Any debate on global warming now OVER!?

That is the data.

Co2 does absolutely nothing = highly correlated satellite and balloon data

Greenland froze while North America thawed = how did Co2 do both at the same time?

There is no actual data that Co2 has anything at all to do with Earth temperature, only fudge.
Correlation does not equal causation.


That being said, we know what warms the planet, that is UV radiation penetrating 550m or so into the oceans, and thereby heating them.

Longwave IR can't penetrate the skin of water, so it CAN'T warm the oceans.
we know what warms the planet, that is UV radiation penetrating 550m or so into the oceans

Actually all of the Sun's EM does some warming, the lower the frequency, the less the "warming." O3 absorbs UV in the atmosphere. The Sun, of course, is CONSTANT and hence does not actually CHANGE anything.

What changes is the position of land which dictates how much ice the planet has.

You cannot refute that.
The Co2 FRAUD cannot refute that.

Correlation is evidence. Evidence you cannot refute.

There is no correlation between SUN and EARTH CLIMATE CHANGE until the SUN's output actually changes, which it won't for another billion plus years.

There is 99% correlation between the amount of ice on Earth and the position of land near the poles. Two polar oceans and Earth has no ice = Jurassic = warmer, wetter, higher surface air pressure.

and btw, why is Surface Air Pressure going DOWN if "the ice is melting?"

I did, and with a scientist. you keep flailing little buddy!!!


A youtube video with a "scientist" pushing Milankovich aka McBullshit....

You are an unreal moron with a paper bag over your head. You don't even understand why nobody except you is even trying to refute one word that is posted in the links above...

A youtube video with a "scientist" pushing Milankovich aka McBullshit....

You are an unreal moron with a paper bag over your head. You don't even understand why nobody except you is even trying to refute one word that is posted in the links above...
Nope, not the one I posted, so you are also disingenuous.
Nope, not the one I posted, so you are also disingenuous.

Which one do you claim is not pushing Milankovich, because that's been the boilerplate lie for the Co2 FRAUD to cover up the truth that


since homO's 2 years of silence on the issue ended in 2012 when homO tossed the FBI fraud case IN THE CLOSET...

I guess that makes you a hypocrite. I don't have that problem. I don't see a problem. If anything we should be using more.
You guess wrong. I live in a world where we mine as fast as we can, an incredibly valuable, finite resource, oil, and, for the most part (90%), burn it up. We leave only pollution and waste for the next generations.
Actually all of the Sun's EM does some warming, the lower the frequency, the less the "warming." O3 absorbs UV in the atmosphere. The Sun, of course, is CONSTANT and hence does not actually CHANGE anything.

What changes is the position of land which dictates how much ice the planet has.

You cannot refute that.
The Co2 FRAUD cannot refute that.

Correlation is evidence. Evidence you cannot refute.

There is no correlation between SUN and EARTH CLIMATE CHANGE until the SUN's output actually changes, which it won't for another billion plus years.

There is 99% correlation between the amount of ice on Earth and the position of land near the poles. Two polar oceans and Earth has no ice = Jurassic = warmer, wetter, higher surface air pressure.

and btw, why is Surface Air Pressure going DOWN if "the ice is melting?"

The Sun isn't constant. Really, you need to study some actual science some day.
I walk when I can, I bike when I can, I drive when I must. The cars we drive most get about 45 mpg.
If you are one of those stop oil clods, then you should never, EVER use oil.


A facial to all the climate crusaders....and have to say, after 15 years in this forum, I'm laughing.

"A funny thing happened as the WaPo tried to map out half a billion years of global temperatures and the "disaster of global warming""

No global warming...not even close :funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:

MSM Journos Inadvertently Reveal Shocking Truth About Global Warming | ZeroHedge

Btw...note the source on the graph in the article :up:
Saying there is no global warming, is as stupid as saying gravity plays no role in plane crashes.

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