Anybody Here Have A Pet Hedgehog?

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
I don't want one myself, but I just came back from a gathering with friends and one of them had a hedgehog with her that she was showing around and I never knew until tonight that hedgehogs could be pets. I'm mostly into cats and dogs myself though, but it was pretty cute and I learned an awful lot about them. :)
Always wash your hands real well after handling them and don't touch your face while you are holding one...Hedgehogs can carry and transmit foot and mouth disease...salmonella...ringworm...and may carry various other viral infections....some states have outlawed them as pets...
I don't want one myself, but I just came back from a gathering with friends and one of them had a hedgehog with her that she was showing around and I never knew until tonight that hedgehogs could be pets. I'm mostly into cats and dogs myself though, but it was pretty cute and I learned an awful lot about them. :)
Was the hedgehog named Sonic?
they are interesting..i did not know that the ones sold for pets are african and in england they have wild ones...i have wanted one for a long time...but hubby calls them an expensive cat food...this is the kind i want...the long eared hedgehog


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