Anyone else remember when Obama's EOs were despotic to R-Wers?

You were happy when O couldnt write them fast enough. Now, youre pissed? Lol.

Even for right wing morons this should come as a surprise.....

Obama issued about 250-275 EOs in 8 years
Trump may issue about 200 EOs in January-February 2017 alone.
Trump may issue about 200 EOs in January-February 2017 alone.

That sounds about right. I was expecting 250-275 because I don't think the President can write just one EO that would overturn all of Obama's damage.

Tell me why the President, and Republicans by extension, allow any of Obama's "Legislation by Fiat" stand.
On this forum, right wingers cannot even fathom what hypocrites they are as Trump shoves his middle finger at congress, the courts, ethics, values and even to these same right wing morons......

If it weren't so fucking sad, it'd be hilarious and a testament to just how stupid these right wingers are.

LMAO Trump is fighting fire with fire and I agree with him.

Get a life you tree stump dumb idiot.

Trump is "governing" by fiat (look it up ignorant red necked right wingers)...LOL

Obama issued fewer executive orders on average than any president since Cleveland
It isn't the number that's a problem, dumbass.
That sounds about right. I was expecting 250-275 because I don't think the President can write just one EO that would overturn all of Obama's damage.

Tell me why the President, and Republicans by extension, allow any of Obama's "Legislation by Fiat" stand.

Moron, IF congress were to be involved in legislation there would be NO need for EOs.........So, how many of Trump's EOs were a result of what the full congress has agreed on?
That sounds about right. I was expecting 250-275 because I don't think the President can write just one EO that would overturn all of Obama's damage.

Tell me why the President, and Republicans by extension, allow any of Obama's "Legislation by Fiat" stand.

Moron, IF congress were to be involved in legislation there would be NO need for EOs.........So, how many of Trump's EOs were a result of what the full congress has agreed on?
Sure there, like your Obama, have no clue what an EO is....
That sounds about right. I was expecting 250-275 because I don't think the President can write just one EO that would overturn all of Obama's damage.

Tell me why the President, and Republicans by extension, allow any of Obama's "Legislation by Fiat" stand.

Moron, IF congress were to be involved in legislation there would be NO need for EOs.........So, how many of Trump's EOs were a result of what the full congress has agreed on?
There will always be a need for EOs, moron. EOs are just instructions the president gives to his employees. At least, that is what they are supposed to be. Obama thought they were a way for him to make new laws. That's where the problem is.
On this forum, right wingers cannot even fathom what hypocrites they are as Trump shoves his middle finger at congress, the courts, ethics, values and even to these same right wing morons......

If it weren't so fucking sad, it'd be hilarious and a testament to just how stupid these right wingers are.

LMAO Trump is fighting fire with fire and I agree with him.

Get a life you tree stump dumb idiot.

Trump is "governing" by fiat (look it up ignorant red necked right wingers)...LOL

Obama issued fewer executive orders on average than any president since Cleveland

Trump is "governing" by fiat...

Holy hell, nat! What the flip do you think Obama did!?!?!?

Sorry, man...
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There is nothing wrong per se with EOs. They are an inherent feature of the presidency. The president's job is to enforce the law and there is no one way to do that so the president issues an EO saying how he will do it. For example if Trump issues an EO telling the FBI to do sting operations on businesses to catch companies hiring illegals - that is fine. But if he issued an EO ordering all businesses to use e-verify - that would amount to writing a law and he can't do that.

I get the point you're trying to make, but I'm not at all sure such an EO would be Constitutionally valid as you've currently presented it. I think it'd violate the 4th Amendment.
On this forum, right wingers cannot even fathom what hypocrites they are as Trump shoves his middle finger at congress, the courts, ethics, values and even to these same right wing morons......

If it weren't so fucking sad, it'd be hilarious and a testament to just how stupid these right wingers are.

LMAO Trump is fighting fire with fire and I agree with him.

Get a life you tree stump dumb idiot.

Trump is "governing" by fiat (look it up ignorant red necked right wingers)...LOL

Obama issued fewer executive orders on average than any president since Cleveland

Holy hell, nat! What the flip do you think Obama did!?!?!?

Sorry, man...

Bere, moron, I'll type real slow so that you can understand (and if that doesn't work, find a grown up to explain it to you)

Obama repeatedly asked congress to pass legislation.....but elected right wingers sat with fingers up their asses and did NOTHING.....So Obama issued EOS...

Trump has NOT asked congress for anything, but went on and issues EO as his narcissism demands.........See the difference, nitwit?
On this forum, right wingers cannot even fathom what hypocrites they are as Trump shoves his middle finger at congress, the courts, ethics, values and even to these same right wing morons......

If it weren't so fucking sad, it'd be hilarious and a testament to just how stupid these right wingers are.

Er..umm.. the same could be said of all the left wing lunatics that were defending Obama's "pen and phone" rule, apparently they didn't realize that it was setting a precedent for future imperial Presidencies and that there was a good chance some of those would be Republican.

This is a never ending cycle, each Presidency gathers a little more power to the Executive at the expense of the other 2 branches while the hyper-partisan numbskulls cheer it on never thinking about the precedent being set and what that means when the "other side" eventually gains power.

