Any debate on global warming now OVER!?

All true, climate sperm cell. I am your God.
Climate toddler here is what current climate scientists inform us today.

Climate science tells us that human activities are causing climate change, which is having many consequences for the planet and its inhabitants:

  • Rising temperatures: The average global temperature has increased by about 1.2°C since the late 1800s, and the last decade was the warmest on record.

  • Extreme weather: Climate change is causing more intense and frequent extreme weather events, such as heat waves, droughts, wildfires, and flooding.

  • Melting ice: The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets are shrinking, and the Arctic Ocean is expected to become ice-free in late summer before mid-century.

  • Rising sea levels: Global sea levels have risen about 8 inches in the last century.

  • Ocean acidification: The ocean is becoming more acidic.

  • Declining biodiversity: Climate change is causing a decline in biodiversity.

  • Food and water shortages: Climate change could lead to food and water shortages that displace hundreds of millions of people.

  • Uninhabitable regions: Some regions of the world may become uninhabitable.

The effects of climate change are irreversible for people alive today, and will worsen as long as humans add greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Fossil fuels are the largest contributor to global climate change, accounting for over 75% of global greenhouse gas emissions.
I love science period. I already told you what the science says. When the northern hemisphere is deglaciating like it is today the oceans and the atmosphere warm. And when the northern hemisphere is glaciating the oceans and the atmosphere cool. Been going on for 3 million years.

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You know nothing about science toddler.

You just want to ride a tricycle.
Climate toddler here is what current climate scientists inform us today.

Climate science tells us that human activities are causing climate change, which is having many consequences for the planet and its inhabitants:

  • Rising temperatures: The average global temperature has increased by about 1.2°C since the late 1800s, and the last decade was the warmest on record.

  • Extreme weather: Climate change is causing more intense and frequent extreme weather events, such as heat waves, droughts, wildfires, and flooding.

  • Melting ice: The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets are shrinking, and the Arctic Ocean is expected to become ice-free in late summer before mid-century.

  • Rising sea levels: Global sea levels have risen about 8 inches in the last century.

  • Ocean acidification: The ocean is becoming more acidic.

  • Declining biodiversity: Climate change is causing a decline in biodiversity.

  • Food and water shortages: Climate change could lead to food and water shortages that displace hundreds of millions of people.

  • Uninhabitable regions: Some regions of the world may become uninhabitable.

The effects of climate change are irreversible for people alive today, and will worsen as long as humans add greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Fossil fuels are the largest contributor to global climate change, accounting for over 75% of global greenhouse gas emissions.
They are wrong. The most 120 ppm of CO2 can cause is 0.5C. The rest is due to the planet naturally warming up like it always does after a glacial period. It will continue to warm until density changes (thermal and salinity) in the Atlantic switch off the AMOC and temperatures plunge. That's when you will be eating humble pie.

They are wrong. The most 120 ppm of CO2 can cause is 0.5C. The rest is due to the planet naturally warming up like it always does after a glacial period. It will continue to warm until density changes (thermal and salinity) in the Atlantic switch off the AMOC and temperatures plunge. That's when you will be eating humble pie.

Dude, not asking you about the past.

I put forward the current status and future.

Why can you be in that?
Guilty as charged. I can get very emotional when I see the devastation caused by earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, and epidemics.
Maybe tell your leader to stop the damn wars going on, I’m sure those weapons being used are clean as f*ck right
Dude, not asking you about the past.

I put forward the current status and future.

Why can you be in that?
In the future when atmospheric CO2 approaches 560 ppm which should be about by the year 2100, the most that incremental 280 ppm of CO2 will impact surface temperature by will be 1C. When density changes in the Atlantic alter the thermohaline circulation currents - disrupting heat circulation from the Atlantic to the Arctic - temperatures will plunge and you will be eating humble pie... in the future. :)
Well it is a good thing that oil drilling never has any accidents that pollute the environment. Except for minor things like the Exxon Valdez and Deepwater Horizon of course.
Temporary disaster, waters are all back to normal.
When an uneducated slob doesn't understand how scientists drew certain conclusions from the evidence, that doesn't suddenly throw the conclusions of the scientists into doubt.

It simply demonstrates that the uneducated slob doesn't know what he is talking about.

Take it up with ChatGPT:

Oil spills can have long-term effects on the environment, human health, and local economies:

  • Health effects
    Oil spills can cause long-term health effects in humans, including increased risk of cancer, reproductive problems, decreased immunity, low platelet counts, low hemoglobin levels, breathing problems, liver problems, and heart issues.

  • Ecological effects
    Oil spills can have long-term ecological effects, including:
    • Deep ocean: Oiling of deep ocean corals, failed recruitment of oysters, and damage to coastal wetlands

    • Offshore: Oiling of plankton, invertebrates, fish, sea turtles, sea birds, and marine mammals

    • Coastal habitats: Sand beach habitat and submersed aquatic vegetation impacts
  • Cultural and archaeological resources
    Oil spills can damage cultural and archaeological resources in national parks, such as historical monuments, cultural art and artifacts, forts, and lighthouses
Oil can remain in the environment long after a spill, and has been detected in sediment 30 years after a spill.
So ChatGPT takes info from biased sources.
But compared to the scientists actually educated and working in these fields, you're an uneducated slob.

Time to come to terms with it.
Not if they don't know the oceans and the atmosphere warm when the northern hemisphere deglaciates and ignore the dominant role ocean currents play in distributing heat to the Arctic.

Let's have some email addresses and find out.

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