Anybody Playing Watchdogs?


VIP Member
May 17, 2013
The Sticks
Like I said on the other thread about favorite games, this game is just like Grand Theft Auto, only you can hack other phones. I don't like the combat aspect with the way you are forced to move, or not move. It has gotten me killed more than once because I can't figure out how to move quickly. I forget and get stuck in crouch. If only the game designers could have set this game up like Mass Effect 3, which had an awesome automatic combat function. Otherwise, I like the game, but if you're not careful, you can be attacked by other online players when you are in free roam, vs. being on a mission. The missions have been so hard that I have just quit the mission and decided to pick up experience points just exploring the open environment.
I thought I would mention some of the things I don't like about this game. This game has a great storyline, but on the other hand, I despise games that I can't save my progress whenever I wish. Instead, your progress in the game is saved every time you complete a mission, however many times that may take. I have been trying to do the mission, "In Plain Sight" in Act 4, 15 times, now. I have become so frustrated that I aborted the mission and went free soloing, doing all the other side missions. That relaxes me. I find a game like this one to be nerve wracking and not at all what I am looking for in a relaxing game. I also found the same conditions, playing any of the Assassins Creed missions, Battlefield, etc.

I also don't like the way the character, Aiden Pearce must move. There is no key for crouch, only Cover, and for him to move, he must stand straight up, often into the line of fire. What a shame, Ubisoft couldn't have set up this game like the Mass Effect game series.Being stuck in cover mode and needing to run from danger can be a real pain. Learning how to move my character got me killed quite often until I mastered the weird movement, and even now, I still screw up. In all, it is exciting, but I can't say too much for it. It is just like the Grand Theft Auto series. I have only played GTA IV, and I eventually gave up on it. In fact, I don't know anyone who has managed to stay with any of the GTA games. They are just too frustrating to complete, just like Watchdogs has become. Even playing on the Easy level doesn't help much. It is just as hard. I play on the Normal Level, and can't imagine what it would be like to play on the Uber Hard side.
I don't know how I did it, but I was able to complete the mission that was killing me so many times, I escaped the police quite quickly, and after that each episode just seemed to click by in Act 4. There is only one episode in Act 5. I am figuring this one will be a doozy. When I finish this game, i will probably start a new one, just to figure out how everything was supposed to work. I sure was confused a lot. Over all, this was not such a bad game, and it is quite similar to the GTA series of games. I understand there is another game called Saints Row that is similar to both. Perhaps, I will check that one out.

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