Anyone else remember when Obama's EOs were despotic to R-Wers?

You have to be clueless and stubbornly stupid to be a liberal. You are concrete proof. Thanks for volunteering yourself and putting your epic level ignorance out there for all to see.

WOW....I am really and truly "hurt" that a moronic right winger with the mental acuity of a 7 year old, gave me such an erudite response.

Be proud of this nitwit, right wingers......He is part of your ilk......LOL
You have to be clueless and stubbornly stupid to be a liberal. You are concrete proof. Thanks for volunteering yourself and putting your epic level ignorance out there for all to see.

WOW....I am really and truly "hurt" that a moronic right winger with the mental acuity of a 7 year old, gave me such an erudite response.

Be proud of this nitwit, right wingers......He is part of your ilk......LOL

Lol, lame and stupid. You're batting 1000, keep it up.
On this forum, right wingers cannot even fathom what hypocrites they are as Trump shoves his middle finger at congress, the courts, ethics, values and even to these same right wing morons......

If it weren't so fucking sad, it'd be hilarious and a testament to just how stupid these right wingers are.

You're so stupid it's painful. The issue was the content of Obama's EOs, not that he issued them. He routinely violated the Constitution separation of powers by exceeding the authority of the executive branch and exceeding the Federal government's Constitutional authority. EOs are legitimately only directives for power that he has, they are not a legitimate way to usurp legislative or judicial power or create power the Federal government doesn't have at all.

Not only that, but many of his EOs are just undoing Obama's EOs. So seriously, someone who opposes EOs is supposed to oppose undoing them? How stupid are you?
On this forum, right wingers cannot even fathom what hypocrites they are as Trump shoves his middle finger at congress, the courts, ethics, values and even to these same right wing morons......

If it weren't so fucking sad, it'd be hilarious and a testament to just how stupid these right wingers are.

You're so stupid it's painful. The issue was the content of Obama's EOs, not that he issued them. He routinely violated the Constitution separation of powers by exceeding the authority of the executive branch and exceeding the Federal government's Constitutional authority. EOs are legitimately only directives for power that he has, they are not a legitimate way to usurp legislative or judicial power or create power the Federal government doesn't have at all.

Not only that, but many of his EOs are just undoing Obama's EOs. So seriously, someone who opposes EOs is supposed to oppose undoing them? How stupid are you?

Butthurt liberals are incapable of learning.
On this forum, right wingers cannot even fathom what hypocrites they are as Trump shoves his middle finger at congress, the courts, ethics, values and even to these same right wing morons......

If it weren't so fucking sad, it'd be hilarious and a testament to just how stupid these right wingers are.

Didn't your dear leader say one of his largest regrets is using his pen and phone because what he did could so easily be undone? Welcome to being UNDONE!
On this forum, right wingers cannot even fathom what hypocrites they are as Trump shoves his middle finger at congress, the courts, ethics, values and even to these same right wing morons......

If it weren't so fucking sad, it'd be hilarious and a testament to just how stupid these right wingers are.

You're so stupid it's painful. The issue was the content of Obama's EOs, not that he issued them. He routinely violated the Constitution separation of powers by exceeding the authority of the executive branch and exceeding the Federal government's Constitutional authority. EOs are legitimately only directives for power that he has, they are not a legitimate way to usurp legislative or judicial power or create power the Federal government doesn't have at all.

Not only that, but many of his EOs are just undoing Obama's EOs. So seriously, someone who opposes EOs is supposed to oppose undoing them? How stupid are you?

Well, Kaz, alll you've helped to put in the oval office is a clown whpo interprets his job as one to UNDO rather than DO, then......Am I correct?

Of course, we should then review that the Trumpster is undoing what a previous president did while, leaving office with a HUGE approval rating and taking on a clown whose approval rating borders on Nixon's......LOL
Didn't your dear leader say one of his largest regrets is using his pen and phone because what he did could so easily be undone?

So, basically you've hired a maid for cleaning up what the black,Kenyan Muslim has done? LOL
On this forum, right wingers cannot even fathom what hypocrites they are as Trump shoves his middle finger at congress, the courts, ethics, values and even to these same right wing morons......

If it weren't so fucking sad, it'd be hilarious and a testament to just how stupid these right wingers are.
Lol, you were warned and now it's coming back to bite you in the ass. I love it. Trump is great, it feels good winning against you whinning liberals.
On this forum, right wingers cannot even fathom what hypocrites they are as Trump shoves his middle finger at congress, the courts, ethics, values and even to these same right wing morons......

If it weren't so fucking sad, it'd be hilarious and a testament to just how stupid these right wingers are.

You're so stupid it's painful. The issue was the content of Obama's EOs, not that he issued them. He routinely violated the Constitution separation of powers by exceeding the authority of the executive branch and exceeding the Federal government's Constitutional authority. EOs are legitimately only directives for power that he has, they are not a legitimate way to usurp legislative or judicial power or create power the Federal government doesn't have at all.

Not only that, but many of his EOs are just undoing Obama's EOs. So seriously, someone who opposes EOs is supposed to oppose undoing them? How stupid are you?

Well, Kaz, alll you've helped to put in the oval office is a clown whpo interprets his job as one to UNDO rather than DO, then......Am I correct?

Of course, we should then review that the Trumpster is undoing what a previous president did while, leaving office with a HUGE approval rating and taking on a clown whose approval rating borders on Nixon's......LOL

Again with the homosexual obsession with my party affiliation. Why does it distress you so much that I simply have to be a Republican? It would just shatter your world. Kaz simply has to be a Republican, it's just too distressing to you to consider anything else.

