Antonio Brown quits on Bucs while they are losing to the Jets....WHAT?

Well, I heard that Bruce Arians asked AB to go in on two plays and he refused.
Don't know what that was all about.

Antonio Brown’s meltdown seems to have been prompted by a request to go into the game.

Bucs coach Bruce Arians told Fox Sports’ Jay Glazer that he was trying to get Brown into the game, which the wide receiver refused. When he refused a second time, Arians reportedly told him to get out.

Brown did so, emphatically — creating a spectacle by removing his shirt, throwing it into the crowd and waving his arms before going up the tunnel.

I wouldn‘t be surprised if he has CTE and is unable to control his emotions.

If you watched Mike Evans on the sideline, he was unable to calm him down.

Antonio Brown used to be considered a good citizen on the Steelers but over the years, there were more and more incidents

Getting away from Football is probably a good idea
He has played his last down in the NFL. Tremendously talented...but a huge head case.

Listening to a sports show this morning, one of the guys said Brown was never the same after a hard hit and concussion while in Pittsburgh. He may be suffering early CTE or something similar.

Football is a rough sport, and the professionals get paid well to take the risk. That being said the League needs to beef up its mental health side to monitor guys for things like this before it becomes and issue.

Or at least fund the Players Association to do the same.
Listening to a sports show this morning, one of the guys said Brown was never the same after a hard hit and concussion while in Pittsburgh. He may be suffering early CTE or something similar.

Football is a rough sport, and the professionals get paid well to take the risk. That being said the League needs to beef up its mental health side to monitor guys for things like this before it becomes and issue.

Or at least fund the Players Association to do the same.
I wonder if his net worth is really $20 million. Even if it's only $5 million, he should just go play golf with OJ.
I wonder if his net worth is really $20 million. Even if it's only $5 million, he should just go play golf with OJ.

A lot of players don't get the right wealth management advice and end up burning through it.

Or have family or their old friends from back in the neighborhood burn through it.
A lot of players don't get the right wealth management advice and end up burning through it.

Or have family or their old friends from back in the neighborhood burn through it.
In the end, it's their fault. They are adults when they sign the contract. I love it when I go through an upper middle class neighborhood and hear that a professional athlete lives there. That guys smart. Doesn't need a mansion. I remember Coach Daily from the Piston's lived in a neighborhood near me. A lot of Red Wings live near me.

I'm so sick of hearing this story about athletes not getting the right advice. They must be fucking retarded because we all know how this fucking story goes. You mean to tell me no one ever told these star athletes in college about the riches to rags story? Bullshit. They must have said, "it's not going to happen to me". If they did that, then ha fucking ha it's on you. Don't blame your family. I would take care of my family too. My brother would have a nice economy car not a Lambo. My mom would have a nice Colonial or Ranch home in a nice neighborhood.

OJ was the smartest. He put a few million into something that not even the Goldman's can touch. Some kind of Pension? Whatever it was, it allows him to live comfortably for the rest of his life, even if he did blow millions. He had a nest egg.
In the end, it's their fault. They are adults when they sign the contract. I love it when I go through an upper middle class neighborhood and hear that a professional athlete lives there. That guys smart. Doesn't need a mansion. I remember Coach Daily from the Piston's lived in a neighborhood near me. A lot of Red Wings live near me.

I'm so sick of hearing this story about athletes not getting the right advice. They must be fucking retarded because we all know how this fucking story goes. You mean to tell me no one ever told these star athletes in college about the riches to rags story? Bullshit. They must have said, "it's not going to happen to me". If they did that, then ha fucking ha it's on you. Don't blame your family. I would take care of my family too. My brother would have a nice economy car not a Lambo. My mom would have a nice Colonial or Ranch home in a nice neighborhood.

OJ was the smartest. He put a few million into something that not even the Goldman's can touch. Some kind of Pension? Whatever it was, it allows him to live comfortably for the rest of his life, even if he did blow millions. He had a nest egg.

