Any Evolution-believing Person care to Explain Origin of Life?

GunnyL said:
I have to completely support this statement, having made it myself on more than one occasion.

You aren't going to get an honest answer. If you did, they the proponents of scientific theories of origin would have to concede that you are correct. When was the last time you saw THAT?

I beleive I have done it several times on this thread. I have admitted that both Creation and Primordial soup theory are possible explanations, that theoretical science is largely guess work, making a guess that seems to fit with previous observeations, and other known data.

Personally I go with science. Not becuase I am anti-religious, but because science does have a better record of amending its theories than religion.
manu1959 said:
you can not measure the effect of the big bang because you don't know if it happened

Actually, yes, you can measure something independant of knowing what caused it.

you are guessing that it did because things are moving but you are not sure if they are speeding up or slowing down.

We don't need to know the speed at which things are moving apart to know that they are moving apart.

the rimodial ozzzz transition fossil to man...where is it?....

What are you even talking about?

it does not exist .....stop changing the subject and admit that you don't are guessing you have no proof.....damn dude.....if all the proof exixts why do all still call it a working hypothesis and a therory? oh ya ...yall are still trying to prove it

All of science is theory. I think I've mentioned that to you about three dozen times by now. Do you have memory problems?
manu1959 said:
how many supernova observations have there been over the past 5 billion years? man has seen how many of these?

I'm not sure of the exact number, but we have made spectroscopic observations of thousands of supernovae that have occured over the last 5 billion years. They all show each known radioisotope decaying at the same rate it does nowadays.
GunnyL said:
I have to completely support this statement, having made it myself on more than one occasion.

You aren't going to get an honest answer. If you did, they the proponents of scientific theories of origin would have to concede that you are correct. When was the last time you saw THAT?

There is too much emotion involved. Usually, those who push scientific theories of origin as legit are also staunchly anti-religion. They cannot overcome their personal biases to have an objective conversation on the topic.

What is a primodial ooze transition fossil to man?
deaddude said:
I beleive I have done it several times on this thread. I have admitted that both Creation and Primordial soup theory are possible explanations, that theoretical science is largely guess work, making a guess that seems to fit with previous observeations, and other known data.

Personally I go with science. Not becuase I am anti-religious, but because science does have a better record of amending its theories than religion.

All of science is theory.


Does anyone get this yet?

The purpose of a theory is to predict past, present, and future observation. That's all science is.

ID makes no predictions about observation. It is therefore not science.

On the other hand, punctuated equilibrium evolution has make several successful predictions of observation. I have already listed them further up on this thread.
SpidermanTuba said:
What is a primodial ooze transition fossil to man?

Try asking the person who made the statement. I don't think you need to, however. You know what he meant.
GunnyL said:
Try asking the person who made the statement. I don't think you need to, however. You know what he meant.

Not really. I have no idea what he means. I don't think he does, either.
deaddude said:
I beleive I have done it several times on this thread. I have admitted that both Creation and Primordial soup theory are possible explanations, that theoretical science is largely guess work, making a guess that seems to fit with previous observeations, and other known data.

Personally I go with science. Not becuase I am anti-religious, but because science does have a better record of amending its theories than religion.

In response to your post, I will refer you to STs posts as the basis for my statement. If the shoe don't fit ....... ;)
SpidermanTuba said:
Yeah, I did. I told you that there is no such thing as 100% proof, and I told you that the only fact is observation. If you have reading comprehension problems, see a tutor.

You can't prove I am alive 100%. I may simply be an illusion.

This response clearly tells me that you are arguing just to argue. To state that I can't prove you are alive; that you might be an illusion just shows how desperate you are to "win" an discussion.

If the "only fact is observation," then Shakespeare, Einstein, Galileo, Plato and Socrates never existed.

You and I never "saw" them..they must have never existed.
You can observe evidence of their existance. True it is impossible to prove that creation did not happen five seconds ago and our memories and histories were invented to throw us off.
SpidermanTuba said:
This depends on the total amount of mass in the Universe. Many cosomologists believe there is good reason to expect that we should be above critical mass, that is, that the UNiverse will end up contracting (why they believe this is above my level of understanding). Though we can't observe all the matter for this to happen. We do know, though, for instance, that much of the matter in galaxies is not directly observable, we know its there from its affects on the observable matter in the galaxies, we can't detect it otherwise. Hence "dark matter". The nature of the dark matter is not known for sure, there are a few viable theories. Compact objects, such as white dwarfs, brown dwarfs, and neutron stars, or black holes even, are candidates, as they could be huge amounts of these objects that we cannot see simply because they emit very little radiation. Current efforts to detect these objects in our own galaxy through gravitational lensing is underway.

