Any debate on global warming now OVER!?

Ummmm, wind is 16th century, dude. We stopped using it because it sucks. Nuclear power is the only real solution. and I am all in favor of that.
We're not in Holland and someone thought it economically viable to build these:

Burning coal is very18th century and we'll eventually stop using it because it sucks. I'm OK with nuclear but we need to find a place to put the waste. Fusion may be the only real solution.
I think maybe you meant to say the 20th or 21st century.
No, that is not what I meant.

But the only way you are getting rid of fossil fuels - which is a bad idea - is nuclear because solar, wind, wave, etc or low energy density options with lots and lots of challenges to be base loading sources of electrical generation.
You mean we have to choose only one energy source? How about all of them coupled with conservation and increasing efficiency.
You mean we have to choose only one energy source? How about all of them coupled with conservation and increasing efficiency.
That sounds marvelous. That's not what you said before nor is it what our national leadership is saying. Nevermind the fact that what they are saying can't be done nor should it even be attempted.
If you live in area prone to flash flooding, do you really need hindsight?
I wonder how many living there remember 1916? I guess people should just abandon the city if they can't afford to build flood proof homes (if there is such a thing).
There is a problem but I don't expect to solve it by myself. I vote for candidates that reflect that opinion.
So until then you'll just continue to be like the average American having the average American carbon footprint?

Sounds very convenient. Morally superior and comfortable. Just one small problem, there's not a problem. You've been sold a bill of goods. Smoke and mirrors. The planet's warming naturally like it always does after a glacial period. Nothing anyone can do about that. Other than use it as a crisis to manipulate the masses.
I wonder how many living there remember 1916? I guess people should just abandon the city if they can't afford to build flood proof homes (if there is such a thing).
Or maybe not build in areas that are prone to flooding. Seems like that lesson is being learned everywhere.
So until then you'll just continue to be like the average American having the average American carbon footprint?
I like to think my carbon footprint is below average.

Sounds very convenient. Morally superior and comfortable. Just one small problem, there's not a problem. You've been sold a bill of goods. Smoke and mirrors. The planet's warming naturally like it always does after a glacial period. Nothing anyone can do about that. Other than use it as a crisis to manipulate the masses.
Nothing anyone can do about that? I don't think that has been proven.
Yup, the debate is over.
Skookerasbil LOST.
He Started the Wrongest thread EVER made here with his NINE Year running 'Skeptics are Winning' thread in 2013-2022.
Nailed it!
Astonishing Call in 2013!

View attachment 1016355

That's because our records suck! Can you tell me what the temperature was on October 4th in Yellowstone National Park 6000 years ago? No? Neither can anyone else.
It's not. There's 3 million years of empirical climate evidence that shows when the northern hemisphere deglaciates the oceans and the atmosphere warm. That's what's going on today.
Where mean nothing to our current human caused rapid warming.
Actually we have proven that we can change the Earth's climate at least locally. If you don't believe that man is the source of global warming, take a look at the Mediterranean. The Greeks chopped down their forests to build ships and now they live in a desert.
I have been to Greece. It is not a desert. Are you naturally stupid of did you work at it?
Nothing anyone can do about that? I don't think that has been proven.
Not a damn thing. And yes, it has been proven with empirical climate evidence from the geologic record which is more than you can say about your silly belief in runaway global warming.

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