The league does try to steer the guys in the right direction, but in the end it's their money.
In the end, it's their fault. They are adults when they sign the contract. I love it when I go through an upper middle class neighborhood and hear that a professional athlete lives there. That guys smart. Doesn't need a mansion. I remember Coach Daily from the Piston's lived in a neighborhood near me. A lot of Red Wings live near me.

I'm so sick of hearing this story about athletes not getting the right advice. They must be fucking retarded because we all know how this fucking story goes. You mean to tell me no one ever told these star athletes in college about the riches to rags story? Bullshit. They must have said, "it's not going to happen to me". If they did that, then ha fucking ha it's on you. Don't blame your family. I would take care of my family too. My brother would have a nice economy car not a Lambo. My mom would have a nice Colonial or Ranch home in a nice neighborhood.

OJ was the smartest. He put a few million into something that not even the Goldman's can touch. Some kind of Pension? Whatever it was, it allows him to live comfortably for the rest of his life, even if he did blow millions. He had a nest egg.
ESPN had a documentary on athletes going broke

One quote was……You can live like a King for a year or live like a Prince for the rest of your life.

Many have trouble toning down their lifestyle after they retire and the big paycheck is no longer there

Many get divorced after the fame is no longer there and the wife gets half the money, many have several Baby Mamas with children to support. They also get sucked in to bad business opportunities or have a crooked financial advisor.
ESPN had a documentary on athletes going broke

One quote was……You can live like a King for a year or live like a Prince for the rest of your life.

Many have trouble toning down their lifestyle after they retire and the big paycheck is no longer there

Many get divorced after the fame is no longer there and the wife gets half the money, many have several Baby Mamas with children to support. They also get sucked in to bad business opportunities or have a crooked financial advisor.
If it were me my parents would have made me save half of whatever I made the first year. My father was my financial adviser and my mom was the boss when I was 18. LOL.

They would have said, "what if you get hurt?" So I would have got a modest house or condo on a lake and tucked as much as I could away that first year. Let's say we are talking $5 million. Take half out for taxes and agents. $2.5 million. My bills would be $10K a month?

2nd contract or second year, take care of the family. Still save half. Now you probably have enough money you can live the rest of your life, even with a bunch of baby mommas.

3rd year, get the Rolex and upgrade your house. Flip the old one and do it right. Still be frugal with your money. Take the family and friends to Disney World or Hawaii.

4th year, maybe invest in a business. Even if it goes bust, so what? You have OJ money.

OJ can live the rest of his life and never worry about money. Whatever he did, do that first.
If it were me my parents would have made me save half of whatever I made the first year. My father was my financial adviser and my mom was the boss when I was 18. LOL.

They would have said, "what if you get hurt?" So I would have got a modest house or condo on a lake and tucked as much as I could away that first year. Let's say we are talking $5 million. Take half out for taxes and agents. $2.5 million. My bills would be $10K a month?

2nd contract or second year, take care of the family. Still save half. Now you probably have enough money you can live the rest of your life, even with a bunch of baby mommas.

3rd year, get the Rolex and upgrade your house. Flip the old one and do it right. Still be frugal with your money. Take the family and friends to Disney World or Hawaii.

4th year, maybe invest in a business. Even if it goes bust, so what? You have OJ money.

OJ can live the rest of his life and never worry about money. Whatever he did, do that first.
According to the ESPN documentary, Family is often the problem
They buy mom an expensive house that they have to support after they retire. Family members also rely on them for support.

Their financial advisor will be moms boyfriend and they will have a brother-in law run their restaurant or nightclub for them
Doesn‘t turn out well
According to the ESPN documentary, Family is often the problem
They buy mom an expensive house that they have to support after they retire. Family members also rely on them for support.