Of course, it could be that there isn't enough matter to cause a slow down, which would mean the universe would expand forever, and eventually become nothing but a vast expanse of cold iron.

Eventually, provided the universe does not contract and collapse on itself before this happens, yes, all the matter in the universe will be converted to the most stable element, iron. However, this is a long long way off. Our own sun is about 70% hydrogen 25% helium. About 5 billion years from now, it will die, but still it will be mostly hydrogen, as only the matter in the core is hot enough to fuse.

How is that a guess?
The laws of the Universe only apply to the Universe, how could they apply elsewhere?

You know what I find hilarious is how you speak in absolutes - as if somehow you definitly know what's going to transpire. You sound as ignorant as the moronic teachers and/or books you've read this garbage from..
GotZoom said:
This response clearly tells me that you are arguing just to argue. To state that I can't prove you are alive; that you might be an illusion just shows how desperate you are to "win" an discussion.

Well go ahead, prove that I am alive.

If the "only fact is observation," then Shakespeare, Einstein, Galileo, Plato and Socrates never existed.

There is very strong evidence to suggest their existance.

You and I never "saw" them..they must have never existed.

You are changing your standards of proof. If we were to employ your standard of "truth" that you apply to scientific theories, then yes, we could not say with 100% certainty that Shakespeare existed.
SpidermanTuba said:
Well go ahead, prove that I am alive.

There is very strong evidence to suggest their existance.

You are changing your standards of proof. If we were to employ your standard of "truth" that you apply to scientific theories, then yes, we could not say with 100% certainty that Shakespeare existed.

My last sentence was using your theory.

I can prove you are alive - at the time of your last post - because you posted it.

The strong evidence that suggests those fine gentlemen existed also applies to God.

Which some people seem to not believe.
-Cp said:
You know what I find hilarious is how you speak in absolutes - as if somehow you definitly know what's going to transpire. You sound as ignorant as the moronic teachers and/or books you've read this garbage from..

OK. Whatever. If you choose to be an ignorant ass, and reject science, which has brought you a microwave, a computer, sent man to the moon, and made it possible for the US to win WW II without invading mainland Japan - then fine. That's your right.

Many people are afraid of what they do not understand. If you'd like, you can continue your ignorance.

We don't definitly know anything, -Cp. As I've pointed out before, nothing can be proven. Except that perhaps you can prove to yourself that you exist, but that's it. Everything I state is within that context.

There is overwhelming scientific evidence to support the Big Bang theory of the Universe. As you choose to remain ignorant, you cannot objectively evaluate this evidence. But that's fine. You will continue to pay, through your tax dollars, to have other, far more informed people, evaluate that evidence for you.
I can prove you are alive - at the time of your last post - because you posted it.

How do you know I'm not just a computer program?

The strong evidence that suggests those fine gentlemen existed also applies to God.

Well, except of course, that no one has ever seen God, or touched him, or read anything that he's written personally.

What value is your faith, if you have proof of his existance?
SpidermanTuba said:
How do you know I'm not just a computer program?

Well, except of course, that no one has ever seen God, or touched him, or read anything that he's written personally.

What value is your faith, if you have proof of his existance?

How do you know Shakespeare actually wrote Twelth Night?

I know you aren't a computer program. How? As with many other things..I just know.
GotZoom said:
I know you aren't a computer program. How? As with many other things..I just know.

"I just know" does not constitute proof of anything.

Funny how you relax your standards of proof to "I just know" when it involves you trying to prove something, but when I'm trying to prove something moutains of evidence as reflected in thousands of peer reviewed scientific articles is just not

That makes you a hypocrit.
SpidermanTuba said:
"I just know" does not constitute proof of anything.

Funny how you relax your standards of proof to "I just know" when it involves you trying to prove something, but when I'm trying to prove something moutains of evidence as reflected in thousands of peer reviewed scientific articles is just not

That makes you a hypocrit.

Ok..I'll play.

Are you a person or a computer program?

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