Any debate on global warming now OVER!?

Yeah it is. You just do not like it.

North American Ice Age, 50 million to 10k years ago, made North America a lot colder than today. So, yeah, there was more mountain ice. As North America moved SW and away from the North Pole, it got warmer, the 5+ million cubic miles of ice called Laurentide Ice Sheet melted, and the mountain ice shrank with that.

Again, I provided a video explaining this and you still ignore the scientist in the video on why the ice melted in NA.
Hey, did you know that AZ is a desert region? Guess what happens in deserts? it gets hot. So the climate hasn't changed as you just pointed out. Hot is hot. There's no difference between five over 100 days and 10 over 100 days because you have fking no clue how many times in the history of that area had over 10 100 degree days. Feel free to post that data for us? I know you won't because you can't, you're merely turretting nonsense as always.
How about 100 days over 100 degrees?

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