And if Trump wants to undo anything, then that's he "interprets his job as one to UNDO rather than DO." You're not a bright guy even if you are light in the loafers
On this forum, right wingers cannot even fathom what hypocrites they are as Trump shoves his middle finger at congress, the courts, ethics, values and even to these same right wing morons......

If it weren't so fucking sad, it'd be hilarious and a testament to just how stupid these right wingers are.

You're so stupid it's painful. The issue was the content of Obama's EOs, not that he issued them. He routinely violated the Constitution separation of powers by exceeding the authority of the executive branch and exceeding the Federal government's Constitutional authority. EOs are legitimately only directives for power that he has, they are not a legitimate way to usurp legislative or judicial power or create power the Federal government doesn't have at all.

Not only that, but many of his EOs are just undoing Obama's EOs. So seriously, someone who opposes EOs is supposed to oppose undoing them? How stupid are you?
NAT will fail to understand this point for a few thousand more posts. One has to assume his stupidity is feigned. No one could really be that stupid.
Again with the homosexual obsession with my party affiliation. Why does it distress you so much that I simply have to be a Republican? It would just shatter your world. Kaz simply has to be a Republican, it's just too distressing to you to consider anything else.

I really don't give a fuck which party you wish to ass lick....All I DO know is that you're a moron...and you'd be a moron even if you were a flaming liberal.
On this forum, right wingers cannot even fathom what hypocrites they are as Trump shoves his middle finger at congress, the courts, ethics, values and even to these same right wing morons......

If it weren't so fucking sad, it'd be hilarious and a testament to just how stupid these right wingers are.

Your new avie is ready for use snowflake.

Again with the homosexual obsession with my party affiliation. Why does it distress you so much that I simply have to be a Republican? It would just shatter your world. Kaz simply has to be a Republican, it's just too distressing to you to consider anything else.

I really don't give a fuck which party you wish to ass lick....All I DO know is that you're a moron...and you'd be a moron even if you were a flaming liberal.

OK, when you call me a Republican over and over and then you say "I really don't give a fuck which party you wish to ass lick," what is contradictory about that?

At least you admitted your standard. Since you're a Democrat, you "ass lick" them. I don't belong to any party, including the Libertarian Party. So by your standard, you're an ass licker ... and I'm not ...
Didn't your dear leader say one of his largest regrets is using his pen and phone because what he did could so easily be undone?

So, basically you've hired a maid for cleaning up what the black,Kenyan Muslim has done? LOL

That and to keep the hildabitch away form supreme court nominations. All else is gravy.
On this forum, right wingers cannot even fathom what hypocrites they are as Trump shoves his middle finger at congress, the courts, ethics, values and even to these same right wing morons......

If it weren't so fucking sad, it'd be hilarious and a testament to just how stupid these right wingers are.
We still are appalled by Obama's unconstitutional "Presidential Memorandums" (the asshat did most of his work under those so he could tell his ignorant minions "I signed less Executive Orders than any other president" and they would be dumb enough to believe him).

But what does that have to do with Trump? You didn't cite a single Executive Order in your whiny post - much less an Executive Order that is unconstitutional.

Rightwing definition of unconstitutional EO: Obama's
Rightwing definition of constitutional EO: Trump's
Come on Coyote...that's weak. You're above that.

No, it isn't weak. It's very much what I'm seeing - Trump has been churning out EO's and each is applauded as "constitutional". Obama's were lumped together as "unconstitutional".

Partisan politics at play? I think so.
Wrong you stupid fuck. When obie was doing it we TOLD you it was bad because the next guy could use the same tactics. And now he is. The only difference is the shoe's have changed feet. You were all good with this shit when it was your guy. And now it's ours and you're getting all upset. What happened twinkles? Did what we warned you about come true? Well fuck off and deal with it for a while, it's not like we didn't tell you what was coming. You dumb asses actually thought it would always be you in control and that's the only reason you're complaining now.
There's another difference: All of Trump's EO's so far are perfectly constitutional. Many of Obutthole's were clear violations of the Constitution.
I'm sure you'll keep saying that as he leads us into Totalitarianism.
I'm pretty sure I don't give a single fuck what you consider totalitarianism. Your version of freedom is having a government run every single detail of your life from what school you can attend to what insurance you will pay for, from what food you can eat to what news you will read.

If getting rid of millions of illegals, buying my own insurance, drilling for oil 24/7, creating wealth, making my family better off and telling the feds to fuck off is your version of totalitarianism then so be it. I'll take that over anything you whiney ass fucktards are offering.
On this forum, right wingers cannot even fathom what hypocrites they are as Trump shoves his middle finger at congress, the courts, ethics, values and even to these same right wing morons......

If it weren't so fucking sad, it'd be hilarious and a testament to just how stupid these right wingers are.
Just as bad would be someone that sat back and justified obamas destructive EOs that basically were unconstitutional and then that same person turn around and have a problem when a president uses an EO to overturn the previous occupants EO in order to restore some level of compliance with the Constitution.
But, someone like that would be very hard to find, Its what I like about the libs, they were ok with obama doing it, and they are ok with Trump doing it.

Obama issued fewer executive orders on average than any president since Cleveland
And yet no other president was able to do as much damage to the country as obama did with his executive orders.
And yet no other president was able to do as much damage to the country as obama did with his executive orders.

You're "correct" ......It was awful how that mean Obama placed you in are-education camp for 8 years....LOL

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