Anyone Disturbed By A Russian First Lady?

I posit that the USMB Progs who are Bothered By Melania are either:

1. Neutered Beta Pajama Bois

2. Hideously Ugly Moustachioed Harridans

Both are threatened by Pretty Girls.

I agree- and the USMB Cons who are bothered by Michelle are either:
1. Closeted self loathing gay men or
2. Hideeously Ugly Moustachioed Harridans
Just curious did you have a hissy fit about Wiener showing his wiener over the Internet and about Bill get non sex bj's in the WH while he was having Christians bombed into oblivion so he could be a muslim hero overseas?

Just curious- do you care that Trump is a serial adulterer?
Since you are so ready to accuse the man do you have first hand knowledge or proof of this?

My problem with Syriusly on this matter is that he brings up Trump but ignores that biggest playboy that has ever held the office.

Still waiting for you to answer the question- do you care about Trump being a serial adulterer?

Still waiting on your answer about Bill. You don't have to answer. Your refusal to answer proves you only care about those you oppose and ignore those you support. Typical hypocritical Liberal. It's a private matter when your own does something but public when the other guys does.

Typical hypocritical Conservative- pretending to care about 'family values' and 'morals' until your guy is caught.
I posit that the USMB Progs who are Bothered By Melania are either:

1. Neutered Beta Pajama Bois

2. Hideously Ugly Moustachioed Harridans

Both are threatened by Pretty Girls.

I agree- and the USMB Cons who are bothered by Michelle are either:
1. Closeted self loathing gay men or
2. Hideeously Ugly Moustachioed Harridans

Your choices are inadequate:

3. Aware and Insightful People with Impeccable Good Taste
I have actually worked with a couple of people from Russia, one of them right now actually. Both of them couldn't be anymore respectful.

God bless you and them always!!!

Just curious- do you care that Trump is a serial adulterer?
Since you are so ready to accuse the man do you have first hand knowledge or proof of this?

My problem with Syriusly on this matter is that he brings up Trump but ignores that biggest playboy that has ever held the office.

Still waiting for you to answer the question- do you care about Trump being a serial adulterer?

Still waiting on your answer about Bill. You don't have to answer. Your refusal to answer proves you only care about those you oppose and ignore those you support. Typical hypocritical Liberal. It's a private matter when your own does something but public when the other guys does.

Typical hypocritical Conservative- pretending to care about 'family values' and 'morals' until your guy is caught.

Typical hypocritical Liberal not caring about morals when your guy does it but only when the other guy does. Why do you now care about something you said wasn't anyone's business when Clinton did it.
Since you are so ready to accuse the man do you have first hand knowledge or proof of this?

My problem with Syriusly on this matter is that he brings up Trump but ignores that biggest playboy that has ever held the office.

Still waiting for you to answer the question- do you care about Trump being a serial adulterer?
You don't get it do you? It is not my business what he did between his wives. That is between them and him.

He became a new creature in Jesus Christ when he accepted Jesus Christ into his life.

Sad thing is people like Syriusly, when Bill Clinton did such things, said that it was a private matter.

The sad thing is that people like you pulled your hair and whined and complained about Bill Clinton's lack of morals- but don't care about Trumps.

Personally, I hold Trump and Bill Clinton to the same standard- they are both adulterers. I will never vote for either.

The sad thing is when Bill did it you twisted yourself into a pretzel trying to say it was a private matter. Why do you care now?

While you can't vote for Bill again, are you saying you didn't in 1992 and 1996?

"Da darling. My husband ees good man no? He geeve "Art of da Dill" I come from grueling life of high fashion. He do aneetheeng to close dill. We make perfect first couple for USA wheech I lav for sure more than home country, maatherr Rrussia. I lav the USA as much as I lav my hoosband Doneald.."

I like the part where they stole Captain & Tenille's line "love will keep us together". :puke3:

Natasha's revealing speech last night was a trite, stiff, boring and narcissistic slather of Trump speaking about his greatness through the thick Russian accent of his trophy-wife's mouth. Whenever I see her I see a woman owned and no authentic love for her master whatsoever. We will be like her when he is in control. Just remember that. You will speak with feigned "lav" for Trump...Or else...

