vote, they voted in an Islamist who repudiated Israel.

The Zionist Entity is ultimately doomed because Arabs are reproducing faster than Jews. In a few generations, young Israelis will wonder why they are spending so much to live next to people who want to murder them.

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