"The faithless will be fully repaid for their ways, and the good rewarded for theirs." -- Proverbs 14:14
Obama repeatedly asked congress to pass legislation.....but elected right wingers sat with fingers up their asses and did NOTHING.....So Obama issued EOS...

No, Nat, "I" will type real slow for you.


"This term, however, confirmed a very real phenomenon: the Obama administration, by historical standards, has done exceedingly poorly before the Supreme Court. While this conclusion may seem counter-intuitive given the term’s liberal victories on abortion and affirmative action—or previous terms’ rulings upholding Obamacare—the statistics are staggering.

Overall, the administration has managed a record of 79-96, a win rate of just above 45 percent. There’s little difference between the first term’s 35-44 (just above 44 percent) and second term’s 44-52 (just below 46 percent). Now, there may be a handful of cases to add to the totals before the next president takes office, but we can essentially audit the 44th president’s judicial books now.

This Is Something New
That audit doesn’t look too good when compared to the record of his predecessors. George W. Bush achieved a record of 89-59 (60 percent)—and that’s if you fold in all of 2000-2001, including cases argued when Bill Clinton was president in what was an unusually bad term for the government (roughly 35 percent). Clinton, in turn, had an overall record of 148-87 (63 percent), again including all of 1992-1993. George H.W. Bush went 91-39 (70 percent), while Ronald Reagan weighed in with an astounding record of 260-89 (about 75 percent).

Obama Lost Supreme Court More Than Any Modern President

Dude, ya've got to to stop slobbering all over Obama's penial member! You're embarrassing yourself!
Trump has NOT asked congress for anything, but went on and issues EO as his narcissism demands

Trump hasn't yet needed to go to Congress. Most of what he's written so far is to cancel Obama's EO's. The others that have been written are to order the government to begin taking action on law already passed in Congress. See the Border Wall... Authorization for it was passed by a previous Congress and little action was taken.
On this forum, right wingers cannot even fathom what hypocrites they are as Trump shoves his middle finger at congress, the courts, ethics, values and even to these same right wing morons......

If it weren't so fucking sad, it'd be hilarious and a testament to just how stupid these right wingers are.

LMAO Trump is fighting fire with fire and I agree with him.

Get a life you tree stump dumb idiot.

Trump is "governing" by fiat (look it up ignorant red necked right wingers)...LOL

Obama issued fewer executive orders on average than any president since Cleveland

Holy hell, nat! What the flip do you think Obama did!?!?!?

Sorry, man...

Bere, moron, I'll type real slow so that you can understand (and if that doesn't work, find a grown up to explain it to you)

Obama repeatedly asked congress to pass legislation.....but elected right wingers sat with fingers up their asses and did NOTHING.....So Obama issued EOS...

Trump has NOT asked congress for anything, but went on and issues EO as his narcissism demands.........See the difference, nitwit?
What a fucking moron. Obama does not get to make law because Congress doesn't do what he wants. If they won't go along with his wishes, that's just tough shit for him. The president has no Constitutional authority to make laws, period.

It's sad that a moron like you can vote.
On this forum, right wingers cannot even fathom what hypocrites they are as Trump shoves his middle finger at congress, the courts, ethics, values and even to these same right wing morons......

If it weren't so fucking sad, it'd be hilarious and a testament to just how stupid these right wingers are.
The great thing about politics is that its abyss is bottomless and you can scream from it all the way down.
Wrong you stupid fuck. When obie was doing it we TOLD you it was bad because the next guy could use the same tactics. And now he is. The only difference is the shoe's have changed feet. You were all good with this shit when it was your guy. And now it's ours and you're getting all upset. What happened twinkles? Did what we warned you about come true? Well fuck off and deal with it for a while, it's not like we didn't tell you what was coming. You dumb asses actually thought it would always be you in control and that's the only reason you're complaining now.
There's another difference: All of Trump's EO's so far are perfectly constitutional. Many of Obutthole's were clear violations of the Constitution.
I'm sure you'll keep saying that as he leads us into Totalitarianism.
Wrong you stupid fuck. When obie was doing it we TOLD you it was bad because the next guy could use the same tactics. And now he is. The only difference is the shoe's have changed feet. You were all good with this shit when it was your guy. And now it's ours and you're getting all upset. What happened twinkles? Did what we warned you about come true? Well fuck off and deal with it for a while, it's not like we didn't tell you what was coming. You dumb asses actually thought it would always be you in control and that's the only reason you're complaining now.
There's another difference: All of Trump's EO's so far are perfectly constitutional. Many of Obutthole's were clear violations of the Constitution.
I'm sure you'll keep saying that as he leads us into Totalitarianism.
On this forum, right wingers cannot even fathom what hypocrites they are as Trump shoves his middle finger at congress, the courts, ethics, values and even to these same right wing morons......

If it weren't so fucking sad, it'd be hilarious and a testament to just how stupid these right wingers are.

You have to be clueless and stubbornly stupid to be a liberal. You are concrete proof. Thanks for volunteering yourself and putting your epic level ignorance out there for all to see.
Anyone else remember when Obama's EOs were despotic to R-Wers?

Pay-back's a bitch, ain't it?

SUCK on it

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