Anyone ever been to a Renaissance Faire?

I went to one once. Lots of weird people.

Really? What is weird about people having fun and enjoying good food, good drink and good company?
Trying to cancel his opinion Rye?
It's his opinion, and I also thought there were some strange ones at the Faire that I went to.
Are you saying that weird people can't have "fun and enjoying good food, good drink and good company?"
I remember when i was young,i went to the one in Maryland,which was a little ride out of Edgewater, MD.

That was before i moved in 1993 to Hawaii, closest thing we have in Hawaii is the SCA and a medieval combat group.

Love it! Crownsville! God, I miss it! The last time I went, I treated myself (I was egged on) to a dark green 3 Musketeers hat with a large green plume. This will come in handy. Sometime. Maybe. :D

Lady Lys will pair it with a dark green velvet side-saddle riding outfit.
Yep - Not since the mid 2000's though. I think it used to be part of the Sawdust Arts and Crafts Festival in Laguna Beach, CA.
It was cancelled this year and not sure if Renaissance is still a thing there.
But Sawdust is cool if you like that sort of thing and Laguna is a very cool town with beautiful beaches!
I remember when i was young,i went to the one in Maryland,which was a little ride out of Edgewater, MD.

That was before i moved in 1993 to Hawaii, closest thing we have in Hawaii is the SCA and a medieval combat group.
Is a renaissance fair like a star wars convention, accept nobody dressed as Darth Vader or Luke Skywalker?
I remember when i was young,i went to the one in Maryland,which was a little ride out of Edgewater, MD.

That was before i moved in 1993 to Hawaii, closest thing we have in Hawaii is the SCA and a medieval combat group.
Is a renaissance fair like a star wars convention, accept nobody dressed as Darth Vader or Luke Skywalker?

No, maybe more like a FurryCon only with different costuming. :D


Been to several. A couple in Yorktown Virginia, once at the one near Minneapolis, and several times to the one in Des Moines, Iowa.

Enjoyed the plays, food, wines, crafts, jousts, etc,...

It's not for everyone but I generally enjoy them.


I use to work at a city park .They had one every year. They had falconry .archery, and live music everyone in costumes. City employees were not allowed to be in the area until it was over. Adults fantasizing that were not allowed to as children is the impression I had of it. Looked like fun. As a child me and my cousins fantasized as pirates , made a raft with scull and cross bones flag. floating down the St. Johns river.
There's a pretty famous one that's held in Carver, MA every year (a casualty of the virus this year). I've never been to one.
Ever since that Men Without Hats video came out in the 80's. :auiqs.jpg:
I remember when i was young,i went to the one in Maryland,which was a little ride out of Edgewater, MD.

That was before i moved in 1993 to Hawaii, closest thing we have in Hawaii is the SCA and a medieval combat group.

Sure. I live in Maryland and went to that very one several times. It was excellent, had wild people acts, mixing right with the attendees, kind of scary. But memorable.

An even more remarkable one was not too far north in Pennsylvania, can't remember where --- that one had an act of horse jousting, and the defeated jouster's horse would fall, flat on it's side and the rider leap off, barely avoiding a broken leg ---------- Wow, was I impressed! Still am, because I had horses forever and had been boarding them for lo, these many years, and despite more adventurous riding than the silly little rings people use today and call it riding horses, I cannot IMAGINE 1. the horse, and 2. the rider surviving more than a couple of these performances.

Shows what I know, though --- think of all the horse stunts they do for movies.

Renn Fairs are very thought-provoking.
I remember when i was young,i went to the one in Maryland,which was a little ride out of Edgewater, MD.

That was before i moved in 1993 to Hawaii, closest thing we have in Hawaii is the SCA and a medieval combat group.
I went to a medieval dinner in London once. Swordfights.....juggling...and watered down Meade.

I prefer Beer-fests in Germany.

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