Any debate on global warming now OVER!?

my question is

What is the affect of increasing CO2?:
Increasing carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in the atmosphere is harmful to the Earth because it acts as a greenhouse gas, trapping heat from the sun and causing the planet to warm significantly, leading to climate change with severe impacts like rising sea levels, extreme weather events, disruption of ecosystems, and potential food insecurity; essentially, human activities are enhancing the natural greenhouse effect by adding more CO2 to the atmosphere, causing global warming

Now what was the temperature of the Earth 485 million years ago?
According to recent studies, the global temperature around 485 million years ago was significantly warmer than today, with an average estimated to be around 30°C (86°F), indicating a "hothouse" climate with no polar ice caps and warm oceans throughout the globe; this data is based on reconstructions of Earth's past climate using proxy data and climate models.

HMMM... a "hothouse" climate, no ice caps... and this was at 4,000 PPM!
Today "global warming" (now "climate change" believers) say
the most concerning temperature for global warming is 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, with efforts focused on limiting the increase to this level to avoid the most severe impacts of climate change
Pre-industrial temperature approximately 56.62°
HMMM... so the world's temperature in 485 million years ago was 86° and global warming people are fighting to keep it down by 1.5°?
What are you claiming with this information?

That we should move be to 4,000ppm because our planet had that 485 million years ago?

Are you that willfully ignorant?
Sure, if you can also include atmospheric composition for each period for reference.

Also, you realize the Mesozoic period isn’t mentioned in the bible. A bible which puts the world at about 8,000 years old.
The earth is ~4 billion years old. The universe began ~14 billion years ago. It was created by a quantum tunneling even of paired particle production. Which means the universe was not created from pre-existing matter. The evidence for this is the massive amount of radiation which is called the cosmic microwave background radiation. It was created from 2 billion times the matter of the universe during said paired particle production. If you want me to teach you some more science let me know, climate sperm cell.

Here's the data you requested. :)
The earth is ~4 billion years old. The universe began ~14 billion years ago. It was created by a quantum tunneling even of paired particle production. Which means the universe was not created from pre-existing matter. The evidence for this is the massive amount of radiation which is called the cosmic microwave background radiation. It was created from 2 billion times the matter of the universe during said paired particle production. If you want me to teach you some more science let me know, climate sperm cell.

Here's the data you requested. :)
View attachment 1021965
Wow, CO2 correlates with temperature.

Yes, prior to the industrial revolution atmospheric CO2 was a function of ocean temperature due to the solubility of CO2 in water versus temperature. When the ocean warmed up it released CO2 when the ocean cooled it absorbed CO2. Which means that CO2 was a function of ocean temperature and lagged temperature by 800 to 1000 years. I feel like you are learning from this, climate sperm cell.
So I guess you didn’t like what the data told you.

As with all rightwing make up your own reality when the current one doesn’t suit you.
I love what the data is saying. The data says that for the past 3 million years when the northern hemisphere deglaciates like it is doing today the oceans and atmosphere warm. See?

I love what the data is saying. The data says that for the past 3 million years when the northern hemisphere deglaciates like it is doing today the oceans and atmosphere warm. See?

View attachment 1021969
Yep...thos squiggly lines are pretty convincing.

Meanwhile back in reality, man-made contribution to climate change is a fact of life. Just like Biden’s victory and Trump’s convicitons.
Right, you are.

You are the genius saying they don't understand their own, life's work.

And boy oh boy is it hilarious.
I'm pretty sure even they will agree with me that for the past 3 million years when the northern hemisphere deglaciates the oceans and the atmosphere warm. Not sure how they can say otherwise given the data.

I'm pretty sure even they will agree with me that for the past 3 million years when the northern hemisphere deglaciates the oceans and the atmosphere warm. Not sure how they can say otherwise given the data.

View attachment 1021972
That's nice.

Would you like one of their email addresses, so you can explain to them that they don't understand their own life's work, but an uneducated slob does?

Thought not.
Yes, prior to the industrial revolution atmospheric CO2 was a function of ocean temperature due to the solubility of CO2 in water versus temperature. When the ocean warmed up it released CO2 when the ocean cooled it absorbed CO2. Which means that CO2 was a function of ocean temperature and lagged temperature by 800 to 1000 years. I feel like you are learning from this, climate sperm cell.
Hilarious climate toddler
Yep...thos squiggly lines are pretty convincing.

Meanwhile back in reality, man-made contribution to climate change is a fact of life. Just like Biden’s victory and Trump’s convicitons.
The most that 120 ppm of atmospheric CO2 can theoretically cause surface temperatures to increase is 0.5C with 0.22 C being a more realistic number given that convective currents whisk heat away from the surface of the planet. The rest of the warming since the end of the little ice age is due to the planet naturally warming up as the northern hemisphere deglaciates because heat is being circulated from the Atlantic to the Arctic. When that heat transport gets disrupted hold onto your ass because your entire belief system will be turned upside down.
No. It's just science. Here... check out this link and see if you can understand any of it, climate sperm cell. Let me know what you don't understand and I'll explain it to you. Deal?


Are you only about science if it looks at millions of years ago.

Dude, what does the science inform us today.
That's nice.

Would you like one of their email addresses, so you can explain to them that they don't understand their own life's work, but an uneducated slob does?

Thought not.
Sure but better yet why don't you invite them directly. It would be refreshing to have an adult conversation for a change.

Are you only about science if it looks at millions of years ago.

Dude, what does the science inform us today.
I love science period. I already told you what the science says. When the northern hemisphere is deglaciating like it is today the oceans and the atmosphere warm. And when the northern hemisphere is glaciating the oceans and the atmosphere cool. Been going on for 3 million years.


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