One wonders if like Trump's other wives, Natasha has gag contract. Ah, ain't love grand...

Maybe the next two speakers should be Trump's ex wives...oh, right. They're forbidden to speak what they went through as his loyal subjects...under threat of lawsuit... Disturbed yet? No?

On the up side, maybe Natasha can act as interpreter when Bore-is cuts a deal with Putin for the expansion on the Black Sea Russian operations. Hey, isn't the Black Sea bordering Turkey?...And isn't Turkey crucial for our presence in the Middle East?

Still waiting for you to answer the question- do you care about Trump being a serial adulterer?
You don't get it do you? It is not my business what he did between his wives. That is between them and him.

He became a new creature in Jesus Christ when he accepted Jesus Christ into his life.

Sad thing is people like Syriusly, when Bill Clinton did such things, said that it was a private matter.
When it comes to peoples sex lives it is a private matter unless they make it public. I don't see Donald Trump spouted his private matters all over the place so it is his business and his wife's business not mine. That same goes for anyone and their personal or private sins. Judgement is built within humankind and many cannot perceive that even though they call themselves Christians. If he makes his private life in the bedroom public while he is representing the people in an elected capacity then I may take issue with that.

For the most part, I agree. My contention is with the attitude that Syriusly took that Trump's, someone he opposes, should be public while Clinton's, someone he supported, should be private.

I find it hilarious that "Conservative" believes he can read my mind.

And yes- I agree- Conservatives don't care that Trump is an adulterer. Conservatives have left any pretense that who they vote for is based upon the moral values of the candidate.

I find it hilarious, yet typical, that you believe that something that didn't matter with Clinton now does with Trump.

"Da darling. My husband ees good man no? He geeve "Art of da Dill" I come from grueling life of high fashion. He do aneetheeng to close dill. We make perfect first couple for USA wheech I lav for sure more than home country, maatherr Rrussia. I lav the USA as much as I lav my hoosband Doneald.."

I like the part where they stole Captain & Tenille's line "love will keep us together". :puke3:

Natasha's revealing speech last night was a trite, stiff, boring and narcissistic slather of Trump speaking about his greatness through the thick Russian accent of his trophy-wife's mouth. Whenever I see her I see a woman owned and no authentic love for her master whatsoever. We will be like her when he is in control. Just remember that. You will speak with feigned "lav" for Trump...Or else...

One wonders if like Trump's other wives, Natasha has gag contract. Ah, ain't love grand...

Maybe the next two speakers should be Trump's ex wives...oh, right. They're forbidden to speak what they went through as his loyal subjects...under threat of lawsuit... Disturbed yet? No?

On the up side, maybe Natasha can act as interpreter when Bore-is cuts a deal with Putin for the expansion on the Black Sea Russian operations. Hey, isn't the Black Sea bordering Turkey?...And isn't Turkey crucial for our presence in the Middle East?


Trump's wife sounds like she's proud to be an American. Moochelle was never proud of her country till zero won the white house. And she still hates the white house cuz it was built by slaves.

"Da darling. My husband ees good man no? He geeve "Art of da Dill" I come from grueling life of high fashion. He do aneetheeng to close dill. We make perfect first couple for USA wheech I lav for sure more than home country, maatherr Rrussia. I lav the USA as much as I lav my hoosband Doneald.."

I like the part where they stole Captain & Tenille's line "love will keep us together". :puke3:

Natasha's revealing speech last night was a trite, stiff, boring and narcissistic slather of Trump speaking about his greatness through the thick Russian accent of his trophy-wife's mouth. Whenever I see her I see a woman owned and no authentic love for her master whatsoever. We will be like her when he is in control. Just remember that. You will speak with feigned "lav" for Trump...Or else...

One wonders if like Trump's other wives, Natasha has gag contract. Ah, ain't love grand...

Maybe the next two speakers should be Trump's ex wives...oh, right. They're forbidden to speak what they went through as his loyal subjects...under threat of lawsuit... Disturbed yet? No?

