Anyone Else Sick of Obama being two faced? Watch this video

I'm fully aware that this thread is all about 'bashing' Obama. Most of them generally are.
Sorry I treaded on yet another bashfest. :eusa_boohoo:
I doubt you're sorry, so spare us that lie.

I do know that your posts here are baseless claims, thus not worthy of any consideration.
Obama tried the bipartisan thing. That didn't work because republicans are too hard headed and don't want anything to change for the better good for people in America.
If everything doesn't center around WAR, Guns and money they don't want any part of it. Health Care has been a problem for years. Now that it's coming around to a real change for people who couldn't afford it for so many years, the repubs are spreading the same old fear and loathing they always fall back on. Changing anyting to a republican gets in the way of their agenda to keep Americans dumbed down and living in fear on top of it all. Obama isn't two faced. He simply didn't want the same people who 'caused' the mess we're in now, coming to him with garbage that wouldn't change a thing for anyone. :eusa_hand:

And exactly how does that attitude invite bi-partisanship?

BTW the republicans want health care reform, I'm sorry the dems in congress, the president, and fringe media such as the NYTimes and MSNBC have lied to you about the repubs not wanting any changes
I'm fully aware that this thread is all about 'bashing' Obama. Most of them generally are.
Sorry I treaded on yet another bashfest. :eusa_boohoo:

This thread is all about exposing how obama plays political games with important issues such as Health Care and our soldiers in Afghanistan by being two faced on the issues.

Health Care: I want input from all sides but i wont say a peep about my democrat congress shooting down EVERY suggestion by the republican side

Afghanistan: I'll put my general that I want in charge there then I will delay making a decision on his request for more troops to complete the mission. Instead I'll just have a little photo op with the bodies to give the appearance that I care (which I think he does care about the lives lost but not enough to actually make a decision).

I'm not bashing obama as a person, i'm dissatisfied with his behavior as a president.
Obama tried the bipartisan thing. That didn't work because republicans are too hard headed and don't want anything to change for the better good for people in America.
If everything doesn't center around WAR, Guns and money they don't want any part of it. Health Care has been a problem for years. Now that it's coming around to a real change for people who couldn't afford it for so many years, the repubs are spreading the same old fear and loathing they always fall back on. Changing anyting to a republican gets in the way of their agenda to keep Americans dumbed down and living in fear on top of it all. Obama isn't two faced. He simply didn't want the same people who 'caused' the mess we're in now, coming to him with garbage that wouldn't change a thing for anyone. :eusa_hand:

Republicans don't want anything to change for the better good for people in America?? You have evidence to support this opinion? Or are you just repeating what you hear on MSNBC, Huffington Post and the Daily Kos?

The solution to the healthcare ills can be found in the free market. first you need tort reform (something the dems are against) Then you need to open the markets up and allow insurance companies to cross state lines, that will create more competition. And we need to expand medicaid to help the truly impoverished. We can give tax credits to individuals who purchase health insurance on their own. Create incentives for states and small businesses to band together and offer health insurance at lower costs, incentives to save through health savings accounts, incentives to promote prevention and wellness. And we need to end discrimination on the basis of preexisting conditions.

For you to say that Republican's don't want what's good for Americans is an outright lie. And I think you know it. Fact is the republicans have had their own ideas how to fix healthcare.

republicans healthcare plan - Google Search

Republicans plan rival U.S. healthcare plan | Health | Reuters

Republicans Offer Health-Care Plan -

Republicans Consider GOP Version of a Healthcare Plan - ABC News
He did in fact try it. That's why he told them not to come to his door anymore with nothing more than plans to 'kill' the bill all the way around.

Do you think about what you post before you hit "submit reply"? Should try it.

Of course I do. Why do you say that? Because I disagree with people who claim the President is two faced? Well, that's just too bad.

Did you not see the video clips? Here's more examples, Obama in 2003: ‘I Happen to be a Proponent of a Single-Payer Universal Health Care Plan;' Obama in 2009: ‘I Have Not Said That I Was a Single-Payer Supporter’.

Despite Pledging To Accept Public Financing, Barack Obama Has Reversed His Position And Opted Out Of The System.

Barack Obama Is Considering Reducing Corporate Taxes Despite Having Called Corporate Tax Cuts "The Exact Wrong Prescription For America"

Barack Obama Has Shifted From Opposing Welfare Reform To Celebrating Welfare Reform In A Television Ad.

As A Presidential Candidate, Barack Obama Criticizes The Administration's Energy Policy Despite Having Voted For The 2005 Bush-Cheney Energy Bill.

After Saying Jerusalem Should Be "Undivided," Barack Obama Has Since Backtracked.

I could go on and on with example after example, but I have a feeling you're addicted to the kool-aid and you'll refuse to see the facts that are staring you in the face.
He never tried the bipartisan thing. He said he would be bipartisan, but apparently he thinks that means that the other side has to agree with him, or off with their heads.

He did in fact try it. That's why he told them not to come to his door anymore with nothing more than plans to 'kill' the bill all the way around.

:lol: When was that? Oh yeah, when we all blinked.
He never tried the bipartisan thing. He said he would be bipartisan, but apparently he thinks that means that the other side has to agree with him, or off with their heads.

He did in fact try it. That's why he told them not to come to his door anymore with nothing more than plans to 'kill' the bill all the way around.

