Any Nikki Haley Fans?

Foul Owl

Gold Member
Apr 17, 2023
All I hear is chatter about Biden, Trump and DeSantis. Am I the only one rooting and supporting Nikki Haley? In case some of you have forgotten she's officially announced her 2024 bid. I want to use this thread to voice your opinions on NH; good or bad. Tell us why you like her, why you don't, and your predictions on how far she'll make it.
would i vote for haley? no and neither would the majority of other conservative voters. The latest is that just recently she is pushing compromising on Abortion. You don't compromise with evill... but leave it to a woman to continue with that leftist illusion.
She was Governor when I moved to SC, I liked her, was a fan. Then she went to work for that dipshit Trump. Supported him, defended him. That was when I stopped being a fan.

At this point, she would have to do some serious back pedaling and create a great deal of distance between her and Trump before I would consider giving her my vote.
She was Governor when I moved to SC, I liked her, was a fan. Then she went to work for that dipshit Trump. Supported him, defended him. That was when I stopped being a fan.

At this point, she would have to do some serious back pedaling and create a great deal of distance between her and Trump before I would consider giving her my vote.
Oh, they will be distanced at the debates. Oh wait, Trump said he is too pussy to debate. My bad.
I'd rather cut off my own nutsack with a chainsaw than be forced to vote for that POS.
Trump was the answer. Still is. Not her or pole-smoking mac. Done zero in 100 days.
All I hear is chatter about Biden, Trump and DeSantis. Am I the only one rooting and supporting Nikki Haley? In case some of you have forgotten she's officially announced her 2024 bid. I want to use this thread to voice your opinions on NH; good or bad. Tell us why you like her, why you don't, and your predictions on how far she'll make it.
Out and out Neocon , CIA and WEF .
Scum is far too polite .
All I hear is chatter about Biden, Trump and DeSantis. Am I the only one rooting and supporting Nikki Haley? In case some of you have forgotten she's officially announced her 2024 bid. I want to use this thread to voice your opinions on NH; good or bad. Tell us why you like her, why you don't, and your predictions on how far she'll make it.
I doubt she wants to lead in the polls, otherwise she will get sued and impeached for something.
I am considering voting for her. Also on the Dem side maybe RFKjr. I need to do more research on both before I decide which primary I will vote in. MSNBC dosen't like Haley so thats a plus on her side :)
Haley seemed reasonable a few years ago, she doesn't have much of a chance I don't think now. She misjudged Trumps demise and proved herself too much of a poliitician that voters are running away from today (opportunist). She should have stayed mum and defer to the facts "voters decide elections" regardless of if people liked Trump or not. Instead when Trump was on the mat post 2020 she piled on with "we shouldn't have followed him". She was able to cross over from Estab!isment into Trumps orbit and then she and her donors misjudged the situation.
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She was Governor when I moved to SC, I liked her, was a fan. Then she went to work for that dipshit Trump. Supported him, defended him. That was when I stopped being a fan.

At this point, she would have to do some serious back pedaling and create a great deal of distance between her and Trump before I would consider giving her my vote.

That I really don’t have a problem with. Her defense of Trump while working in the administration. One of the almost written rules is you support the administration in full throated voice when you are in. Look at how furious everyone was with the various appointees who disagreed in public with Trump while President.

Haley was loyal to her boss even when she knew, and she is more than smart enough to know, how wrong he was. If she objected it was in private not public. I suspect she did object in private.

But she was the Ambassador to the UN which gave her something she didn’t have as Governor of South Carolina. Experience in Foreign Relations and issues.

If Haley is the nominee would I vote for her? Probably. It’s far too early to commit with certainty except in extreme circumstances. That’s why I’ve said I won’t vote for Trump. Period. No possibility of any change to that decision. I probably wouldn’t vote for Biden. I didn’t in 2020, and I can’t imagine I will in 2024, but I’d vote for Biden over Trump.

DeSantis is almost as far out as Trump. His idiotic culture war hasn’t done anything but make him look authoritarian and the Republicans don’t need another candidate who sounds like a watered down dictator. Especially an inept authoritarian. Which lets be honest DeSantis is absolutely an inept authoritarian.

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