On the up side, maybe Natasha can act as interpreter when Bore-is cuts a deal with Putin for the expansion on the Black Sea Russian operations. Hey, isn't the Black Sea bordering Turkey?...And isn't Turkey crucial for our presence in the Middle East?


Trump's wife sounds like she's proud to be an American. Moochelle was never proud of her country till zero won the white house. And she still hates the white house cuz it was built by slaves.

And because it has the name "White" in it.
This is typical Liberal. Russian wife bad. A first husband or what ever Slick Willie would be called being a sexual predator is OK. Damn its good to be a Clinton.
I posit that the USMB Progs who are Bothered By Melania are either:

1. Neutered Beta Pajama Bois

2. Hideously Ugly Moustachioed Harridans

Both are threatened by Pretty Girls.

I agree- and the USMB Cons who are bothered by Michelle are either:
1. Closeted self loathing gay men or
2. Hideeously Ugly Moustachioed Harridans

Your choices are inadequate:

3. Aware and Insightful People with Impeccable Good Taste

You are right- I forgot the hideously self delusional- that is #3
I have actually worked with a couple of people from Russia, one of them right now actually. Both of them couldn't be anymore respectful.

God bless you and them always!!!

Which has what to with Donald Trump's Slovenian born American wife?
Since you are so ready to accuse the man do you have first hand knowledge or proof of this?

My problem with Syriusly on this matter is that he brings up Trump but ignores that biggest playboy that has ever held the office.

Still waiting for you to answer the question- do you care about Trump being a serial adulterer?

Still waiting on your answer about Bill. You don't have to answer. Your refusal to answer proves you only care about those you oppose and ignore those you support. Typical hypocritical Liberal. It's a private matter when your own does something but public when the other guys does.

Typical hypocritical Conservative- pretending to care about 'family values' and 'morals' until your guy is caught.

Typical hypocritical Liberal not caring about morals when your guy does it but only when the other guy does. Why do you now care about something you said wasn't anyone's business when Clinton did it.

Typical hypocritical Conservative- preaching about Clinton's moral failings, but not caring that Trump is an adulterer.
You don't get it do you? It is not my business what he did between his wives. That is between them and him.

He became a new creature in Jesus Christ when he accepted Jesus Christ into his life.

Sad thing is people like Syriusly, when Bill Clinton did such things, said that it was a private matter.
When it comes to peoples sex lives it is a private matter unless they make it public. I don't see Donald Trump spouted his private matters all over the place so it is his business and his wife's business not mine. That same goes for anyone and their personal or private sins. Judgement is built within humankind and many cannot perceive that even though they call themselves Christians. If he makes his private life in the bedroom public while he is representing the people in an elected capacity then I may take issue with that.

For the most part, I agree. My contention is with the attitude that Syriusly took that Trump's, someone he opposes, should be public while Clinton's, someone he supported, should be private.

I find it hilarious that "Conservative" believes he can read my mind.

And yes- I agree- Conservatives don't care that Trump is an adulterer. Conservatives have left any pretense that who they vote for is based upon the moral values of the candidate.

I find it hilarious, yet typical, that you believe that something that didn't matter with Clinton now does with Trump.

I find it hilarious, but entirely predictable that you don't care that Trump is an adulterer, even as you whined about 'family values' and 'morals' when it came to Bill Clinton.
This is typical Liberal. Russian wife bad. A first husband or what ever Slick Willie would be called being a sexual predator is OK. Damn its good to be a Clinton.

Silhouette is a typical idiot ignorant asshole.

Melania is not Russian.

As ignorant as the OP is- why are so many others so ignorant that they can't tell the difference between Slovenia and Russia?

Melania was born in Slovenia- and is an American.
Slovenia is just south east of Austria. It used to be part of Yugoslavia not Russia

That's too much geography for an idiot like the OP.
Slovenia was considered part of the Eastern Bloc. Idiot. And you know how Russia likes to let go easily of former "territories"..

Free history/geography lesson for the day:

Slovenia is separated from Russia by a thousand miles and 4 countries. It's next to Italy. It has never in history been a Russian "territory", and while Yugoslavia was a part of the Eastern Bloc, it was always independent and never a member of the Warsaw Pact or the USSR. Currently, it's a member of NATO.

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