Republicans have been totally locked out of the health care debate, the President has not talked to one of them since last April. The no stimulus stimulus bill was passed first of all without ANYONE having the chance to read it, not one Republican in the house voted for it and only 3 Republican senators in the senate did. Those senators are Olympia Snow, Susan Collins, and Arlen Spector. Spector has changed parties again to become a democrat and Snow and Collins are nothing more than democrats dressed in Republican clothing. I would hardly call any of that bi-partisanship, there is NONE in this administration. IT IS ALL LIBERAL DEMOCRATIC RULE.

The republicans have great ideas about fixing what is broken in our health care system, but they are not being heard or allowed to speak, because this President is determined to ram a single payer system down the throats of Americans and always has been.
He never tried the bipartisan thing. He said he would be bipartisan, but apparently he thinks that means that the other side has to agree with him, or off with their heads.

He did in fact try it. That's why he told them not to come to his door anymore with nothing more than plans to 'kill' the bill all the way around.

The way He feels about that Bill and the Servitude it will manifest, is How We feel about Him and His Like undermining the Constitution and the Rule of Law. :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
Maybe He could do us all a favor and just leave the key's in the mail box.:lol::lol::lol:
He never tried the bipartisan thing. He said he would be bipartisan, but apparently he thinks that means that the other side has to agree with him, or off with their heads.

He did in fact try it. That's why he told them not to come to his door anymore with nothing more than plans to 'kill' the bill all the way around.

Republicans have been totally locked out of the health care debate, the President has not talked to one of them since last April. The no stimulus stimulus bill was passed first of all without ANYONE having the chance to read it, not one Republican in the house voted for it and only 3 Republican senators in the senate did. Those senators are Olympia Snow, Susan Collins, and Arlen Spector. Spector has changed parties again to become a democrat and Snow and Collins are nothing more than democrats dressed in Republican clothing. I would hardly call any of that bi-partisanship, there is NONE in this administration. IT IS ALL LIBERAL DEMOCRATIC RULE.

The republicans have great ideas about fixing what is broken in our health care system, but they are not being heard or allowed to speak, because this President is determined to ram a single payer system down the throats of Americans and always has been.

Truthfully, He appears to have a very thin skin, offends easily, holds grudges, and arbitrarily retaliates in ways that would normally be embarrassing, and would be, should they ever be REPORTED on . :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I think that all you can really count on Pilgrim, is that he is going to do exactly the OPPOSITE of what he SAID he would do.:lol::lol::lol:

It depends on what type of crowd he is talking to when he makes the statement ;). If he is talking to SEIU about wanting single payer healthcare you can count on him to push for legislation that could lead to that through a public option ;).

Now if he is talking to the public in general, say at a televised speech in front of congress, you can count on him to do the opposite of what he claims his plans are.

If anyone is confused just look at the videos lonestar was referring to ;).
Anyone Else Sick of Obama being two faced?

No, I'm not sick of it.
Sadly, it's entertaining to watch the buffoonery of these clowns, while those that drink the Kool-Aid go to extreme lengths to justify and/or make excuses for them.
I think that when He speaks there should be a translator. :)

Hey I found the translator...skip ahead to about 2:25 into this video and you will see his teleprompters translating for him :lol: (or watch the whole thing its a great video)

[ame=]YouTube - 9-12 Tea Party Protest in Washington DC - STOP out-of-control spending[/ame]
I think that when He speaks there should be a translator. :)

Hey I found the translator...skip ahead to about 2:25 into this video and you will see his teleprompters translating for him :lol: (or watch the whole thing its a great video)

[ame=]YouTube - 9-12 Tea Party Protest in Washington DC - STOP out-of-control spending[/ame]

There was one or two hypercritical signs there, but most were simply Americans expressing their displeasure at a government running amuck. They were clean, everyday people next door folks, respectful, not hateful. . .just angry with the way things are going. One especially interesting thing to me was the obvious huge crowd there in Washington, and how so many of the leftwing media or leftwing bloggers avoided the wide shots in their attempt to make it appear that there were many fewer people there than there actually were.
I think that when He speaks there should be a translator. :)

Hey I found the translator...skip ahead to about 2:25 into this video and you will see his teleprompters translating for him :lol: (or watch the whole thing its a great video)

[ame=]YouTube - 9-12 Tea Party Protest in Washington DC - STOP out-of-control spending[/ame]

There was one or two hypercritical signs there, but most were simply Americans expressing their displeasure at a government running amuck. They were clean, everyday people next door folks, respectful, not hateful. . .just angry with the way things are going. One especially interesting thing to me was the obvious huge crowd there in Washington, and how so many of the leftwing media or leftwing bloggers avoided the wide shots in their attempt to make it appear that there were many fewer people there than there actually were.

At least all the signs seem to be homemade unlike the astroturf signs we have seen at many other types of protests.
Hey I found the translator...skip ahead to about 2:25 into this video and you will see his teleprompters translating for him :lol: (or watch the whole thing its a great video)

YouTube - 9-12 Tea Party Protest in Washington DC - STOP out-of-control spending

There was one or two hypercritical signs there, but most were simply Americans expressing their displeasure at a government running amuck. They were clean, everyday people next door folks, respectful, not hateful. . .just angry with the way things are going. One especially interesting thing to me was the obvious huge crowd there in Washington, and how so many of the leftwing media or leftwing bloggers avoided the wide shots in their attempt to make it appear that there were many fewer people there than there actually were.

At least all the signs seem to be homemade unlike the astroturf signs we have seen at many other types of protests.

I don't think that too many of our Signs, unlike the Dem's are paid for with Tax or Stimulus Money!!!

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