Their financial advisor will be moms boyfriend and they will have a brother-in law run their restaurant or nightclub for them
Doesn‘t turn out well
On the bright side, reparations would stimulate the economy big time. Better than giving it to billionaires who don't see it and will just open their vaults and add it to the pile.

My brother and sister in law are rich. We spend the holidays up north in their amazing cabin. Me and my 3 nephews went skiing at Boyne Mountain, they paid for all of us.

But for YEARS they never did that. My sister in law was actually a little cheap. My brother always had to ask her before he bought something big. Everyone needs a woman like this. They now have enough money they don't have to be cheap anymore. I bet these girlfriends or baby mammas want all the finest things too.

But in the end, it's the grown man's fault. Let's stop babying these spoiled athletes.

Also, it sounds like you are calling young black men stupid. I know you haven't mentioned skin tone, but we all know who you and I are referring to. I know this is changing the subject and yes some white athletes make the same mistake too but ultimately, the majority of these riches to rags stories sort of put a spotlight on the problem with young black men. Do you know a lot of companies check your credit score before they will hire you. The idea is if you are bad with credit, you're probably a bad employee too. And that makes sense right? And you already pointed out the problem. Bad role models and family members. I'd like to ask in the race section why this is so common in the black community. So much you use it as a common response for why it's happening to them.
I went to high school with the mother of Tyler Davis, #84 of the Packers. We're still pretty close and talk often. Last time I saw Tyler he had just taken his first steps.

Originally, Tyler was signed to the Jaguars. I don't know how much he got paid there. He was then traded to the Colts practice squad, which isn't subject to league minimums. While with Indianapolis he was paid a base salary of $27,600.

When he signed with Green Bay, it was for $780,000. That's life-changing money when you're from a middle class kid from Long Island. While he never struck me as the kind of guy who'd just flip out when he started making big money, I guess you never know. What I do know is that, two seasons ago, he was still driving the 2014 Acura his Dad gave him.

His Dad and Mom are both financial advisors. If the kid can keep a good head on his shoulders, he should be fine...
Also, it sounds like you are calling young black men stupid. I know you haven't mentioned skin tone, but we all know who you and I are referring to. I know this is changing the subject and yes some white athletes make the same mistake too but ultimately, the majority of these riches to rags stories sort of put a spotlight on the problem with young black men
Most athletes today are black.
But they even talked about the problem of Baby Mamas which seems to be a black problem.

They said there are web sites that young attractive women sign up for that alerts them when an athlete, movie star or musician shows up in a nightclub. Bouncers say women show up within 30 minutes dressed to the nines and throw themselves at the athlete.

These women are not looking for a good time, they are looking to get pregnant. Getting pregnant is like winning the lottery and you get a payout for 21 years.
Both blacks and whites fall for the trap.
You know what Republicans should do? They should boycott football over this one guys bad behavior. Blame the entire league for what he did. Boycott if they don't fire him!

Oh wait! It seems like both sides do this. Republicans complain they are the ones getting cancelled but they cancel people too. Just ask Kappernick.
How was Kaepernick cancelled? He's made far more money acting like he wants to play football then he ever did on the field. Let's not forget he lost his job to Blaine Gabbert prior to starting his kneeling deal. Blaine Gabbert. Teams didn't sign him because he was a backup at best and no one wants that much drama out of the starter let alone the back up. He was also demanding starter money to be a backup oh and running down GM's who offered him contracts in the press. He averaged less than 200 yds/gm. Sorry but the myth that Kaep was this star QB who was run out of the league because of his stance on social justice has to end. The 49er's weren't going to resign hm and I don't think there was going to be much interest around the league for his services. That's when he started kneeling. NFL owners will put up with just about anything if you can win games. See AB, Michael Vick, insert prima donna WR here, Rothlisberger, Deshaun Watson is going to get a contract somewhere, etc etc for examples. But, if you're going to be something the org has to deal with then you better bring it on Sunday. Kaep was all show and no go so he's not on a roster. Simple as that.

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